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The Simpleton

Wil You Purchase A Domain In Your Native Lanugage?

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I think this topic is of no particular relevance to those hailing from the US/UK/Australia as their first language is obviously English :) Anyway, here goes....You may/may not have known that ICANN has approved registration of Internationalized domain names. I recently checked GoDaddy and they've already opened registrations for these "local" domains. You need to be able to type in your local language to be able to visit these domains, and that's the reason why still many people haven't picked up the "hot" names yet! I'm looking forward to purchasing a .com domain in my native language, which, if I manage to get, will be only three letters long! I've already opened a support ticket inquiring about the availability, and in case they're not available here yet, I've decided to get it on GoDaddy anyway. So what do you think - will you buy one?

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Dear friends I think for international acceptance of your web site your web site name should be in English only as it is the widely used language internationally. If the URL's are going to be in local languages then the visitors will be consisting of corresponding language speaking people only.

Edited by contactskn (see edit history)

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Why not ? I mean you can have translated pages. Besides that who cared if the domain ends with .de, or .in or .us ?If the content has translation in english and the language people of that regional domain understands then there is no problem. To make it clear one can have english content at the front. And other language support on nav bar or the at the sidebar/footer section. That way people can pull some menu and get translation.I think ICANN bringing domain name in native language opened the door for resellers and domain registrars. I think it is very good idea for stretching business and more hardwork for search engines.

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my honest opinion is that this is a step-up.


i will not be using other characters for my domains since im stuck with english but if for some reason i do something targeted for example at china, i'd have to get a domain in mandarin...i see nothing wrong


one thing i know is that the system which was there was not very friendly to everyone, imagine if you grew up speaking english but for your domain you had to struggle to come up with a name in french or something. your target audience might not even realise what your site is about since they don't understand French!


i thank the person who suggested this, the internet is growing and that makes me happy...information is becoming available to everyone in a very friendly way :)

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