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New Man Here!

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Hi my name is Jim, they call me Pops!Trying to get things going with putting up a forum for my car club!Looking forward to getting lots of info from everyone!!

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Hey Jim, welcome to the Xisto boards over'ere :D


You are welcomed to post and get 'cents' for your posts, the longer the post, the bigger your 'cent' count with which you can get Xisto 'money' and buy hosting or domain or both :D


After you make more than 5 posts, sign up at the Xisto Billing area, and don't forget to use the same e-mail address you used when you signed up here.

MyCENTs will be accumulated into dollars as I said, and the dollars count after you sign up can be seen at the index page of that website.


You must read readme file (which contains the board rules) too and these 3 helpful posts:

How Xisto gives Free Web Hosting?

How to Order Web Hosting for Free?

More about myCENTS - CreditSystem

Enjoy your stay and have fun making new friendships :P Edited by miladinoski (see edit history)

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Welcome to Xisto.com, and the Xisto community patriotpop! :D Remember to be active and post etc, and the stuff miladinoski said above. :P

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Welcome to the Trap 17 forums patriotpop Make sure you read the trap 17 read me Before you go on a posting rampage to get the mycents you need for your ultimate hosting package or Domain!.


If any problems the forum is always open so post into Xisto answers!.


- Ash :D

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Welcome to Xisto Pops. I know that you will enjoy yourself here in the forum. we have a lot of great topics to pick from, and some good people always hanging out in the shoutouts too.

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