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Business Ideas

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I have a few ideas that I would love to just hand over to anyone who wants them. Why? Well, to be honest, I don't have the capital needed to start any of these businesses. The other thing is, I lack 'follow through'. I have a lot of ideas. So if anyone is interested speak up and I will submit them into this thread. I have alot of the ideas worked out completely too.So just holler.

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Well I am looking for new ideas for my uncle's business. My uncle asked me 2 months ago for new best ideas for upgrading their business. He runs a small business of IT. Yes he sells the IT projects. On every weakend I go to my uncle's office to see their method of working. Even I gave them some suggestion about their company. But he says your every idea is not suitable to my business. So if your ideas are very impressive then definitely I will inform them about the new innovated ideas. And these ideas also will help me in commencing my own business. Every business runs on the new powerful ideas which gives 100 percent success to the business. Even some reputed firm pays for it. So it will be very helpful for everybody in this Xisto for getting this new suggestions to the businesses.

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You can post if you like to someone will take a look at that can discuss further. If it's online business then you can search on warriorforum or V7N. Other than that for offline business i am not sure where to look for. So post those ideas if you have any ideas.

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Ok well I've had a few Online ideas and a few offline ideas.1) Form Hosting- Not sure if this one is as viable as I think it is. Basically, you have a website where you host forms for companies and their client.I used to work for a guy who had a client who would fill out an order form everyday and fax it to him to filled for that day. I thought wouldn't it be great if he just logged into a website with a username and password, his form came up, click the quantities that he wanted, and special instructions, and hit submit, and it faxed, emailed or texted the list to the business owner to fulfill. You could charge for hosting the service and for creating the forms.2) A site devoted to doctor's and their patients:A mediator site where the patient would log in to update thei home monitoring of whatever like blood pressure, or to chart diet, or whatever the doctor ordered. Then the doctor would get an update via text or email, and to doctor could log in and see his patients updates. No need to call or fax into the office. You could also get advertisement from the major drug/pharm companies and insurance companies.3) Start an alcohol delivery service for parties. Someone is out of alcohol, instead of sending out a drunkard to go get it, call up you and you deliver it. Like cases or whatever. Like an ice cream truck, you could drive around neigborhoods and sell beer like they sell ice cream cones. During the winter you drive around and sell coffee and hot chocolate.These are the starters. I have more, many many more...

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Hey I am in the same situation you are. I have a lot of ideas to a business but I have no the capital needed to start the businesses. So I have an idea to an online business where I don?t need any capital invest but how you know when you don?t need the money you need the time and I am a student, unfortunely, and I depend totally from my parents and I have to do what they want, for now. But I am waiting the vacations to start the business and if I am sucessful I will graduate, because I am close to get it, and I will to develop the business to get some capital saving and when I get graduated I will start to invest in the offline way and in a clinic to make more money working offline and online and I will work only when I want, not live a slave like my teachers who gots up at 4:00 o?clock and only sleep 4 hours to a simple salary. I admire to some businessmen that only sleep 4 hours but maintaning a great business but working for another people I am not agree with my teacher profession and life.So you can expose your business ideas here and we will discuss them. Maybe you are not agree with the first comment to your topic, this guy want to steal your ideas for his uncle?s business and I am not agree with that so if you don?t want to expose your ideas because this guy will steal you I will understand you.The businesses are the only way to get rich and get a better and more interesting life and you wil have the power to make changes in your environment if you want because you will have the money to make them. So I am happy that in Xisto there are people who think like me and are agree with the business world and not like the professional people who think that the businessmen are bad people who make suffer to the poor people but these professional are working for them, so what is going on???Bye and never surrender please.

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Alchohol delivery service is likely to work. There are guys like gary waynerchuk who did it on international scale and are successful in it. It is good business idea. But for that many business ideas and legal formalities need to be done to get profit at the end. I'm not sure how and what type of formalities needs to be completed to work this. Form hosting is also good but for that offline sales and relationship needs to be strong. Nice list of ideas by the way.

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I was also thinking, it would be a great business to create Introduction video for people to use with their resumes. Professional Quality.You need a job, you apply with a standard Doc format resume, nicely formatted an all, ok, but what would make you stand out? A video clip, maybe 30 secs to introduce yourself to your perspective employer. With nice motion graphics, some sound, and a unique way of getting your foot in the door. I betcha they will remember you after watching it.You could charge like $300-$500 to make the video.

