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Are Americans Really This Dumb? (video) it possibly cant like this, or can it?

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Hello americans, I found a video that will piss you off (don't beat me up, I didn't make it)

I know most of you are from USA so I posted this link here, the question is included in the topic.

The website is in Finnish but just wait for the video to load and watch it.


I find it very funny "how many sides does a triangle have?" "one" :D this is hilarious!

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Another favourite of mine is Rick Mercer's Talking to Americans.


There are 4 Youtubes showing a Canadian Comedian interviewing Americans and bluffing them into replying to mis-statements about Canada, from allowing Daily newspapers, saving their national igloo, getting electricity and many more.

I particularly liked President Bush and the "poutine" story.

Of course, there is the apology, as well.


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They always find the stupidest people to make these.I honestly don't know anyone that stupid, and have never known anyone that stupid in my whole life.But, I'm gonna be honest I probably would've *BLEEP*ed up the "Which country starts with a U?" question. I mean, I knew it right when I saw the question, but I know if he actually came up to me in person, I might mess that up. Most people don't think of the "United States of America", they think of "America", even though the former is technically correct.TBH, you could probably do this in any other country.

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Well I can't tell for sure if Americans are stupid but the ones in the video are... hahaha, I remembered one of those videos I saw one that ask someone something like "From which state is KFC?" and the person didn't answer the question so the person ask again "do you know what KFC means?" and the other person answered yes Kentucky Fried Chicken hahahaha dahhh haha it's was hilarious... but there's a lot of people in the country not all of them are stupid... but those videos are really funny...

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Search YouTube, you'll find these kinds of videos for just about any country. I think the main reason why the English-speaking people are targeted is because English is the most widely understood language in the world, which means more people can watch it, and because the English-speaking countries are also one of the wealthiest countries out there, therefore expecting them to be well educated. The interesting part of these videos, though, is that, chances are, these videos took a lot of trial and error just to be able to fill the time frame and that all it takes is one wrong answer for people to find these people stupid. So anyone watching can be easily deceived. Everyone is good at doing something, but people shouldn't be seeking to make laughing stocks of others for the things they are not.

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Yes, I saw a lot of those kind of movies/shows too, but don't believe in most of them, for example in my country we also have a show like that, and it's really fake, most of the stuff is fake, people are asked to say something stupid and they usually agree, when you look at that show with more attention when it seems like obvious, some times these people laugh themselfs at the end..Also, people are offered some money to say something stupid about the question, to make the answer be hilarious and it's sometimes really is a bit funny to watch it, because you can't know what they will ask or say :D but most of it is fake or just for 10$ to look funny.

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The topic starter has an interesting signature. In fact, when I try repeating here, it gets bleeped out. But in response to the question, yes, Americans have been systematically dumbed-downed via the Public Fool System, mind-numbing tel-LIE-vision, video games, fluoridated water, mercury in vaccines, high fructose corn syrup in the soda, chemtrails in the air, factory-farmed meat, and the list goes on. I'm sure this engineered war on the public is all an incredible coincidence. Still, it's cool to be a knuckle dragging moron, didn't you know? Witness how the media glamorizes the mediocre and chastises genius, over and over again. Repeat the same idiotic mantra enough times and those of feeble mind (or without strong parents) will readily succumb so as not to appear "different" or of an individualistic bent. The citizens of the world's once greatest empire have served their purpose as the world's police men, having procured much of the planet for the globalist elite/banking/corporate cartel who the culture creators (via Madison Avenue) the American public so sheepishly follow, and the rest of the world so grudgingly admire. And now the same elite who built America up are going to bring her to her knees, so that she might be more readily assimilated into the North American Union. The idiots of reference in this video are simply collateral damage, as war criminal Henry Kissinger would have it. And make no mistake, when America falls, the rest of the world will go with her.

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I know people in the USA can't be this stupid, just ran into this funny video and just had to share it with you all.After all, the man that holds/holded the highest IQ was american, he had an IQ of 228. That doesn't change the fact that americans have 15 points less average IQ than europeans ( :D ).People in this video were faking or they were the dumbest of the dumbest. I apologize if I gave the impression that I think I'm somehow smarter than you. The End

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I apologize if I gave the impression that I think I'm somehow smarter than you.

Dearest Baniboy, please don't apologize for injecting some much needed satire into the public sphere! God knows people need a good mental rogering every now and then to wake them from their stupor, and any thinking person will naturally interpret your post for what it is, as opposed to some show of mental superiority - which I know it isn't. We run in to trouble when we take others words too literally.
As far as one person's mental prowess over another, what's wrong with admitting we are not all the same? For all I know, you ARE smarter than the average American. That is something to be proud of, not something to apologize for. Must we all languish in the hellish realm of mediocrity? For myself, I refuse to dumb down my speech or attitude because some mental midget might get "offended" by use of anything other than the gutter-speak propagated by our slave masters on Madison Avenue. Keep in mind, their agenda is to keep you enslaved in their inhuman Matrix. The dumber you are and the weaker your vocabulary, the better slave you make. So strive for academic excellence, even though it is not "cool." There is nothing more threatening to powerful interests than the man who can reason things out and question the status quo.

That being said, Baniboy, please continue to titilate our minds with your thought-provoking witticisms! I for one, am game.

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