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Annoying Social Toolbar On Blog

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I have noticed that many blogs are adding this social toolbar. This toolbar makes scrolling any blog very hard. Scrolling becomes very slow because of this toolbar. And if you hover mouse over one of it?s points or just near it then it will pop up with something. It has facebook submitter and twitter button on it. It also sorts some popular pages and comments on your blog. For some people it sounds very good and trendy but for readers i found it very annoying.


What do you think about this social toolbars on site or blog ?



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That is interesting toolbar i need to say...I remember it how it was on one site and i know it and i think it is very good.I think that was kipkay's website,if you don't know about him just search on youtube.His page isn't very big,so i don't need to scroll and i don't know why it isn't good for you.It uses JavaScript so i believe that it needs to move while you scroll,but i don't know how it slows for you.Anyway you can scroll fast using the mouse middle button and just move your mouse down.I don't know the name of this toolbar but i am sure it had some public website,and you can get this free.

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I like the toolbar, why do you think it is annoying? If you or your users find something good they can share it on facebook and twitter, and if you want to check your popular posts and comments you have a toolbar for that. Nice toolbar, where did you get it?

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Yeah, it maybe useful but look at sites which are using them. Most of those sites requires lot of scrolling and with this toolbar on scrolling becomes slow and painful. I mean do we have to wait a lot to scroll ? I mean this is biggest usability issue. Many people like nelson in usability world will soon cover this thing as well. I found this very annoying. Just imagine if Xisto added this and you've to scrollback at the boom and cause of this toolbar you've to just go very slowly. I don't know how people will react on busy blogging sites. I mean they have tons of content and have lots of traffic. I mean i stopped going to some sites because of this toolbar. I'm viewing their content from feed reader now. So they lost one visitor on site which could have earned them some CPM views.

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I don't seem to have any usability issues with such tool bars. I think it actually aids in browsing for users. But there should have been an easy way to hide the bar for those who don't want it. I suppose there might be some greasemonkey scripts which does the job of hiding.I am using opera, scrolling the pages with such tool bars works just fine.I am also trying to add such type of feature, static block/toolbars for a drupal based site. Something like the menu block on the sides, like in slashdot. Not yet found a solution, searched some css static positioning articles. They are helping me out.Coming back to the topic, most of the distractions/irritating features of almost any websites are avoidable.

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I have noticed that many blogs are adding this social toolbar.

I'll be honest, I haven't noticed too many sites adding this exact toolbar, but I have seen a general increase in similar toolbars and buttons on sites. Personally, I don't use them on my sites.

This toolbar makes scrolling any blog very hard. Scrolling becomes very slow because of this toolbar.

I've got a new PC with a pretty good CPU and graphics card, so I haven't noticed these toolbars causing me any problems on the sites I've visited. However, on my older laptop, they can cause problems, especially on sites with other Flash and Javascript elements, and sites that are graphics intensive. When there is a delay or jerkiness in the scrolling of a site then you're breaking basic usability, and you're going to send your visitors elsewhere.

And if you hover mouse over one of its points or just near it then it will pop up with something. It has facebook submitter and twitter button on it. It also sorts some popular pages and comments on your blog. For some people it sounds very good and trendy but for readers i found it very annoying.

I don't use Facebook. I don't use Twitter. So I don't need these toolbars. I understand that plenty of people do use these sites, and might appreciate a toolbar like this on some sites, but it certainly shouldn't intrude on other users and shouldn't affect the usability of the site overall. Use small bookmarking links or whatever, fine, but that's all you need.

If you or your users find something good they can share it on facebook and twitter, and if you want to check your popular posts and comments you have a toolbar for that.

They don't need to be so 'in-your-face' though, especially for those users who don't use Facebook and Twitter and sites like that. Destroying basic usability expectations is not a good trade-off for pleasing a few users who use these sites.

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@BCD, i didn't find greasemonkey solution to hide this toolbar. If there is i'll post about it here soon. Why i say it is usability issue is because if you're using laptop try scrolling. Also old microsoft USB mouse with wheels are even slower for such toolbars. It may be avoidable but i did't find it. It annoys me more than it helps.