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Ok here goes this one. I have an idea for a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) based on an RCE (Real Cash Economy).My idea goes like this.Make the game called Opportunity. The game centers around 3 playing elements. A free to play option, a pay to play option, and a land owner/play option. The difference is, that the land owner hosts the land on their server through our services. A doorway to another land type of framework. The land owner would have the ability, using our developed software, to terraform the land as they see fit, add or remove mobs as they wish, and charge a tax for hunting or mining on their land.Just like any other game, allow the players to choose a race and a job function or skill, like hunter, crafter, miner, etc.Now here is where my idea becomes different. Each user would actually OWN their character and it's assets. As part of the incentive to continue playing the game, offer recreations of their characters in real life.The reason this would be a HUGE money maker is because of people's wants for what they invest in. People spend a lot of money gaming online, and they spend a lot of time building up their characters. Give them the ability to really customize their characters as they want, and you will have them hooked for life. Give them the ability to change the character frame, skin color, eye color, facial structure, tattoos, garments, etc.Hence offering the 3d characters in real life, Kind of like action figures of their characters, with weapons and all. Even offer creatures from the game and foliage.In that alone you will wind up making a huge amount of profit.There is a lot more detail about this, I have worked really hard on a Mindmap of the whole scenario. but I hope you get the idea behind it.I wish I had the money to develop this, because of all my ideas, this one is 100% a winner.

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Ok here goes this one. I have an idea for a MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game) based on an RCE (Real Cash Economy).My idea goes like this.

Make the game called Opportunity. The game centers around 3 playing elements. A free to play option, a pay to play option, and a land owner/play option. The difference is, that the land owner hosts the land on their server through our services. A doorway to another land type of framework. The land owner would have the ability, using our developed software, to terraform the land as they see fit, add or remove mobs as they wish, and charge a tax for hunting or mining on their land.

Just like any other game, allow the players to choose a race and a job function or skill, like hunter, crafter, miner, etc.

Now here is where my idea becomes different. Each user would actually OWN their character and it's assets. As part of the incentive to continue playing the game, offer recreations of their characters in real life.

The reason this would be a HUGE money maker is because of people's wants for what they invest in. People spend a lot of money gaming online, and they spend a lot of time building up their characters. Give them the ability to really customize their characters as they want, and you will have them hooked for life. Give them the ability to change the character frame, skin color, eye color, facial structure, tattoos, garments, etc.

Hence offering the 3d characters in real life, Kind of like action figures of their characters, with weapons and all. Even offer creatures from the game and foliage.

In that alone you will wind up making a huge amount of profit.

There is a lot more detail about this, I have worked really hard on a Mindmap of the whole scenario. but I hope you get the idea behind it.
I wish I had the money to develop this, because of all my ideas, this one is 100% a winner.

Ehh... I don't think its as "DIFFERENT" as you think it is. There are GAZILLIONS of games which are exactly like you described right now... Even I, who likes everything, find it kinda boring. The game you talking about is a mix between SimCity 2000 and The Sims. And there is no way you can achieve this amount of graphics you are going to require on a normal gamer's PC specs.

Besides, games just aren't that interesting when they are based on real life... I mean, people could actually BECOME ANY job they want in real life and EVEN get paid for it in real money... so would they do the same thing in a game?

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I think they would. I look at games like WoW, and Everquest, and Entropia. These players are spending hundreds of dollars a month to get their characters to level up, and make them unique. So Yeah I think if you gave a player to completely customize their character, and then allow them to turn around a buy a real plastic figure of their character, I think they would. And games like Entropia are using CryEngine 2 for their graphics, online, and let me say they are just beautiful.And I honestly believe you could make some serious money offering those plastic characters...

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I think they would. I look at games like WoW, and Everquest, and Entropia. These players are spending hundreds of dollars a month to get their characters to level up, and make them unique. So Yeah I think if you gave a player to completely customize their character, and then allow them to turn around a buy a real plastic figure of their character, I think they would. And games like Entropia are using CryEngine 2 for their graphics, online, and let me say they are just beautiful.
And I honestly believe you could make some serious money offering those plastic characters...

I agree with innovation. I mean in an online business, especially if you are competiting with a large one you really need to be open about new strategies, to have something to entice your market. That should actually apply to both start-up and running online businesses. Most people who use internet to purchase for products or service love trends, and of course a faster service. So if you are to innovate it shouldn't be delaying your buyers time.

Also I can't help but express zanzibarjones's idea about alcohol delivery service - That is so cool.

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