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Don't Just Go Through Life Just Getting By... we all hold a gift. what is yours?

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Many people go through life just getting by. We eat, sleep, work, and go back to sleep to start our same routine the next day. It?s a safe way to live, but is it satisfying? Each human being has a gift inside. A gift that may be shared by others where others may hold a similar gift, but different in the presentation of that gift. Some people can hit a baseball 400 feet. Some can draw or paint a picture that will last a lifetime. Some have the gift of writing something that will also last a lifetime and beyond. Some can talk to a stranger and make them smile when their life wasn?t worth smiling about. Some are good listeners. Some have the gift to teach or guide . some can make us laugh when we didn?t feel like laughing. we all have a gift inside us. Our own gift that nobody can ever take away.Do you know what your gift is? It?s important to know because there is something more important than eating, sleeping, and going to work and doing the same thing every day that has little meaning in your personal life. To be fulfilled in life, you have to know what your gift is and use it to its full potential.Your gift is nothing selfish. A gift is something you share with the rest of the world. Something you were born with and something you are naturally gifted at. Something nature gave you when you were born.Sometimes it?s hard to know what our gift is. With society dictating a certain way to live, it?s hard to break out from the norm and what we were taught to really know our own selves and what our gift is in this life. Life isn?t supposed to be easy. There will always be tests in life that dictate the choices we make. Choices we have to live with the rest of our lives, so it?s important we make the right ones. What are the right choices? Anything unselfish is a start. Something that others gain from first before our own selves. This is a hard test because when you give to others, at first you may feel nobody is giving back and you may feel you are left with nothing. This is why people need to be emotionally strong in life to fight the negative thoughts and possibly the depression.Even though your gift is nature?s gift to you when you were born, it?s not easy accomplishing what you were meant to do in life. The tests in life will not only test your morals and values, but who you really are and who you are meant to be.So how do you find out what your gift is and what you are meant to accomplish in life? It?s usually not something you were ever taught in some forms, you have to take away what you were taught and teach your own self. Break away from the distractions that life holds for everyone. This will give you the opportunity to spend time with your own self and think about who you truly are and what you have to offer.It?s easy to make mistakes in life. Actually mistakes are commonly mistaken for bad choices. But knowing that everyone makes mistakes and knowing that everyone is not bad people, mistakes aren?t really that bad. Mistakes actually give us the opportunity to learn and grow. Mistakes in life aren?t what people tell you are mistakes. Mistakes are what you know inside is wrong so you can possibly correct your own mistakes, learn from them and constantly grow. Don?t ever let someone convince you of ever making a bad choice or a mistake in life if you don?t personally feel it. You aren?t supposed to be living by other people rules and dictatorship, you are supposed to be living by your own philosophy in life.In order to live your life by your own philosophy and rules, you need to know the philosophy and rules that you were meant to follow in life. So take that time for yourself. Take a time out from every day life to truly think about your own meaning to your own life and follow what you know is in your heart. Not what society dictates.I remember watching the movie ?city slickers? 20 years ago. It was such a great movie. Very entertaining. I remember when curly said that life is about ?1? thing and that ?1? thing is different for everybody. Whoever wrote those lines in that movie had a gift. A gift to teach people to look inside their own selves to find that ?1? thing that is unique to them. Millions of people have watched that movie. I?m wondering how many people took notice to what was actually being taught.There are signs everywhere and in everything that relate to us individually. Signs that guide us in life just like the lines from ?city slickers?. Some people are too busy to pay attention to the signs and they go through life unfulfilled. It?s so important to pay attention to the signs and who you are and what you are meant to be. It?s so important not just to find out what your gift is, but to share it with the world and not just keep it inside yourself hidden from the world.What a shame for those who keep their own unique selves hidden from the world as the world can learn a lot from everybody and everything around them. What a shame for those who die getting by in life with no true meaning or purpose. The wake up call will be when you are lying on your death bed, knowing you had so much to offer others and just kept hidden in life?.knowing you could have passed on something that could have made the world a better place. To live in regret on your death bed?.about to die?..passing on nothing except your regrets. That is peoples wake up call when the alarm sounded too late.So it?s not just important to know what your gift is in life, it?s important to know where your choices are leading you and to determine if those choices are the best choices so you never have to lie on your death bed in regret.I think about this stuff every day of my life and how it has meaning to my own life. Sometimes there are distractions as life holds many. i never considered myself to be a very good writer so i hope i have conveyed my thoughts to words in a way for others to understand and hoping others find some meaning in what has been written.

