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Gay Marriage

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Ok well, how about Man...Woman...and the scientific reason for reproduction?  There's comin' from the Christian guy lol.  No religion, just science, the fact of what our sexual organs were intended for, the purpose they're intended for, and nothing more than that.  No religion involved.  Oh and how about AIDs, and other bilogical occurrences that happen as a result?  I recognize that AIDs are quite possible in straight relationships as well, but they were brought around by homosexuality, and if homosexuality can cause things like AIDs, and then someone decides to try to have a real child with someone of the opposite sex who's maybe bi-sexual or straight, that can cause some pretty unnerving things in the child that is produced.


AIDS was NOT brought around by homosexuals. No one really knows how it started. And actually the first case was i believe in the 1940s between a man and a women. But they didnt know what it was, and no one had seen it before, and no one else had it besides them, so it was just kind of forgotten. Now i dont have the document right at this moment, because i read it in biology last year. Now the first case of a homosexual having AIDS was in 1981...so obviously if a straight couple in the 40s had it, whose to say it didnt happen because of straight people? And the fact that Africa has AIDS...and its mostly straight people (atleast straight coupeling). And i have many friends, and their parents have mentioned about knowing people coming back from different countries, (war) and them getting sick, and their wives getting mysteriously sick. Just because the thing is first documented in 1981, and the guy happens to be *happy*, doesnt mean there were other cases before them, and especially if it has to do with war veterens do you think information like a weird disease is going to leak out to the press? Hell no...they are going to keep it tightly wrapped and not ANYONE know of it.


I just get so ticked off when someone like you..come around and point the finger at homosexuals...AIDS is NOT a *happy* disease..and you know what? It never was. Because if it was...straight people wouldn't get it.

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...Marriage isn't about God - It's about love...


How can you say marraige isn't about God? God was the one who invented marraige - of course it has something to do wih him! This point is exactly why two homosexuals should not get married, or (in my opinion) even practice their homosexual acts.


God designed marraige for man and woman, so so the two would become 'one flesh'. He meant for this to be a beautiful thing between a man and woman and nothing else! The bible defines homosexulity as a sin in many numberous books and verses - it's something it clearly defines as something that shouldn't ever be practiced. So, for a gay couple to get married would be, according to the bible, a great abomination. It would be the same if two homosexuals getting married said "Screw you God! We care nothing for the sacred act which you meant for only a man and a woman. We are going to defile it and cause it to lose all value!"


If you believe the bible, then you should never agree with homosexual acts or marriage!



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Well I don't belive the bible and I have serious doubts that there is someone watching us. Nevertheless I strongly disagree to gay marriage and gay relationships for that matter. Why? Because in my opinion homosexuals are not normal; in the animal world this kind of individuals are eliminated by natural selection, a species cannot evolve if there are homosexual individuals ... if everyone is going to be gay what will menkind do if there is no one to reproduce in the "old fashion". I have seen a gay parade once and it was really horrible. I mean we all had problems with girls sometimes, but I can't really imagine myself .... god ... gay :(

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I think if you did slightly more research, you'd find that it is more commonly transmitted through same-sex intercourse than any other method. MANY biologists believe it was the result of the "improper mixing of hormones" between same sex physical intimacy that created the virus. Those dates, as for 1940s and 1981, really don't show much, because no one truly knows when AIDs was first around, simply because prior to those times, we didn't have accurate methods for discovering the virus.


AIDS was NOT brought around by homosexuals. No one really knows how it started. And  actually the first case was i believe in the 1940s between a man and a women. But they didnt know what it was, and no one had seen it before, and no one else had it besides them, so it was just kind of forgotten. Now i dont have the document right at this moment, because i read it in biology last year. Now the first case of a homosexual having AIDS was in 1981...so obviously if a straight couple in the 40s had it, whose to say it didnt happen because of straight people? And the fact that Africa has AIDS...and its mostly straight people (atleast straight coupeling). And i have many friends, and their parents have mentioned about knowing people coming back from different countries, (war) and them getting sick, and their wives getting mysteriously sick. Just because the thing is first documented in 1981, and the guy happens to be *happy*, doesnt mean there were other cases before them, and especially if it has to do with war veterens do you think information like a weird disease is going to leak out to the press? Hell no...they are going to keep it tightly wrapped and not ANYONE know of it.


I just get so ticked off when someone like you..come around and point the finger at homosexuals...AIDS is NOT a *happy* disease..and you know what? It never was. Because if it was...straight people wouldn't get it.


