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Racial Profiling Question

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Racial profiling is a term we seem to be hearing more and more on the news these days, especially since Arizona passed it's new laws for illegal aliens coming in from Mexico. Seems everybody is up in arms over this one. But there is something I just can't quite figure out about all the commotion on this subject. It is after all, Mexicans that are coming across the border. It's not Asians, Blacks, or Purple People Eaters. So, since it is Mexicans, how could you not being doing a racial profile if that is the "race" that is the problem? Of course it's racial profiling, but it seems rather impossible to me to avoid, but the media makes it sound like some horrible racist crime is being committed based on race alone. And then our Prez Obummer goes on TV and made one of the dumbest statements I think I have heard in a long time, he said "law abiding citizens of the United States should not have to worry about harrasment weather they are citizens or illegal aliens because of the color of their skin. Ok, PLEASE tell me how in the hell you can be a LAW ABIDING citizen, and and ILLEGAL alien at the same time? If you are breaking the law by being in this country illegally, you can't very well be a law abiding citizen now can you?

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i personally think it can be handled differently. i mean, 30 years ago where i was born and raised, a police officer would stop a car just because a black guy didn't fit in to a certain neighborhood. to me, racial profiling is just plain wrong and if there are laws created to support such actions, then those laws should not be passed.i remember taking a trip to new mexico once. there was a spot where you could over look the rio grand river. it's a river that seperated the united states and mexico. it was pretty interesting. mexicans were going back and forth across the river. from one country to the next. they weren't being stopped. there were too many of them. this is a prim example of how the borders are not being gaurded. maybe if they head deeper in to the u.s., they will be stopped...but the borders themselves still remain open. my point is, it's almost impossible to stop.here is a little story about racial profiling i try to forget. it was chrismas night. i was walking over to my sisters apartment which was about 6 blocks away from where i spent christmas. she didn't spend christmas with us that year. i walk in to an apartment complex and realized it was the wrong one. when i walked out, police surrounded me. told me to get down and lay on the ground. all their guns were drawn on me. i froze. next thing you know, i was thrown to the ground. i still have pain once in a while in one of my legs because of that incident. they said i fit the description of someone they were looking for. i told them it wasn't me and they were wasting their time on me while this guy was still out there. anyway, i had been drinking that night before walking over there. instead of letting me walk to my sisters or back home, they housed me in a jail cell for about 8 hours or so and then released me. i had to walk 10 miles just to get back home. it was a christmas i will never forget. racial profiling is not pretty sometimes whether you are asian, black, hispanic or white like me. they said i was too drunk to be walking around but they were just trying to cover up their own mistakes. they didn't even slap me with a charge of any kind.

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I personally agree with the law, The law is in fact not as strict as the laws of our federal government. This was just a way to get attention on to something else besides them. I also did not like the fact that no one from the federal government said anything to Arizona, however they simply are taking them to court to get the law reversed. If they were really concerned about the issue I believe it would have been handled in a different manner.

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This is a subject that when I explain my view makes a lot of people mad. But let's do it:Okay, so people get mad about, say, Mexicans coming into the U.S. because "they don't belong here" or whatever.I am Native American, and I believe that most people in our country do not belong here. Whites, Asians, Blacks, etc. -- it is Native American land. How did others get here? By pushing my people out of the country (via slaughter and broken promises).So to me, the whole "this isn't Mexico" or whatever argument is completely invalid. It's not right for Americans to say "haha, this is our country and we don't want you here" without giving the Natives a choice either. It's a contradiction.So for me, I say let over whoever wants to come here -- every race has already decided our (Natives) land is theirs anyways, so either way we got screwed.

Edited by rpgsearcherz (see edit history)

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This is a subject that when I explain my view makes a lot of people mad. But let's do it:
Okay, so people get mad about, say, Mexicans coming into the U.S. because "they don't belong here" or whatever.

