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Deja Vu ever heard of it?

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hope this was the right section to post this, since its a personal experience that I always got or always happens to me,ever heard of deja vu? how about a feeling of having already experienced the present situation? like today it always feels me that this day was just happen in my past and did happen again? I don't know why I have this feeling every day.I explain about this to my teacher in health and she said that it was a deja vu. never heard of it and she explained to me what was the meaning of that word. She said it is not a sickness it is normal and for someone who have a wide imagination.She said that because I feel that this day was just like happens before she said to me that it wasn't happen before actually it didn't happen into your personal life. but happen already in my dreams, wow? never thought that dreams can come true?She said 100% of people having a dream then when they wake up in the morning 99.9% of those would probably forget about his/her dreams and will only remember that dream if it happens personally but we didn't know where it happens and when.I always have this feeling when I feel like deja vu in some place but that was my first time into it like in one place here in our country it was my first time to go there and when I am there or we arive into the place it's like the place was so familiar to me its like the happiness and the thoughts we've shared did happen already in my past, its like its being repeated..Im not a fortune teller :) anyway this feeling annoys me and want to get rid of it I want to be excited and happy in the first time but when I feel this feeling the excitement is gone

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Heh heh your teachers wrong. DejaVu actually has something to do with your brain and how it stores memory. I can't really recall but its something to do with your short and long term memory. Basically your brain stores memories twice so sometimes this anomaly occurs where you some how catch it being stored twice giving you a feeling you've experienced that exact moment before because I believe you catch it at the short term and feel you remember from the long term or something like that. Do some research on it. i find it odd that a health teacher would say something like that which is totally bogus. I just find it weird.

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aha yeah I know she's weird saying some ridiculous things about that deja vu and your answer about it is correct :) it stores some memory that happens in a short term, and sometimes they said it happens not in reality but in dreams and you didn't forget a drean after all there's some of it that you still remember and when that happens the same thing in real life you will think, waaa this happens already?

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I feel like that all the time. It happens frequently to me; about every few days. I feel like I have done something like "this" before. It is a weird feeling. I wonder how many other people feel something like this too. I do not think that the concept of Deja Vu is ridiculous either. The idea is pretty/somewhat interesting.

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Jeez its not like I'm talking out of my *bottom* or anything. There's scientific research backing up the theory. Are brain has a short and long term memory. I think my answer is the most believable. But remember its not literally MY answer. I just read it on a site a while back and did some digging to see if it was true. The question first came up in a post actually. I posted about this a long time ago on my old account I think its been deleted so this topics okay. :)

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Your health teacher is not completely wrong about the dream thing. Most of the scientist relate deja vu with dream as that is the closest answer. If you say that human mind store memory twice and hence causes you to feel like "deja vu", then, how do you prove that? Firstly, human brain is not 100% discovered yet. There are still many mystery remain unknown about human brain. there nothing much we know except brain sending electrical like signal throughout our body to get and send data.

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I used to read about an article explaining the effect of deja vu. This occur because of the way the mind work. When your eyes first see something, it gets registered in the mind and then process to make your understand it. It between the registration and the processing, there is a lapse in time. When it got processing finally and you being in an "understand stage" you will have the feeling that you have being in such situation before. That is the part of work done by the registration process.

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I used to read about an article explaining the effect of deja vu. This occur because of the way the mind work. When your eyes first see something, it gets registered in the mind and then process to make your understand it. It between the registration and the processing, there is a lapse in time. When it got processing finally and you being in an "understand stage" you will have the feeling that you have being in such situation before. That is the part of work done by the registration process.

How ridiculous. So your basically saying everything you see should cause dejavu? They haven't 100% proved what causes Dejavu those are just theories. That's the most ridiculous one I've heard of so far. Or do you mean there is sometimes a delay?

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nope everything you see won't cause deja vu lol only the things that are? yeah I don't know.. I think my teacher is correct because where I am going to see that place? and yet never be there before? maybe she is right because maybe in my dream, yeah as you said brain stores everything, and our dreams are .1% chance to remember maybe that's is the reason why I feel like I saw that place already and those happenings happen to me before in my way back past..others term for deja vu is paramnesia and there is a movie also way back in 2006 that you can watch regarding this try to watch it guys it is worth watching and great.

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How ridiculous. So your basically saying everything you see should cause dejavu? They haven't 100% proved what causes Dejavu those are just theories. That's the most ridiculous one I've heard of so far. Or do you mean there is sometimes a delay?

Maybe I did not mentioned, this is just the what article said but it just not mean I buy the idea. Thought I might be good if I share with the rest since it is on the same subject.

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I also get the effect of Deja vu quite often, sometimes I like it, sometimes it's really strange. Logically, when I was a kid, I always thought I already dreamed this, or maybe I was in the future? :)But the more I've read on it, the more I stay with idea, that it's a moment our brain somehow lags and somehow we get that affect, something like that :D

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Deja Vu is also knows as promnesia or paramnesia. It is in essence a feeling that your brain is telling you that you have witnessed a situation that you have not witnessed before. Kind of a contradictory huh? It is a phenomenon that scientists are still trying to explain to this date, however they have been unable to recreate it in a labratory setting.I have personally experienced Deja Vu once and it was probably the creepiest thing that I have ever experienced. It doesnt sound like what you are experiencing is Deja Vu, but more of a repetition of events, especially if you are doing the same thing over and over again. This can cause a loss of time mentally to where you do not really know what day of the week it even is.I do not even want to get into a debate about the capabilities of the human brain though because there are so many unknowns. It is probably on of the few things about the human body that is still almost 99% unexplained.

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First of all the Deja Vu experience is a phyquiatric phenomenon that have been studied during years and years and the reason to believe that the deja vu is a proof about past lifes or maybe this moment I lived in a past life is totally refuted. The deja vu is a normal phenomenon where it doesn?t occur with frequence but if it occur frequently is a scientisc evidence of the propension or possible diagnostic of epilepsia. And is tested after years of investigation that the people that have experimented deja vu have more propention to disease with epilepsia in order with the frequence of this occurr.So the Deja Vu phenomenon is not a proof of past lifes. And all the people that affirm this have no knowledge about the medical aspects of the Deja Vu.Is it normal experiment Deja Vu? Yeah it?s normal.Will I get epilepsia if I have a Deja Vu? No, if the Deja Vu occurs only once a year or something like that. Possibly yes if you experiment Deja Vu three time a week or in a similar period.Have you experimented a Deja Vu? Yeah, I have experimented Deja Vu and it?s normal and all the people experiment Deja Vu at least ten times in their lifes.I hope my information have helped you. Regards

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