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Okay...however like i said many people in Africa had AIDS and i am sure not a lot of same sex , intercourse was happening. True their HIV is different then the one in other countries...but it is still HIV.I seriously HIGHLY doubt that HIV came to be because of hormones mixing, because like i said if it was a purely "homosexual disease" Straight people would NOT get it. And yes it is a lot 'easier' to get it if you are a homosexual man. But only because of the way some (yeah some only about 50%, yeah take that home chew it..its delicious) engage in sexual acts ( i am guessing you, if you have a brain get which i am talking about)...its just easier for the virus to get into areas, faster via this way. Its harder for straight people to get it, (straight men anyway) because in order to get it from a woman she has to have like cuts all up in her, and basically so do you. Meanwhile you could pass it to a women a lot more easily then a women could pass it to you. Reason why MOST lesbians do not have it is because its just too hard to get. I normally don't get so uptight about gay topics, because i don't care if people don't like me...but just i am so sick of people STILL blaming AIDS/HIV on Gays. And yeah so HIV spread, via blood donation, atleast we DONATED blood...sorry for trying to help. :( And people who keep writing about how being gay is going to make our human population go down. Did you ever just stop to think that MAYBE JUST FRICKING MAYBE god 'created' homosexuals to help STOP reproduction? Our world is extremely over populated with humans, and we can't even afford it. We just help you all be able to have kids, and then we adopt other people kids, so that they can have a home, or we just simply don't have kids. Instead of breeding like rabbits, why don't you try foster care....give a home to a kid that needs one, rather then making your own that the world doesn't need.

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If you believe the bible, then you should never agree with homosexual acts or marriage!


omy at another person saying the bible runs our life..the bible does not (should not) run peoples likfe, it is just another book that seems to be verry popular and likes to run peoples life..


if it said in there to jump off of a bridge would you?


the bible argh, this thing about the bible running peoples life has me speechless.


i jsut dont understand how a religion's religious book can controll peoples lives, its a mind boggler..i could not imagine my life being run by a book that has like no power once so ever!


can someone please elaberate cuz im going nutzo

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I so agree with you!

Gay Marriage


Replying to no9t9I totally agree with you about the rights of gay marrige. I also believe that they should be able to have the same legal rights as a married couple but I don't think they should call it marrige either. You have got the whole thing right! And I never thought of the brother and sister thing (or brother and broter for that matter). Because in our system we call that incest, and you can go to jail for incest and even get put on a sex offenders list for that!


-reply by brandonsexymama

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sorry kiddoGay Marriage

I am glad you have an opinion and all but... Bleh! I totally disagree with you. You are mislead child. God loves you, Jesus loves you. Whether you do or not. THAT is love. Love is an eternal subject that homosexuals are not accustomed to. It is against the Bible. Yes the Bible is written by man. Man who walked with the Lord very firmly. They were very close. And it is a choice, not natural. You are not born gay. We do have inalienable rights, yes, but just because we have those rights, doesn't mean you are pursuiting your happiness the right way. Just because other animals may promote homosexual behavior does not say anything for the homosepian race. We are special beings, created in God's image. He gave us souls and hearts and spirits. He created us to have a relationship with us (that speaks nothing of a homosexual partnership ) just a friendship, a bond. Nothing to do with marriage- only on this line speaking. And God created Adam a female companion, not a male. God knew what was natural, he knows what is right for his children I am a firm believer in Christ and I do wish to be as close to God as the WRITERS OF THE BIBLE were. You are a silly silly person, but yes you are still human. A mislead human being. We respect your rights and are disgusted by your choices. Everyone makes mistakes. But God forgives us our sins if we repent. That is love. Love is not a grudge, it is forgive and forget. Love is an eternal concept, it never ends. Love is something no one can take away or corrupt. I do not hate homosexuals, or bisexuals in your case, but I hate the sin. And I would like to point out that sinners go to hell. Yet if you repent your sins before you die, you will live a life everlasting with Jesus in heaven. He saves, he is a good God. All gays are damned, and all us Christians are not trying to pester you, we're trying to SAVE you. We are all family on this earth under one Father. Family sticks up for each other and helps one another. I love you like a sibling in Christ, and I hope you do find a life in the right path.A really really good book to read is The Bloodstone Chronicles. In one of the books, it gives a very thorough description of his love and knowledge for us. And you do not have to believe in God and be a Christian to wrap your mind around the concept-reply by Cate

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Personally, and politically - I thin same-sex marriages are NOT a great idea to legalise. Furthermore, I think marriage almost grants the permission to bear a child, hence adoption or other methods come to mind.


