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Hiring Felons What is so wrong with it?

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The problem is the fact that the employer is in the judgment seat in the first place. It's nobody's business about the fact that I may have committed a felony some years ago. That's between myself and the government. If what I suppossedly did was that bad than I should still be in prison. But guess what-the same people that put me in prison let me out w/a certificate of rehabilitation. Why? because I finished the time I had to do. And when I wasn't in society-guess what?-that was time away from you and time away from each other. If I'm physically in a position to apply for the job-show up for the interview-demonstrate the skills and desire-than how do you think I got there? I put myself in that position and that's all you need to know. 

The problem is the federal law which allows the dirt digging to go on indefinitely. The only information that the employer has is what's on a piece of paper and it's usually only the negative-a red flag. And as far as a liability is concerned-always remember what all first time offenders have in common (and there's alot of them waiting to happen)-ALL of them started with a clean record and would have passed one of those snitch background checks.

-reply by viper

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Replying to iGuestGod bless u! u sound very bitter and truly don't know half the story. Prisoners do in fact have to pay for college courses and the resources needed. See these are the things u don't know when you're looking from the outside in. I use to think that too! Oh when they go down they have so many opportunities to better themselves while they're doing time. Society wants u to believe that they are offering all these different programs to rehabilitate and educate prisoners and when u get there it is a totally different story. I surely thought once I got there I would come home with a different trade and a new outlook on life to return to society. Boy was that a lie! See what society doesn't tell u is that all prisoners are tested on their basic general education when u get there to determine the program u will be on. If u score high on the test as I did, unfortunately u don't even get the opportunity to go to school period. They MADE me work no matter how I expressed that I wanted my program to be schooling. This decision was all based on my test scores. I had no choices. If I chose to take college classes they had to be paid for out of my money in addition to going around my so called work schedule. The offenders that were able to do schooling had to fight for a space in classes that offered a trade, why?, because the prisoners who had 15yrs to life have been there for some time which means they've developed clout. They are taking up most the population in those significant classes that would ensure your successful return to society. Society talks a good game of the all things that's are available and offered in prison, but its a lie. They want you to believe that we as felons have better chances behind those walls than what we do because the system is eating up billions of tax dollars for this operation to continue to run. So yes prison offer several things that they say however, its not as accessible as they make it seem. I was in prison 4 months before I even had the ability to access the library! Its unfortunate but u barely have the opportunity to self educate let alone be provided with an education. These facts alone will not only explain the high statistics of repeat returns but also the inability to overcome the battle. Not all felons are a killers or a rapist. Yes I did the crime and the time, but when does society say so. Do I continue on for the rest of my entire life paying a debt I have already paid. Sometimes, we as a people have to look at the big picture and make decisions based on our ability to forgive and not our ability to condemn. We are all humans and even some of the highest people that represent us as a people and a nation are participating in some sort of criminal activity. We are seeing it everyday. So don't be bitter and judge those who are actually trying to get their lives on the right track by telling them they don't deserve a job, now that they are trying to make the right decisions. Change happens everyday, as a result we now have a black president. I have changed, things can change, we as a people can change. Embrace it! 

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I just wanted to put my story out there.Hiring FelonsI'm not even sure where to start. When my fiance was younger he made some mistakes and ended up with a drug charge so needless to say he is a felon. He has done nothing but get his life together and hasn't been in any kind of trouble since. The problem we are now facing isn't him finding employment, it's finding a place to live. He is on disability for cancer so we are limited on whats affordable. We have been living with and taking care of his grandmother for the past few years. Unfortunately she passed away a few weeks ago. His grandmothers house in which we are currently living in was left to my fiance's mother. My fiance's step father does not care for him because of the mistakes he has made in his past and we are now being forced to leave the house. We have been trying to find a place to live and we keep getting rejected because of my fiance's drug charge and we can't afford the rent of the indipendently owned propertys we have found. We are facing being homeless in less than a month and there are no services out there that will help us because we don't have children. What are people like us suppose to do? We are not bad people but nobody seems to care that we will be living in a truck in the middle of winter. We have done everything we know to do and now we have just hit a wall. Thank you for reading this. Any advice would be helpful.-reply by TandJ100

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hiring a felonHiring Felons

see ive committed a burgulary back in 2002 the only crime ive commited. I was 18,  I went to prison done my time. **** I can own guns and vote again after 7 years of jumping thru hoops. So who is to say someone else is going  to be a better worker than I am,  becouse of my felony.  still cant find a job, felony...   what a red flag! the people that allow this are messed in the head. Wait I mean the american government. F  them. Just about every american has commited a crime or 2 now only 15% of those people get caughtand only a fraction of them learn from it.  so now I ask you employers out there.  would you rather have hire a felon who has learned from the mistakes he or she has made, or hire someone who commits serious crimes and has not been in trouble for the crime and has not learned a thing??   a child rapist has a better chance of  getting a job than me.   that is sad . also sad a child molester convicted of rape in the state of minnesota for there first offense get probation and a slap on the wrist.  mind you  that is for full out rape on a child less than 12 years old.   I went to prison for 48 months for stealing guns. My first and only crime. I just turned 18.  I admited to the crime and got the guns back for them. I felt bad enough. For doing what I did so I snitched on myself.   now you tell me america the best place in the world .  free world my *bottom*.. F  the  american government! 