I am Native American, and I believe that most people in our country do not belong here. Whites, Asians, Blacks, etc. -- it is Native American land. How did others get here? By pushing my people out of the country (via slaughter and broken promises).

So to me, the whole "this isn't Mexico" or whatever argument is completely invalid. It's not right for Americans to say "haha, this is our country and we don't want you here" without giving the Natives a choice either. It's a contradiction.

So for me, I say let over whoever wants to come here -- every race has already decided our (Natives) land is theirs anyways, so either way we got screwed.

The Native Americans put a whole fight to defend against the Colonists but they failed.. so now it is the American People's now -- fair and square. That's just how war goes, you just got to admit it. It's not like the Native Americans are they only ones that got their lands stripped from them, its happened to just about every single country. Another example is India, if Gandhi didn't put up the whole peace fight thing , they will still be under British rule. But the American people aren't treating anybody like outcasts, at least not now. Every Native American is now a American Citizen, you gotta be proud of that. I'm not saying that what they did was right, but that already happened and it was terrible. But, they aren't exactly Native American's anyway, there are many reservations set up all over the place and they get lots of facilities.

And I don't exactly like the way you saying "Whites, Asians, Blacks,etc." that thing just contradicts your whole point, you are saying that what the white people did to you guys is wrong then you go ahead racial profiling people anyway. Would you like if people called you 'Savages' or 'Indians'? Then why are you saying that people? It's African American -- learn the word not Blacks. You might have even said 'Whites, Yellows and Blacks'.

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The Native Americans put a whole fight to defend against the Colonists but they failed.. so now it is the American People's now -- fair and square. That's just how war goes, you just got to admit it. It's not like the Native Americans are they only ones that got their lands stripped from them, its happened to just about every single country. Another example is India, if Gandhi didn't put up the whole peace fight thing , they will still be under British rule. But the American people aren't treating anybody like outcasts, at least not now. Every Native American is now a American Citizen, you gotta be proud of that. I'm not saying that what they did was right, but that already happened and it was terrible. But, they aren't exactly Native American's anyway, there are many reservations set up all over the place and they get lots of facilities.
And I don't exactly like the way you saying "Whites, Asians, Blacks,etc." that thing just contradicts your whole point, you are saying that what the white people did to you guys is wrong then you go ahead racial profiling people anyway. Would you like if people called you 'Savages' or 'Indians'? Then why are you saying that people? It's African American -- learn the word not Blacks. You might have even said 'Whites, Yellows and Blacks'.

African American? You would be amazed at how many educated people get angry when you use that term, with the argument that "I'm not from Africa, my parents weren't from Africa, my grandparents weren't from Africa, so why the **** are you claiming I am?" Color is one thing -- a color. Thus I used the color as a reference.

Just like if I said "The black Benz is more sleek than the red Benz." I shouldn't say "The African American colored Benz is more sleek than the red Benz."

As for my argument, I'm simply stating that if Americans came here and took our land (As Native Americans -- and I use that term solely because it distinguishes between Native American Indians and the ones from India), they have no right to cry about others coming over here as well. The country is made up of people from all races; thus all races have the right to be here.

For the record, the white people were the "Savages" (as they were extremely violent in nature -- killing people) and the *only* reason for using Native Americans is to distinguish between western and eastern types (westerners used teepees, killed buffaloes, lived on reservations, etc. whereas eastern ones are completely different). I personally wouldn't take offense to anything you called me/us -- regardless it's just a way of classifying someone to keep from mistaking them with someone else.

Throughout my education (going higher and higher -- especially once I went through classes for my Bachelor's degree) I've learned more and more about how these terms society claims are "politically correct" (such as "African Americans") really aren't correct -- they leave people confused or offended.

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African American? You would be amazed at how many educated people get angry when you use that term, with the argument that "I'm not from Africa, my parents weren't from Africa, my grandparents weren't from Africa, so why the **** are you claiming I am?" Color is one thing -- a color. Thus I used the color as a reference.