To explain, personally I think it is biologically incompatible, and those who have that 'love' guilt on their conscience, ask yourself, have you been watching too much romantic comedy - or Sarah Jessica Parker? Because the truth of the matter is, today divorce rates are rocketing, with so many marriages failing, its obvious that so called 'love' which's existent comes to question as the definition is utterly confusing - isn't what most couples look for today. It is financial stability and so on, maybe its evolution, people becoming more intelligent, people developing the ability to step out of their shell and slap themselves on their face and think ' what the hell am I doing ?'


And so same sex marriages cannot have the same personal attributes as would a heterosexual couple, furthermore children in adopted families of parents who are gay often suffer a lot of abuse in this intolerant world, many of them may feel a direct absence of motherhood or fatherhood. For some it may even shape their thought on behaviour, because who's to say all Gays are nice people? We all have that notion of the married gay couple and child, a happy family, more functional than the norm, but it can seriously damage the norms of society, causing societal breakdown and moral panic - however diabolical that sounds, it is true!


Politically, giving the same rights as you would a married heterosexual couple, to the gay community would case breakdown in the political welfare system. People claiming marriage related benefits from the government for their gay marriage would reflect terribly on a government (however bad that sounds, it's true!!!). Neither Obama or Clinton - when asked about same-sex marriage replied to insinuate that they are 100% behind the thought of same sex marriage. They said they support it, but do not believe in the notion of homosexuality. Why do you think that is? Because believe it or not the USA still follows the laws of 'In God We Trust' or whomever God is right now in the USA.


I think - personally, own to their own. If you want to marry someone from the same sex, you are treated equally by me. What you believe is what you believe, and after all, my favourite comedienne once said 'I believe Gays should get married, why should straight people only suffer divorce!' - and so with those words I think its obvious that it all depends on people, and their intentions.


But I'm afraid in a government which is very secretive of its true political views, and a community which thinks it is just too distasteful to offer adoption to gay couples.

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Amen SISter.....but how about this......THERE IS NO GOD. the bible is a text that attempts to teach us civility on how to make life more pleasent and easier to get through. The idea of "Do unto others"....".don't lie or cheat" or" hurt other people" works because it makes life easier for everyone.....NOT because failure to believe will deny one a place in heaven.... we are so ready to accept the god fairy tale....who among us has died and come back to witness.....NO ONE.....NO ONE.. period.

Im really not looking to debate on this, but feel free to post your own views and comments.. Ive debated it so much everywhere I go that I'd really like to just get all my anger out at once. LOL.
I'm getting really sick of people trying to play God in America. It happens everyday, with a lot of the issues we face.. Ban this, legalize this, etc etc. God is always an issue.. But hey, lets stick to the subject at hand.. Gay Marriage..

Im bisexual, and if I ever happen to find a beatiful inteligent lady that I love and care deeply for.. I'd like to think that, just like any other human being (i am still human, no matter what sex I am attracted to), I would be allowed to vow my everlasting love to her by means of marriage.

People argue that it is a sin for two people of the same sex to marry, or to love each other, or to have sexual relations with one another.. They say.. The bible says this, the bible says that..

News Flash! The Bible was written by man.. Every man is a sinner.. So how do you know the words in that bible were not written to attempt to manipulate people into believing their views are right? How can you be, for certain, that those words are the words of God. He didnt write that bible, men wrote that bible, and no matter how good a person is.. They will always be a sinner. No one is perfect..

Also.. Who are you to play God? If how I live my life is not right by God, let me deal with the consquences of my actions when my time comes. I dont need anyone to tell me how to live my life.. I dont need anyone telling me what is right or wrong.. All of these people who are against gay marriage.. Well.. Just like the men who wrote the bible, they too are sinners. I wish people would start concentrating on their own actions rather than dwelling on what I do in my personal life. I dont go around telling others how to live their lives.. I concentrate on ME. I try to better myself, not everyone else. I'll let God deal with others when their time comes!

I suppose in a way I do try to change others though.. I mean I do in this sense.. I'd like to be treated like anyone else.. Just because I am attracted to people of the same sex does not mean I am inhuman. I still have emotions, feelings, etc. I'd like to be treated as if I do..

Anywho.. I think I'm done..


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