-reply by joshkrech

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I do not have a problem with convicted felons getting a second chance.  As quiet as it is kept, all of us have done something that we needed a second chance to help us.  There are a number of people on this website that have done things that could have gotten them significant prison time but you just did not get caught.

The other consideration is what it does to the communities.  If a person is unable to get a job, how are they supposed to survive.  It has significantly impacted the Black and Lation community as there are far more African American's and Latino's being incarcerated than any other race.  This could be the reason that nothing has been done about this situation.  If a person is not able to provide for themselves legally then the only other option is illegally.  This is just common sense.  Society really needs to be more forgiving and less self righteous.  There are communities within the United States where the parents have the money to cover up little Johnny's illegal behavior so he never gets the title of convicted felon.

I propose that there is time for a change.  A person from the age of 18 to 25 should be given a chance to have their record expunged.  If it has been over 3 years since the person has committed a crime and has not been in trouble for those 3 years and has made significant progress in those 3 years; like going to school and getting a high school diploma, or college degree or trade, their record should be expunged.  Once a person has been convicted and served time in prison that should be the end of  the punishment.  A life sentence is supposed to be reserved for those that take a life.  It should not be for someone that has paid their debt.

-reply by sassymassey

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 I used to tell the truth on background checks ended up with the worst jobs, layoffs and short term employment patterns. It is much better to figure out who doesn't background and lie on your application. It seems there is more money in the long run this way 

-reply by bobthesailor

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Replying to Zeyomie Our society hasn't evolved enough yet. Remember this land was barely founded in 1492. There are laws set to discriminate against felons. For example "Negligent Hiring Laws." Someday there will be hearts as pure as our own but until then you are working against people with brass hearts.

-reply by bobthesailor


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Hiring felonsHiring Felons

In today's society you have over five (5) million people that's either incarcerated, on probation or parole. There was a time in this country where your background came into play, when the conviction could be directly tied to the position you applied for. The founders of this country was felons, they insurrected the government at that time. Society has an obligation to hire this individuals so that they may be productive citizens. Foreigners  come here and companies can't even conduct efficient background checks on these people. There will come a time where this country will regret not using the skills of the citizens that have felonies in their background. The number of people with felonies are increasing, so what going to do, start importing workers to do the job that americans can do. The economic effects of this discrimination is affecting this country. I wish I had more time to digest it all. This is an alleged country where ninety (90) percent of the nation is so called christians, so I pose this question, what would JESUS do in this situation, would he discriminate? I say this everyone have a purpose and when you decide to not use a talented pool of individuals, who made some bad decisions in there life years ago, you are doomed. The law is the law and society should not attempt to extend the courtroom of justice to the streets of this country.

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ExpungementHiring FelonsDepending on the state, an expungement is a great route to go. You have to be eligible, and be able to show the judge that you have earned it (it is not a right).That being said, Expungement for a sex offense does not grant you relief from the sex offender registry. Even if your record is expunged, you will still be required to register.-reply by Keeping-on Keeping-on

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im a convicted felony non-violentHiring Felons

 the sad thing is, I was convicted 17 years ago and I did 12 and a half years of my life. I been trying to go to any truck driving school to obtain a class "A" CDL, however, they are turning me down because what I did 17 years ago. I think it's wrong, I did my time, I'm paying my fines and they are still hitting me in the head with thier "be good" stick..

-reply by bruce

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The view point from the wife of a felonHiring Felons

My husband has a felony charge from 1996. He just got laid off and now he is told "no job do to his felony". We have 3 little girls. What would you tell them "SORRY YOU MUST DIE OF STARVATION AND NO HOME DUE TO YOUR FATHERS FELONY". My husband did his time and has been clean and clear for 7 years, and still someone has the right to tell him he is not allow to work and care for his family.


