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Another Fireball Fireball over Texas USA

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Well 1st it was a fireball over Scandanavia I know bad spelling. Now it is one over texas in the us. I head of this on CNN
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I hope that wasn't a joke. It could be awesome to prove that we can't figure out everything yet, and end the whole structured universe isn't that perfect. I would like to say that meteor showers are possible during the day just rather hard to see, and I am rather amazed that someone was standing there, when it happened just enough to take a photo, with a fireball going that fast. Oh and I'm rather confused about the whole Fireball thing, isn't that what they refer to as a bomb or a missile?

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No it was not a joke, have heard on tv they now think it was a meteoird traveling at catch this, 20 KM per second! What just worry's me this is the second fireball like this in the last month. Makes me wonder what could be behind all this. I say behind as not in front but Behind.

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As weird as it is I never even saw this, and I'm from Texas. Nor did I hear about it until now.As far as I know our news never talked about it either.So how do you know for sure it is even true? I'd think we would have heard about it before cnn were it to be a true story...I think it's just another case of "Yellow Journalism."

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Arh yes this was on the news last night, Some people thought it was parts from where 2 satalights crashed the other week,NASA said "That's Impossible" Or is it?

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As weird as it is I never even saw this, and I'm from Texas. Nor did I hear about it until now.
As far as I know our news never talked about it either.

So how do you know for sure it is even true? I'd think we would have heard about it before cnn were it to be a true story...

I think it's just another case of "Yellow Journalism."

well I 1st heard of it yesterday afternoon at the doctor's office. when I came home I checked CNN, thinking the same thing you did RPG. But was there. I also had a talk last night with a friend from Canada that is real big into Amature radio and Sattilite tracking. He was telling me of this too. That NASA did not think it was the leftovers of the 2 Sattlites that crashed into each other last week. here is another stoy of this not from CNN but Yahoo news. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ I did a search of google and there are many reports from this. Not only from CNN Yahoo. but Fox and some from news papers out of Texas. So this was not Yellow Journalism but fact. If not it will go down as being one of the biggest fakes in history

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Yeah, after I posted this I talked to some others near me and apparently I live in a cave or something..They all heard about it as well. Seems it happened near us in fact(not sure where).I wonder if we'll have more.

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