It's funny that I have called many people African American and they don't curse at me. Sure, African American is not politically correct but it SURE is better than calling a whole bunch of people Black. Black people can be ANY people. Any race of people can have their skin color black, not only people from Africa. And also, not all people from africa are BLACK. So, at least where I come from, Black is a offense word to a African American Person.

And it is also funny because they are protesting that it shouldn't be called 'Black History Month' rather that it should be 'African American History Month' because black is offense.

Just like if I said "The black Benz is more sleek than the red Benz." I shouldn't say "The African American colored Benz is more sleek than the red Benz."

This is totally unrelated here, we are talking about races and you start taking about black and red Benz. And now you are comparing African Americans to luxury cars.

As for my argument, I'm simply stating that if Americans came here and took our land (As Native Americans -- and I use that term solely because it distinguishes between Native American Indians and the ones from India), they have no right to cry about others coming over here as well. The country is made up of people from all races; thus all races have the right to be here.

'Americans' didn't come to take your land, the British colonists did. They established America after they got to the Americas. There is the other face that YOU are the original AMERICANS, so stop complaining that the 'americans' took your land.

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It's funny that I have called many people African American and they don't curse at me. Sure, African American is not politically correct but it SURE is better than calling a whole bunch of people Black. Black people can be ANY people. Any race of people can have their skin color black, not only people from Africa. And also, not all people from africa are BLACK. So, at least where I come from, Black is a offense word to a African American Person.

You're the one who claimed I should call them "African American." I used the color because I've never met another American Indian that was black. Therefore it is used as a way to explain colors that are *not* affiliated with us. I never once claimed I was speaking about dark-skinned people who came over from Africa -- you jumped to conclusions.

There are many areas of Africa with white people. In fact, there's a lot of places that are *solely* white. Since we're just going to use "African Americans" for dark-skinned people, then, we also need to call all white people the same (as we aren't sure if they are from Europe, Asia or Africa). Also, when people come over from the U.K. and other European/Asian countries that are also dark-skinned, we are also classifying them as African American under this "political correctness" (even though they are also not from Africa -- and there were civilizations of black people in Europe that were there long before America by hundreds of years -- but since their color is black we must classify them as African as well). Which also means that since there are whites from Africa, all white people, regardless of where they live (including Asian/European countries) should be classified as African American.

And it is also funny because they are protesting that it shouldn't be called 'Black History Month' rather that it should be 'African American History Month' because black is offense.

This is totally unrelated here, we are talking about races and you start taking about black and red Benz. And now you are comparing African Americans to luxury cars.

Same point as above. I used it as a color, just as you could call Natives "red." It's a color. If you can visibly see it, well, I think it's pretty self-explanatory.

'Americans' didn't come to take your land, the British colonists did. They established America after they got to the Americas. There is the other face that YOU are the original AMERICANS, so stop complaining that the 'americans' took your land.

After slaughtering our people, forcing us to reservations (and slaughtering us again), taking away our reservations (and slaughtering us again)... Enslaving us, etc.

I stand by my point. America is made up of all races, and all races should be able to come. There's no way you can legitimately claim otherwise.

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So for me, I say let over whoever wants to come here -- every race has already decided our (Natives) land is theirs anyways, so either way we got screwed.

WOW! i can understand you points about your ancestors and being pushed aside, but deadmad is correct. if they weren't strong enough to defend their land then, they wouldn't be strong enough to defend it now. and our strength is one of the things that makes this country great.

now you mentions that you believe we should let whoever wants to come here and live.....come here and live. that is just so wrong and i think your viewpoint is distorted by your own bitterness of the past just like some blacks are bitter because their own ancestors were slaves. personally i think if anyone got screwed, it was the blacks. who can you ever expect to defend a country and make it safe if you just let anyone live on the land? while we're at it, it's let osama bin laden come here with his clan and blow up some more buildings and planes. also, if you don't want to call blacks, african americans which was ALWAYS the politically correct term, then why do you call yourself "native american"? lets just call you what you really are? an indian. and let's face it, your view is not really a typical "american" viewpoint.