-reply by Theresa


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A Felon With No LadderHiring FelonsHow I feel, I was young made a mistake, did my time. I feel as is I have been cast away from society. I could not find work other than restraunt work, so I started my own business. Being a woman and landscaping for a living, it took a toll on my body and health. I begin to loose weight, people started to talk. Comments ranging from, you are doing drugs, to do you ever eat. I feel in a state of depression, I would get discriminated by my own customers doubting my abilities to do the work. They would said, they have never seen a woman do this kind of hard labor, they ask why won't I get a inside job? I would just smile and say I love this kind of work. At night, my back would ache so bad that I would cry, but every morning I would get up in so much pain; and do it again. I was excited to get back in school, unfortunately I was only dicouraged with every career path I choose: You can not, get a license in that field with a back ground. I would start running and that bully kid would trip me and say sit down your not going anywhere. I was young, I have learned, let me live my life. There have been times where I thought of killing myself, because in everyone's eyes. I was wearing a sign that said FELON: "must not treat as citizen warning danger". I went from being most likely to suceed, to most likely do not associate with. So I lowered my standards of education and settled for less. I told my self I cant get into nursing school, I can get a certificate, to do the work noone else wants to. Cleaning *bottom* is what I did as an aid. I took the one month only to find out, I would not be allowed to test with state. You guessed it, I have a background, now I have waisted my time and hard earned money. Back to square one; NOWHERE. I could gave up instead I choose to take a dangerous route. Use a clean background id, relax it was a close familey member. I will admit, I thought about it for weeks. Every night, I would come home with a back ache! Not just any back ache, I have two slipped disc in my back, so, it makes it worse when I bend a long time. I decided to do it. "The best aid they ever had!" said the residents. I remember not getting a promotion, because I was one of the strongest people on the floor. I was always praised about my work by employees and residents. They would ask, why I would'nt take the next course, and increase you pay by three dollars an hour. I would look at them and say;I like this kind of work. I was to paranoied to work after long, enemies of mine knew the truth. They threatened to expose me, so I quite. That would mean more on my back ground. Identity theft and working with out a license. So, as a new year has come upon my. I made it my goal to put my past behind me. Then I stumbled upon this blog, and it made me get depressed again because when I walk out the doors I will always be judged by my background first. Even if I were to recieve my PHD. Then and only then they look up to you. They will say you came from a troubled past, and you succeeded to the top. What they fell to realize, in that troubled past someone did not judge and gave you a chance. That's all it took was for one person to say; Here's a ladder climb as high as you would like. Not sorry we do not give ladders to felons; your not allowed to climbed or wait 7 years before you can get your ladder. In the mean time leave our society, come back after 7 years. Ps. Even my own family judges, the only ones you are supposed to look to! THE ONLY ONES! They make sure they remind you every DAY! Especially at holidays at the end of another year, and you have yet to climb the ladder. Yes there are different circumstances, I not saying all felons, but don't label us. Most felons really had learned and changed, but they could never get their ladder. Everywhere they went people had there ladder, but them. To people with ladders from me with no ladder; please I beg beg you all let me get mine; I'm ready to climb.-reply by A Felon With No Ladder: Sorry!


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A Felon Without A LadderHiring FelonsReplying to galexcd How I feel, I was young made a mistake, did my time. I feel as is I have been cast away from society. I could not find work other than restraunt work, so I started my own business. Being a woman and landscaping for a living, it took a toll on my body and health. I begin to loose weight, people started to talk. Comments ranging from, you are doing drugs, to do you ever eat. I feel in a state of depression, I would get discriminated by my own customers doubting my abilities to do the work. They would said, they have never seen a woman do this kind of hard labor, they ask why won't I get a inside job? I would just smile and say I love this kind of work. At night, my back would ache so bad that I would cry, but every morning I would get up in so much pain; and do it again. I was excited to get back in school, unfortunately I was only dicouraged with every career path I choose: You can not, get a license in that field with a back ground. I would start running and that bully kid would trip me and say sit down your not going anywhere. I was young, I have learned, let me live my life. There have been times where I thought of killing myself, because in everyone's eyes. I was wearing a sign that said FELON: "must not treat as citizen warning danger". I went from being most likely to suceed, to most likely do not associate with. So I lowered my standards of education and settled for less. I told my self I cant get into nursing school, I can get a certificate, to do the work noone else wants to. Cleaning *bottom* is what I did as an aid. I took the one month only to find out, I would not be allowed to test with state. You guessed it, I have a background, now I have waisted my time and hard earned money. Back to square one; NOWHERE. I could gave up instead I choose to take a dangerous route. Use a clean background id, relax it was a close familey member. I will admit, I thought about it for weeks. Every night, I would come home with a back ache! Not just any back ache, I have two slipped disc in my back, so, it makes it worse when I bend a long time. I decided to do it. "The best aid they ever had!" said the residents. I remember not getting a promotion, because I was one of the strongest people on the floor. I was always praised about my work by employees and residents. They would ask, why I would'nt take the next course, and increase you pay by three dollars an hour. I would look at them and say;I like this kind of work. I was to paranoied to work after long, enemies of mine knew the truth. They threatened to expose me, so I quite. That would mean more on my back ground. Identity theft and working with out a license. So, as a new year has come upon my. I made it my goal to put my past behind me. Then I stumbled upon this blog, and it made me get depressed again because when I walk out the doors I will always be judged by my background first. Even if I were to recieve my PHD. Then and only then they look up to you. They will say you came from a troubled past, and you succeeded to the top. What they fell to realize, in that troubled past someone did not judge and gave you a chance. That's all it took was for one person to say; Here's a ladder climb as high as you would like. Not sorry we do not give ladders to felons; your not allowed to climbed or wait 7 years before you can get your ladder. In the mean time leave our society, come back after 7 years. Ps. Even my own family judges, the only ones you are supposed to look to! THE ONLY ONES! They make sure they remind you every DAY! Especially at holidays at the end of another year, and you have yet to climb the ladder. Yes there are different circumstances, I not saying all felons, but don't label us. Most felons really had learned and changed, but they could never get their ladder. Everywhere they went people had there ladder, but them. To people with ladders from me with no ladder; please I beg beg you all let me get mine; I'm ready to climb.-reply by Apologetic Felon