@rvalkass, yes very few blogs are using it. They are doing it in the hope that they'll have good social media traffic by allowing users to use this toolbar. I doubt many people will even consider to use it. pure readers will use it. If i'm blogger then i'll definitely not waste my time moving around this toolbar. For newbie and intermediate readers of such blogs will use it and at what extent i have no idea. I found sharethis widget doing same job if user want to use it to promote or bookmark article on blog. This toolbar maybe useful and fancy for some but i find sharethis more beneficial and almost-not-annoying at all.

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I am totally agree with you this toolbar is annoying for all the readers who only want to read and visit their favorites blogs and almost all the time have to support this annoying toolbar. I think Xisto has a variant of this toolbar where you can join the facebook page and twitter and all that. I don?t use facebook and I particullary hate all the social networks so I only use twitter for businesses not for fun because I didn?t find any fun on twitter and less in facebook. There was another social netword named Hi5.com but I get bored and when a site bored me it is very difficult that I return to its page again. This toolbar like another toolbars in the internet and software are only to sell advertising and make all the popular sites and social networks more popular that they are rigth now. So I think like you and all the bloggers that are copying from the big blogs all the widgets and plugins over and over again, please don?t copy this type of toolbars that only get that the user or reader think that a virus is using his internet because the blog don?t scroll or the browser paste the site like the browser is dead or somethink like that.Dont use this type of toolbars please. Don?t annoy to all the blog readers.

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So I think like you and all the bloggers that are copying from the big blogs all the widgets and plugins over and over again,

Are you spamming here or what ? or is it sarcasm added with your spam-post ? Who told you i used those toolbars on my blog. I'm asking here opinion of others on how they feel about this social toolbar. Personally i got annoyed with it like others. What made you think that i used this social toolbar ? Why are you posting something which you've no idea at first place. Do you read topic before you post ? How can you accuse someone who never did anything like that at first place ?

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Are you spamming here or what ? or is it sarcasm added with your spam-post ? Who told you i used those toolbars on my blog. I'm asking here opinion of others on how they feel about this social toolbar. Personally i got annoyed with it like others. What made you think that i used this social toolbar ? Why are you posting something which you've no idea at first place. Do you read topic before you post ? How can you accuse someone who never did anything like that at first place ?

Excuse me my friend when I said you I meaned all the others members in this post who dont share your opinion with the toolbars and ask for where they can get this toolbar.


I dont know if you are spamming....Because I don?t...When I read a topic, I start reading the first message and then the answers and how this is a forum I talk not only with who wrote the first message, I mean you, I talk with all the guys who left their answer here.


I don?t like the toolbars I please to all the guys who have a blog dont insert toolbars in your blogs.


Corrected if that makes you happy

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I dont know if you are spamming....Because I don´t...

I can see that here. From that page it is clear. Anyway, i'll not carry on with this. My only point was to show you un-necessary sarcasm at wrong discussion is not good and especially that too for earning mycents.

I don´t like the toolbars I please to all the guys who have a blog dont insert toolbars in your blogs.Corrected if that makes you happy

Thanks for correction, earlier one was offensive if you can see what you've typed.

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Actually, I agree with mahesh2k... I seen many of these toolbars on blogs and I don't like them at all, though I actually find the authors and the webmasters of the blogs rather smart insert something like that on their site though... Mainly because I don't think that I am able to do that myself, but anyway... I mean, I don't think that it is the problem of scrolling up and down the page. The thing is, the toolbar doesn't exactly "block: out the scrolling thing on the side of your browser or your desktop, does it? I think the the main problem is that the toolbar just keeps reappearing and stuff and it distracts your from the informative text that you have come here to this website for... And also, it blocks the bottom bit of the text out as well, though personally, when I first saw it, I thought that it was pretty smart for the people that own the blog to insert it into their pages...But yes, it's rather annoying too...So my opinion is, while I think that it is very smart of you do to something like that, I wouldn't put it in even if I knew how to just because it really IS annoying and I think that you would be better off without that poppy thing at the bottom of the page. The toolbar, I mean, not the virtual Weasle...<"Pop goes the weasle">

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