personally, i hate made up words or phrases in order to be politically correct. i mean we have gotten so customed to respect everyone, we are losing are culture. i celebrate chirstmas and i was raised with saying "merry christmas!" but not it is politically incorrect. we have to say "happy holidays". it's all ridiculous to me. that's why i think it's ridiculous that you call yourself a native american. your an indian. indians didn't even coin the phrase "america" so why would you put "american" in your name? and if you ask me, the blacks had it a lot worse than the indians. it's a shame they couldn't live in peace or the land couldn't be shared in piece, but it was a war to control the land which happens all over the world. the indians lost but some of them still have certain rights that americans don't if they wish to limit the control the government has demanded over most all people here. so it's not like we didn't share the land. stop being so bitter because your ancestors lost a war. it wasn't even your fight and the indians were going to lose their land regardless. it was just a matter of time. also, the old saying still holds true. don't ever bring a knife to a gun fight :)

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WOW! i can understand you points about your ancestors and being pushed aside, but deadmad is correct. if they weren't strong enough to defend their land then, they wouldn't be strong enough to defend it now. and our strength is one of the things that makes this country great.
now you mentions that you believe we should let whoever wants to come here and live.....come here and live. that is just so wrong and i think your viewpoint is distorted by your own bitterness of the past just like some blacks are bitter because their own ancestors were slaves. personally i think if anyone got screwed, it was the blacks. who can you ever expect to defend a country and make it safe if you just let anyone live on the land? while we're at it, it's let osama bin laden come here with his clan and blow up some more buildings and planes. also, if you don't want to call blacks, african americans which was ALWAYS the politically correct term, then why do you call yourself "native american"? lets just call you what you really are? an indian. and let's face it, your view is not really a typical "american" viewpoint.

personally, i hate made up words or phrases in order to be politically correct. i mean we have gotten so customed to respect everyone, we are losing are culture. i celebrate chirstmas and i was raised with saying "merry christmas!" but not it is politically incorrect. we have to say "happy holidays". it's all ridiculous to me. that's why i think it's ridiculous that you call yourself a native american. your an indian. indians didn't even coin the phrase "america" so why would you put "american" in your name? and if you ask me, the blacks had it a lot worse than the indians. it's a shame they couldn't live in peace or the land couldn't be shared in piece, but it was a war to control the land which happens all over the world. the indians lost but some of them still have certain rights that americans don't if they wish to limit the control the government has demanded over most all people here. so it's not like we didn't share the land. stop being so bitter because your ancestors lost a war. it wasn't even your fight and the indians were going to lose their land regardless. it was just a matter of time. also, the old saying still holds true. don't ever bring a knife to a gun fight :)

I'm not bitter at all. Wars and things like that all enhance both our present and our future (things like the Holocaust, for example, boosted the U.S.' science divisions, which is the only reason we have satellite TV's, GPS systems, etc.). What happened to Natives is what created America, etc.

I'm simply stating that Americans contradict themselves in terms of what they do and what they claim is "right" or wrong.

As for the Native American vs Indian discussion, I already explained it. I personally refer to us as Indians; the problem is people confuse it with the India Indians. Just like the term African American insinuates all black people are from Africa, which couldn't be further from the truth (through geography you'll learn a lot more about that). By classifying by a visible feature (ex. white, black, brown, red, yellow) there is absolutely no confusion. Either you're white or you're not -- there is no middle ground. You're black or you're not -- again, there's no way to confuse it.

People who take offense to colors need to lock themselves in a single colored room so they no longer have to accept the fact that we live in a colorful world.

Edit : your knife vs gun thing is something I've said before too, lol. I don't know how the Natives thought they could compare with the firepower from guns, but as far as I know it was ignorance -- never having seen these "tools" before, they had no idea what they were.
Edited by rpgsearcherz (see edit history)

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