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Brother of a felonHiring Felons

Everyone has a great opinions and insight about hiring felons. I can say that I agree with certain things on both sides of being the felon and being the employer. It is sad seeing so many people that made a mistake and trying to correct it and live a better life be torn down by others. I am a true believer in second chances. I come from a family that always gives second chances no matter what. There is good in everyone I think some people just need to know how to see it and bring it out in those people rather then seeing what they did wrong and what they might do wrong. Grant it that some people just don't want help and choose to live that life, it's our job as citizens of mankind to help out others in any way and maybe to show people ( not force ) a way to be better. In that turning some one down by judging them on their past is not the way.

My brother is a felon. Burglery/habitat from about 7 years ago. He just got around the wrong people who where not really his friends. I know he had the power to say no and not to do those things. I am not placing the blame on those people and saying he didnt do anything wrong because he did. He chose to do those things and now he is paying for it...In every aspect. Since then he has been on a roller coaster trying to get past it. All his real friends abanded him and now it seems that he only attracts those that are not on the right path feeding him these bad habits. He works hard at a dinner making little money, has been living with so many diffrent people in the last year its almost stupid. Lot of his recent trouble has been drugs...Smoking the green and has been to jail for it but not on felony charges though but still a crime that could get you sent to the outcasted part of society. He is a very strong person who pretty much excells at everything accept controlling what he has done wrong because there is no one there for him. He tries so hard and just gets kicked down every time he tries and its sad...I wouldnt wish this kind of junk on anyone not even my worst enemy which happens to be sour cream...I hate it!!  I have research so many groups and junk online about hiring felons only to come up short. It almost seems that they just give bits and pieces of info and nothing much at all nothing short of...Hang in there and try.

I wish I had the time to start a non-profit orginization for those who truely want to get on the right path work hard and make it in life and not in jail. I just don't have the time at the moment due to dealing with a crappy divorce thats sucking my wallet dry. I am proud to see others out there respecting the words of felons. I hoep one day the word can spread far enough for others to see that we all have an opinion and a desire to help those in need. I will be praying for all those struggling with it specialy my brother.

in closing...Spread the word and hopfully we can get these short sided employers and companies so insight and show them felons are a part of this world just like them and they are no better. : )

-reply by Aaron

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I've a good friend of mine who made a terrible mistake. During a long and very nasty divorce, he one evening visiting a porn site that offered free downloads of images. He (stupidly) did this without checking the contents of the 3000+ images. His wife, however, did look. In amongst these 3000+ images were about 30 images of what individuals of "questionable age." Not children, but probably young teenage girls. His wife called the police and the FBI and reported him. They grabbed his laptop and a couple of hours came and arrested him at work. He's now facing possibly a life sentence (10 years for each image, so up to 300+ years total.) The the, who is apparently wanting to make a name for himself, refuses to do a pretrial meeting with my friend's lawyer, and insists that he's going to go for the maximum punishment possible. My friend is a good man, and actually very religious (the porn thing was in a low, weak moment.) He would absolutely never touch anyone that was under age. We don't have a trial date yet (thanks to the the) and it won't be with a jury- just a judge (and it's an election year- talk about every bad break you can get.) But I'm concerned about if he doesn't get life- say 5 years- what is he going to do when he gets out? He's lost everything- all his retirement has gone to pay his lawyer. No job, no future, nothing. And being a sex offender, every door will be slammed in his face, even though all he is really guilty of is a "failure to sort and delete." Before this incident, I used to look on sex offenders probably like everyone one else does- I didn't want one near me or my family. Now I'm seeing things from a whole different perspective in regards to felons. 

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