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..about That Psiball Thing,

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For some reason, I feel like trying out that Psiball thing our resident psychic phenomena expert (:)) was posting about. I've done a bit of reading on the subject and it interested me. I think I'll do a little journal of my attempts here. To start off with I'm trying to be as confident and open minded as I can and believe in these little psi balls, because I think if these things are truly do-able, I'd have to be in a right state of mind to achieve success, but I can't help but feel very skeptical and doubting the whole thing. I mean, it does sound kind of weird, to focus your psi and channel it through your body into your hands. Since I have a feeling nobody will be reading this but Nameless, (Hey Nameless!) if you have any tips or encouragement, feel free to share.. :P If these Psiballs are real, I want to experience it!I don't think I'm in the the right frame of mind to attempt something like this Psiballs at this moment, but we'll see... I really don't know much about "Psi" so I wonder if Psiballs are beyond my skill level.. I don't feel energy flowing through my body :P

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I've always been interested by the concept of PSI, i guess thats why i enjoy movies such as "Dark City" and the game system shock 2. Although i don't know anything about these "psi balls", i watched something on T.V some time ago where scientists had scientifically proven people let of electrical waves and to a small degree other people can actually pick up on these (the degree to which this occurs i dont know). Unfortunately i never learnt any more about it than those facts. PSI does make good movie stories and game plots though...

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For some reason, I feel like trying out that Psiball thing our resident psychic phenomena expert (:)) was posting about. I've done a bit of reading on the subject and it interested me. I think I'll do a little journal of my attempts here.
To start off with I'm trying to be as confident and open minded as I can and believe in these little psi balls, because I think if these things are truly do-able, I'd have to be in a right state of mind to achieve success, but I can't help but feel very skeptical and doubting the whole thing. I mean, it does sound kind of weird, to focus your psi and channel it through your body into your hands.

Since I have a feeling nobody will be reading this but Nameless, (Hey Nameless!) if you have any tips or encouragement, feel free to share.. :P If these Psiballs are real, I want to experience it!

I don't think I'm in the the right frame of mind to attempt something like this Psiballs at this moment, but we'll see...

I really don't know much about "Psi" so I wonder if Psiballs are beyond my skill level.. I don't feel energy flowing through my body :P

Haha, I'm glad that I've got you and that you're interested. Yes, they are actually quite real.

In fact, I have to say that the only prove that these "psychic phenomena" that I've been studying for over two years is only in the psiball, because that is the only thing that I have experienced FOR REAL so far. I've had my share of telepathy and telekinesis experiences in the last two years, though I have to say that scientifically, I have absolutely no prove that it actually exists, because I haven't tested them in strictly controlled environments.

However, I do coaching (or I used to), and I wouldn't mind if you sent me a PM or two regarding questions and we can find a chat room (or the Xisto forums shoutbox would suffice if we are allowed to use it) and we can practice there.

But I'm extremely glad to have you interested. Darn it... if only my site was up and running, I'd get you into the community, but I haven't even gotten the template done and ready yet. :)

But anyway... :P

Yes, I was skeptical at first. Yes, it seems like that everyone goes there first... But I've done my research and I'm proud to say that I believe in this psychic phenomena.

Well, psiballs are considered the easiest thing to achieve in terms of developing your psychic awareness. It takes a lot time and effort - for me, that is. It is actually different for everyone. One of the first steps is to BELIEVE. There is absolutely no chance of gaining the ability if you don't believe.

Personally, I think that believing is already half the job done.

There are several methods in making a psiball.
You will have to find out what works best for you. Don't giveup if you can't do it after a few days. It took me weeks of trying before I did anything.
Well, but that's only because I'm a slow learner.

But you have to concentrate and try and get all your energy into your hands. If you're interested I might make a video on it. But there is one thing that I would like to tell you. Don't follow any instructions if you don't think it's right. I've read many articles and none of them suits me, so I've developed my own way of making a psiball. Remember, it's different for everyone, because everyone's an individual.

It's easy to give up after a while, but you should persevere. Well, a psiball isn't too hard...
It's pretty easy after a while.

Basically, "psi" is the same as the Chinese "Chi" and the Japanese/Korean "Ki"... it's just energy. But most people can't feel it. So if you want to make a psiball... You have to feel "psi" first. And to me, that's a tingly feeling, though some people experience heat. But most people experience a tingly feeling.

More on that later... I'll wait for your reply before I bore you to death with my extremely long posts that I tend to make when I like something a lot...

(Hope I helped you! - I know that it's a pretty abrupt feeling!!!) :)

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sorry about the last one. I accidentally sent a blank one to you .Can you please send me a video of you knocking a bottle two meters away from you with a psi ball. And please send the video.

-reply by sanskar

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