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I get your point and agree - life shouldn't just be a routine thing. Most of the people are just content with an ordinary routine in which they get food, sleep and some entertainment thrown in! :) But life without some excitement and some challenges is really meaningless. But sadly, majority of the people in today's world do not care about this. They may think of such things at times but they don't take it too seriously and never stop to think about it in detail. All they want to do is exist. They don't care even if that existence is taking place without any meaning :(

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Yeah i wholeheartedly agree, for me if i cant find meaning in the things i do then i get a strong feeling that my life is wasting away. Although there is another inherent dilemma in here, what should we deem as meaningful? Surely adding goodness to the world is a good place to start, but in what way would you do that? Then i guess it raises the question, what do you believe in? Personally my faith in people is slightly eroded so i have a really confusing time trying to figure that one out (im sure im not the only one by far). Other questions are, do you live more for the moment; for example help an old lady across the street? Or do you concentrate on the difficult task of making lasting changes possibly to no avail?

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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those are good questions and those are the questions everyone should think about. the answers will be different for everybody. the answers lie from within without the distractions that one normally faces in life.

by distractions for you, i mean the reasons why your faith in people have been eroded in time.

there's a lot of people who get hurt in this world and unfortunately they are ones who trust and believe in people the most. good people. i have seen first hand how life and the distractions in it can take away a part of themselves. not really take away but leave these people hidden within themselves. creating walls, barriers or shells as a form of protection because it's easier and safer that way to go on with life.

what these people don't realize is that in the long run, it isn't easier because they will always find something missing inside themselves that they are unwilling to let out....usually because of some kind of fear.

so the questions you ask, although good ones everyone should think about, the answers can only come from you.

sometimes it takes a lot of thought and patience for the answers to come. for myself, i find it easier if i am away from people and by myself in either a quiet room, or what's even better, outside to try and connect myself to the nature that surounds me. sounds silly in some ways, but it helps....with patience and practice. they key is to try to connect ourselves with ourselves in a way with no distractions thinking about who you are and how you want to die(eventually) so that you can make the right choices for your own self in the present.

wether people believe in reincarnation or if our souls live on or if when we die, we just turn to dust, the fact still remains that we are here, living in a world, and we were born with something inside us that is different for different people. something that can lead and guide us throughout our life if we allow it and know what that is.

what is also important to know about ourselves is that it is so important to make the right choices for our own selves because the longer we live a certain way of life based on the wrong choices, the harder it will be to make the right ones and live our life the way it was supposed to be lived where the answers come from deep withinside our own selves.

Yeah i wholeheartedly agree, for me if i cant find meaning in the things i do then i get a strong feeling that my life is wasting away. Although there is another inherent dilemma in here, what should we deem as meaningful?
Surely adding goodness to the world is a good place to start, but in what way would you do that? Then i guess it raises the question, what do you believe in? Personally my faith in people is slightly eroded so i have a really confusing time trying to figure that one out (im sure im not the only one by far).

Other questions are, do you live more for the moment; for example help an old lady across the street? Or do you concentrate on the difficult task of making lasting changes possibly to no avail?

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For myself i definitely have strong traits of being a creative thinker (or brain stormer) since young. So I guess by identifying this I'm halfway there, where ever "there" is. Though its interesting, because i allow this part of me to be inhibited. I think it is partially because the standards i sometimes place on myself that contributes towards it becoming an issue. But there you go.

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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@ anwii: You would make the best blogger in my philosophy blog... I swear. :) I believe what you say a hundred percent... But sometimes we should also think about the mentally retarded people in this world. What gift do THEY have? They don't have any talent in art, any talent in speech, not any talent in writing skills, singing, walking or for sport or otherwise.


They are easily shunned in our society and we don't really pay much attention to them. What is their gift? I was thinking about that after I read the full length of your post, and then I though of it. Maybe their gift is ignorance. And not knowing anything. Do you get what I mean? They are free from the restrains of this world and having to work day and night. Maybe people shun them, but maybe also, that most of them don't know what it means (bless them). Maybe it is best to be dumb in this world and let others take care of you. No know the meaning of everything in this society, and let things be. :( Just live, sleep, play, go to the toilet and be as happy as they can be...


I'm not really sure if you really understand what I mean, so I'll leave it here...

