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New In The Forums: Nameless_ A bit about me and some questions I would like to get answered.

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Edit: Sorry, I didn't register at ComputerHost (Xisto) before I posted my intro post... Are you even suppose to register? Because I think you do... but I can't see any credit. :)I don't know what I'm supposed to do... please help.I hope I did everything right. :-/

Edited by Nameless_ (see edit history)

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Hi people,This is Nameless_ here, and I'm new to the forums. I am not worried to get myCents up as I can be pretty active if I want to be. However, I don't know what myCents is and I don't know how to check how much I have earned.I also don't know how to use it, but in my understanding it is the same as real American dollars that can be used for many if not all hosting sites.I have joined this site as I want to learn how to make a website for myself.I know I am not allowed to post personal information up, but I am quite young, maybe one of the youngest members here. I just want two personal websites for my personal use, and I want to have my personal email. I'm new around here, so I'm not sure if this is the right website for me. I have done some research on this site for a while, and I thought it would be best if I joined and see how things go. One of the things that made me hesitate in joining Trap 17 is the option of deleting my account if it doesn't suit me after all... but some threads in this post give me the solution to this, so I joined. However, the positive feedback from the members made me join... I have tried Webs.com, but I didn't like it because of the lag and the ad at the bottom. I don't mind putting ads up if the money goes to me to help me host my site.I am interested in Spirituality/Science and Graphics, which is what I want my two sites to be about. I am glad to find forum boards on these topics. I want my site to look good, however, I only know basic html, and I don't know how to make it look good with coding alone. I don't mind making graphics and them putting it up my site as the design template, however, so any help on that will be highly appreciated.I hope to see you around, and I will appreciate any tips and hints to get started.I am only a beginner, and making a website seems to be very hard.For one thing, I don't know what SQL and Bandwith is... So, see you around!Nameless_

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Welcome!! Enjoy yourself in the forums and if you want a guide to web hosting, be sure to Read the FAQ's, everything about MyCENTs and the Xisto account linking then to buy a package when you reach the required price! :D
Enjoy, post a lot (not spam) because this is the objective to get moneyz! :) To create a website, it's easy if it's just a forum. Assistance with T17?, post Here.
Don't double post btw :P If you don't know what these things are, you could just go to the Support Zone!

Edited by SpiderVV (see edit history)

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Welcome!! Enjoy yourself in the forums and if you want a guide to web hosting, be sure to Read the FAQ's, everything about MyCENTs and the Xisto account linking then to buy a package when you reach the required price! :DEnjoy, post a lot (not spam) because this is the objective to get moneyz! :) To create a website, it's easy if it's just a forum. Assistance with T17?, post Here.
Don't double post btw :P If you don't know what these things are, you could just go to the Support Zone!

Thank you for replying...
I'll refrain from double posting from now on.
I'll be on alot, and I'll post alot too, but I won't spam.

Thanks so much once again for helping! I hope MyCENTS will start working soon, I'm pretty scared I did something wrong, though I'm sure I registered under the same email as I've got two emails (one from Xisto and one from Xisto).

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I did... but it's not showing though.I's been 6 hrs, I went to sleep and it's still not here. :)

If i'm not mistaken, you need at least 5 posts before they show up. Currently, you only have 4 posts.

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True fusion is correct. Plus: the script is not instant. It runs only every 4 or 5 hours, so please be patient. The script works. Just give it some time, please.

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True fusion is correct. Plus: the script is not instant. It runs only every 4 or 5 hours, so please be patient. The script works. Just give it some time, please.

Argh! 5 posts! And I was one post short... I kinda gave up posting after it didn't show up.
Anyhow, this is my 5th one, so it should work...

And now I have to for 4 or 5 hours... :):D

Edit: spelling mistake - I think it said the posts has to be good grammar to get more money.
Edited by Nameless_ (see edit history)

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more than good grammar, the post should be of good content :D anyway, Welcome to the forums Nameless_!!! You'll be up and creating your very own website soon enough. I spent just twenty or so hours here and now have two functioning websites :):P I have nothing to complain about this website (okay maybe the myCENTS could be updating faster, but that's not a big problem and the current system is sensible enough) and it is sure to help you a lot.I too am a newbie in the world of web designing though not in the world of programming! This is the first time I ventured into web designing and am seriously thinking of switching from core programming to web designing; it's very interesting :D Do let us know when you get your website up! And enjoy your time at the forums

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more than good grammar, the post should be of good content :D anyway, Welcome to the forums Nameless_!!! You'll be up and creating your very own website soon enough. I spent just twenty or so hours here and now have two functioning websites :):P I have nothing to complain about this website (okay maybe the myCENTS could be updating faster, but that's not a big problem and the current system is sensible enough) and it is sure to help you a lot.
I too am a newbie in the world of web designing though not in the world of programming! This is the first time I ventured into web designing and am seriously thinking of switching from core programming to web designing; it's very interesting :D Do let us know when you get your website up! And enjoy your time at the forums

Thanks kasperooney,
I really appreciate the warm welcome here...

