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Creatures Of The Abyss

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I find deep sea creatures fascinating. For some reason their evolution has lead them to the deepest parts of the ocean. They survive on very little oxygen, cold temperatures, little amounts of light and under very high water pressure. They live in depths ranging from about 200 meters to 6500 meters. (Beyond 1000 meters deep is a total absence of light)

Some may have Photophore's all over their body and their bodies light up to catch prey, or to help the creature survive in some other way. Probably what intrigues me most is the shapes and forms their bodies come in.

Here are a couple of links to photographs -



You can be a deep sea monster too, i'm sure your partner will be impressed to waking up one day with you wearing this -


Especially if you make some bizarre screeching sounds to go with it and bounce around the floor like a fish out of the water. 

Actually don't take that as advice, i'm only kidding!

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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I guess that some of the images are hoax but I do not doubt that weird looking creatures that have yet to be discovered by humans do exist in the deep abyss of the ocean. As for your prank, I think you will get a kick in the tooth as a reward for pulling that off. :):o:D

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All of those images are real. They are real animals that live at the bottom of the sea. They look like they do because there is no evolutionary advantage of having any particular appearance in a place where there is no light. The silvery flanks of fish we know help them to evade capture by causing confusion, they often have dark backs to blend in with the darkness if looked at from above, and white bellies to blend in with the bright sky if looked at from below.At the bottom of the sea there is no need for this.They have large teeth because if they catch a fish they cant afford to let it slip, it might be their only meal for a very long time so they have to hold on to it or possibly die.The fish that has a dangling thing hanging infront of its own face uses it as a lure. It lights up in the dark and smaller fish think it is a little shrimp or tiny fish so they swim right up to the big fish's face and then it eats them.Clever stuff.They have huge eyes to catch what little light they can from the phosphorescent (glow in the dark) creatures, many creatures use little pouches like glow worms have to attract prey, or attract a mate and some can actually drop these pouches on a sort of time delay chemical reaction so that if they are chased in the pitch blackness they drop the package and swim off, and a second later it flashes or glows and the predator goes and eats it while the little fish swims away.Others use them somewhat like flares from military aircraft, spraying out a mix of chemicals that glows and confuses the predator, much like a squid squirting ink and darting off.

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wowi knew that those creature on the deepest part of the sea are, well... not too beautiful to look at. but i have never seen some of the pictures you showed. and that sea spider, aren't they supposedly to be ABOVE the sea? :)

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Deep sea creatures are pretty amazing. I think it was planet earth or blue planet or something like that where they had the hour show dedicated to just deep sea creatures. Most are pretty freaky looking in a cool way. They have some amazing tactics for hunting prey as well. And the defensive ability's on some are amazing.

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