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everyone is ignorant, nameless.


some people have the gift to show others that everyone can be different and get along in society without creating discrimination. to teach others indirectly that although different, everyone holds the same value in life.


i don't know about you, but i've watched the special olympics before. i have also seen movies based on it. they are so ispirational and it leaves me with chills sometimes. watching things like that has a deep effect on me sometimes.


what you are talking about though is a group of people that you are assuming hold the same gift. although a group of people have have a gift to teach us something and show us something because OTHER people hold the ignorance in reality. within that group are individuals like you and me. different from others. i am different. you are different. EVERYONE is different and unique.


why aren't other people shunned by society? because most people adapt to what society expects from us which makes us look like we are normal and the same. this was a big point of my post. people have to sometimes reject societies expectations and what other people think about us to get to know our own selves better. to find our gift. to use our gift.


the mentally challenged are not as ignorant as you think. no more than you and i, i would suspect. when a man is born blind, they adapt to having exceptional hearing. do you think it's not that way for everyone else in life? our weaknesses actually promote our strengths and give us that ability to find our gift and our purpose in life. just as people hold gifts, people hold their own weaknesses.


i just watched "yes man" yesterday night. GREAT movie. was all about saying YES instead of NO to those things in life that we always rejected. how is one supposxed to find themselves saying NO to life or living the same life as your neighbor? how are we supposed to know what our gift is? how in the world can we expect to make changes in our own life without making different choices for different results?


so you proposed a question in what a mentally challenged person has to offer in his/her life. you wont know the answer to that question until you get to know one. not as a mentally challenged person, but a human being that is different just like you and me.


let me give you a scenario nameless, not really knowing your personal life as a good friend or family member. you are on a mission to create your website. you are going through life looking for answers to your mission. you have chosen a personal website...which is good. nothing wrong with that. but some people may say you spend too much time on the internet and on the computer to live a productive life. some would say you can be doing something else more productive. as much as i have seen you post and ask various questions, i know this website is important to you where others may not understand. people who actually want the best for you but don't even know themselves what that is. they can only assume by giving false advice or expectations....or...they can pay attention to who you are and what you have to offer. for others, it will be considered what you have to offer. for you, it will be considered your own gift and i do hope it comes across when you build your website eventually.


don't be so naive or ignorant your own self thinking a group of people's strongest strength is ignorance. ignorance comes in many shapes and forms. it usually comes from non understanding and non understanding creates expectations and blindness to the truth in who a person really is. for example. for the mentally challenged(as a group), what do we expect from them? society expects NOTHING from them. society sees a disability when they are so much more than just a disability if one gets to know them individually. it is wrong for society to expect nothing(as expecting nothing is still an expectation) society can sometimes mold people in to something they are not and that"s a shame when those people are a lot more than what other people give them credit for


@ anwii: You would make the best blogger in my philosophy blog... I swear. :) I believe what you say a hundred percent... But sometimes we should also think about the mentally retarded people in this world. What gift do THEY have? They don't have any talent in art, any talent in speech, not any talent in writing skills, singing, walking or for sport or otherwise.


They are easily shunned in our society and we don't really pay much attention to them. What is their gift? I was thinking about that after I read the full length of your post, and then I though of it. Maybe their gift is ignorance. And not knowing anything. Do you get what I mean? They are free from the restrains of this world and having to work day and night. Maybe people shun them, but maybe also, that most of them don't know what it means (bless them). Maybe it is best to be dumb in this world and let others take care of you. No know the meaning of everything in this society, and let things be. :( Just live, sleep, play, go to the toilet and be as happy as they can be...


I'm not really sure if you really understand what I mean, so I'll leave it here...

Edited by anwiii (see edit history)

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I actually read an incredible story on the internet probably 3 years ago now... A mentally handicapped person with a certain percentage of IQ in 60-70's I think, was nurtured by their parent's and other supportive poeple to develop herself into an accomplished, able person (as many would see it). This person if i remember correctly was a young female in her 20's writing this article which, compared to the average person, exhibited much better skills and "very" articulated ideas.This is an inspirational example of where a group people have challenged themselves by "not" buying into preconcieved ideas such as the norm belief's promoted by society. In this example the girl was hugely successfull and had nurtured a mind which could perform on par with any one else in some areas.But really my encounters with mentally handicapped individual's have made me believe that they are at the very least a "warm" hearted bunch, not particularly engaging conversation, but nice nevertheless.

Edited by inverse_bloom (see edit history)

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