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Pentium Vs Amd

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somehow I don't see a processor being "cool" at all :angry:and unless you are a server technician they are kinda pointless. I'm really hoping the next generation of Intel CPU's are NOT going to be called Pentium, that trademark is getting out of hand, six generations have passed and they still didn't find a better and original name...

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you can find all the technical stuff you want online, but the newest intels are very fast and expensive, where as the AMDs arent' as dear.... the other very interesting part is that the intels support a faster FSB - so you can have seriously fast RAM, which is always very handy.... in that regard, the intel motherboards (and chips) will probably give you better performance...the other thing when thinking of working on a lappy is that 3d work is power hungry, so your nice little battery is going to get sucked dry in no time,,, plug it into a wall and not use the battery....

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I am not sure about the Pros and Cons, but I have to say that I am an AMD fan. I just like their processors a lot better, for some unkown reason. But the one thing that I do like about them is that they are a LOT cooler than Intel's chips (at least the Athlon 64 vs. Pentium 4). But, other than this, I am not sure about the pros and cons.But, I have always used AMD, and until Intel creates something amazing with amazing NEW features, I am going to stick with AMD.

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The reason AMD chips are cheaper than Pentium chips is simple.They are made cheaper.I agree that some AMD chips are faster than some Pentium chips but the way you look at it is if you want a fast cheap computer and you don't care how long it last then buy a AMD.But if you want a computer that will last a long time even if you have to pay a little more for it then buy a Pentium.Have you ever heard that old saying that you get what you pay for?Trust me I run a computer repair shop.

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I know of hundreds of people who run computer repair shops, computer store or other computer related endeavors and have no clue what they are doing/talking about.Athlon being cheaper is purely based on the fact that Intel owns the market, has relations with large corporations, and has the name. Its all down to capitalism, not the production of CPUs. If you really knew what you were talking about, you would also know that both chips get produced in the same factories in Taiwan.

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i have a computer i bought back in 2001, already a second hand computer at that time. still it's running today, and is stable enough. it's an AMD K6 266 Mhz. then my laptop runs a 2.66 Ghz Pentium, and another computer of mine has an AMD 64 chip. i've ben most impressed with AMD chips overall. there isn't that much difference between them at high speeds. only i've had problems with the AMD freezing up at high temperatures. i don't know exactly why, but they don't seem to be all that hot, when they get hot. but with a cooler inside, it runs perfectly fine, even with high end 3D intensive games. if i were to buy another computer, i would go for AMD.

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we know AMD is cheaper than pentium and higher speed than pentium.thereare something of pentium better tahn AMD. most clients like to buy pentium rather than AMD.I don't know. but there are some reasons,perhaps pentium make much ads in mrket. pentium advantage: 1:pentium can run steadily. 2:pentium mkae less heat than AMD. 3:pentium let clients more reassurence than AMDI think this is intel'sadvantage!!! :)

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The heat issue is the problem with AMD chips or may be I should say systems.
I did put them to the test.
I left an Athlon and Pentium 3 running continually about a year ago both brand new and the Athlon chip burned out so I stopped the test.
May be I should have let the Pentium go on to see how much longer it would have.
Yes that was the only test I did because I can't afford to keep burning chips.

But all you need to do is read reports by more popular testing firms.
Thats what I do before I start insulting people by telling them.

I know of hundreds of people who run computer repair shops, computer store or other computer related endeavors and have no clue what they are doing/talking about.

If you really knew what you were talking about,

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AMD are better and more future proof.64 bit processoing is the future and AMD have made a large range of processors to take on this future.I've got an Athlon64 4000+ and it runs like a dream.and it will run even better when a reliable 64bitOS is released.Go for AMD i say :)

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Sorry if you thought it was an insult, but all these "reports" of AMD CPUs burning down are rumors and even paid advertising on the part of intel. I mean the only burnt AMD I know of is when Toms took out the heatsink while it was running. Now seriously, who on earth will run a CPU full throttle without active or pasive cooling?

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why is it that AMD chips overheat easier? what i heard was that it was made in the Northern states, and it runs fine there, so they didn't take into acocunt hotter climates. it does sound like a load of bull, i know, but that was the only explanation i heard. anyone has a more logical explanation?

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i've always bought AMD just because its been cheaper, but the next cpu i'm buying is going to be a pentium. for games when they first start up you'll see "Works best with Nvidia"  or "Runs best on Pentium IV" and i'm starting to see why.


The only reason that comes up is because they've either used certain aspects of the Nvidia chipset that allow better performance or in the case of processors, the app has been compiled for the pentium. You'll find the performance as a result of that minimal. Add to the fact


I know of hundreds of people who run computer repair shops, computer store or other computer related endeavors and have no clue what they are doing/talking about.


Damn straight.



In the heat department, AMD Athlon XPs run at about 60 C, whereas the AMD64 run at 50C, a hell of a lot cooler if you ask me. It looks like they managed to get the temperature right with their 64 chips. Also, if you're buying a notebook, you'd want to get an AMD64 as its less hungry on the power.


Unless Intel gets their act together and starts making competitive processors, I'll never buy another Intel CPU again.

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As far as i know i think that AMD is better, it is faster it gets process/threads done way faster than pentium, if you take a look at processors speed, AMD is usually slower, although if you run them in different computers it will still have better performance, and now they have the 64-bit processors that i bet are really fast, although i havent used them but i have heard that from people. AMD is also better for gaming.

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