I'm earning money fast enough, but I just need to learn how to code.
I'm not allowed to pay money for a web designer, as I am quite young and under parent supervision.

And it would be easier to change and edit, if I did it by myself.
And the self-satisfaction will be more than enough to get me going.

I have been to other sites, like Webs.com and Weebly, but never been to a hosting site.
I'm just thinking, maybe I should have experienced one of those free hosting sites before coming here, so I know what it's like, because after webs I just cam straight here, after thinking and looking around for 3 days wondering whether I should sign up. The comments were very positive, and that's why I'm here now.

And of course, there's the initial belief that paid hosts are better than free ones...
And you're 100% in control of your site (if only I know what 100% actually means)

I might do a thing on Photoshop to show everyone what I want my site to look like, so you guys can give me tips...
But anyhow, thanks for everything!

Thank you once again for the warm welcome.
I highly appreciate it,

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and welcome to Xisto! Xisto is run and owned by Xisto - Web Hosting.

Firstly we are glad you have chosen Xisto and hopefully you will keep active and happy on the forums.
Now looking at your profile it dose not look like you have configured the myCENT probably.

To do this you have to register here or (Xisto Billing and support) making sure you register with the same email address you have as your Xisto account.
Now the myCENT will not appear straight away and could take up to 4 hours to configure pro pally. However if this is not the case and the myCENT has still not been added please make sure you are posting some good & quality posts. If this still dose not work please either PM me or reply to this topic HERE.

Below are some great links that may help you:

Xisto billing and support
Xisto Forum Rules
Xisto Faq
All about myCENT (v3)

I would also like to give a heads up to all new members that the moderation team do not like 1 liners and that could result in a warning :P

Dont forget if you need any help please post in the forums or PM me (Phoneix)

- Phoneix ;)

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Hello Nameless_ and welcome to Xisto! Xisto is run and owned by Xisto - Web Hosting.

Firstly we are glad you have chosen Xisto and hopefully you will keep active and happy on the forums.
Now looking at your profile it dose not look like you have configured the myCENT probably.

To do this you have to register here or (Xisto Billing and support) making sure you register with the same email address you have as your Xisto account.
Now the myCENT will not appear straight away and could take up to 4 hours to configure pro pally. However if this is not the case and the myCENT has still not been added please make sure you are posting some good & quality posts. If this still dose not work please either PM me or reply to this topic HERE.

Below are some great links that may help you:

Xisto billing and support
Xisto Forum Rules
Xisto Faq
All about myCENT (v3)

I would also like to give a heads up to all new members that the moderation team do not like 1 liners and that could result in a warning :P

Dont forget if you need any help please post in the forums or PM me (Phoneix)

- Phoneix ;)

Dude... this post has been dead for like, ages you know. And I'm not really that new anymore, maybe in website building because I still haven't started my website yet (still! Not because I'm procrastinating, but because I'm just so too busy to start. I still have to do my layout on Photoshop and show it to you guys first... though I've already gotten my design in my head, and just need to create it on Photoshop, which is harder than I thought).

BUT I'm thinking of starting once I find some time (I really can't with homework, piling assignments and the what-nots) and I don't want to waste time just doing nothing. Plus, when I start using the free web hosting I will be deadlocked into a commitment with Xisto.com having to post quite a lot just to keep my site up, and so I'm still building my stash of myCENTS. If possible, I am still finding ways to make money online that takes much less time than posting and that will let me earn more... enough for me to just not post and still able to host my site, but I still haven't found any websites like that at the moment.

There ARE many earning and making money online sites out there, but most of them are scams and most of them require to give your personal details, which I am not prepared to do, and they also require you to spend more time than I would at Xisto posting and posting and posting and reading other posts from other members.

But I really can't keep this up in the long term and I really need to find ways that can help me host this site easier.

But anyway.... I can see you spamming everywhere on the forums, Phoneix/Dark Archer/Phoenix.Illusion.... *tut tut*
*shakes head*

I wouldn't do that if I were you.... ...

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