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Boost Memory Drink Lots of Caffeine

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Isnt it ironic that schools are banning energy drinks in a time when test scores are everything, while a new study shows that large amounts of caffeine is actually believed to enhance memory.

According to a new study in Japan, scientists found out that just as muscle cells are stimulated by caffeine, brain cells in the hippocampus are stimulated to increase calcium concentration. This improves the cells signal flow, which improves memory.

full story here

Yet again there is this?
Hoping to improve your tennis serve? It's probably better to catch a few winks than load up on java after a lesson, results of a NIMH-supported study suggest. Caffeine impaired such motor learning and verbal memory, while an afternoon nap benefited all three types of learning tested by Sara Mednick, Ph.D., and colleagues at the University of California, San Diego. The researchers report on their findings in the November issue of Behavioural Brain Research

full story #2

After reading this I don't know or really understand one says one thing and ther other is differnt. Myself as a coffee drinker. 4 to 5 cups in a 12 hour day, and being 47 years old. Is this helping or hurting me? I do know that coffe or the caffine in it is addictive. I am nothing until I have my first cup in the morning.

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I am nothing until I have my first cup in the morning.

same thing. :P

I don't underestand why wannabe dr. phil people always keep saying that caffeine is bad for you.
When I ask why, they answer: "it's addictive". SOOOO WHAAAT?????

Also they keep saying that children shouldn't drink coffee or energy drinks, there is no proof that says caffeine has different effects on kids than adults.

Now I didn't know about this memory thing, but I need coffee because I'm often sleepy even if I've slept like 12 hrs. Don't know why hehe. :P

After all, when you make a research about something, almost everything you eat/drink might be good for you in a certain way.

Caffeine does (gotta admit this one) increase your blood pressure, but only if you drink a hell lot of coffee, more like pure caffeine powder.

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now thoughs energy drinks, that I do have a problem with. thoughs things have too much caffenie. one can and your wired for the day. Some places here have even banned the sale of these drinks to anyone under the age of 18. if you need a caffeine rush. Drink coffee by the gallon or a couple of 6packs of coke. same effect

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Actually you know, coffee has more caffeine in it than energy drinks, the legal limit when adding artificial caffeine to a drink is 32mg/ 100 mlWhen a normal coffee drink has about 90mg caffeine in 100 ml of coffee. (espresso has more)Coffee is legal for anyone because it's a natural product. Energy drinks seem to have the same effect but it really is, because of the sugar in it. Also here in energy drinks they write on the labels "guarana" and "taurine". Few facts: guarana is a plant, they use GUARANA TO MAKE CAFFEINE!Taurine has no effects on human body, except if you're a 1 year old or so, human milk contains taurine, kids would have vision problems if wouldn't get it enough. It has no "drug like" effects on your brains.I don't like energy drinks, they taste weird and they are yellow like human piss, too much sugar.

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Being a Brit, I'm one for tea over coffee. Tea generally has less caffeine in it than coffee (reference), so it's certainly not one to give you the kick start that some people mention with coffee. That said, from personal experience a cup of tea in the morning seems to give me a more gentle boost, and I know for a fact that it's a nightmare to get my girlfriend out of bed before 9 if I don't come bearing a cup of tea to barter with. :P

As for energy drinks, I can't stand the things. Being a university student I've had to pull one or two all-nighters in the last semester to get work done in time (terrible, I know), and I'd rather have a cup of tea or coffee every few hours than some sort of super-energy-weak-fruit-squash that so many others swear by. That said, I'm not going to condemn anyone who suggests that they actually work, as I'm certain that the amount of money spent on researching and improving energy drinks is going somewhere, but they're just not for me. You stick to your energy drinks, I'll have my morning cuppa.

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I'm British too.At least that's where I grew up.I live in Canada now.I like coffee much more than tea though.The thing is,coffee does give you an energy boost.If I drink it toomuch though it seems it's harder to fall asleep.Some people I know can drink tons of coffee and don't have that problem.I wish I were the same.

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I'm British too.At least that's where I grew up.I live in Canada now.I like coffee much more than tea though.
The thing is,coffee does give you an energy boost.If I drink it too
much though it seems it's harder to fall asleep.
Some people I know can drink tons of coffee and don't have that problem.
I wish I were the same.

That's just the thing, though. You've got to remember that it doesn't give an energy boost as such, as the actual energy content of said drinks isn't all that high, but I believe it makes you "think" you have more energy? I'm not certain on that point, but I believe it's that which is responsible for the "crashes" after a caffeine high.

Let's not also forget that everyone reacts to caffeine in different ways. For instance, my mum gets headaches when drinking tea/coffee that's not decaffeinated, and can't each much chocolate without feeling the same way. Caffeine intolerant, clearly, but I suppose there are worse things. As for not being able to fall asleep after a ton of coffee, I think that's a pretty common feeling, and it definitely part of the reason it's my drink of choice for the mystical "double-all-nighter", where you have so much work to do you need to be awake for two nights and the day between straight. An absolute killer afterwards, but coffee - not tea - got me through that, for which I am thankful.

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Isnt it ironic that schools are banning energy drinks in a time when test scores are everything, while a new study shows that large amounts of caffeine is actually believed to enhance memory.
According to a new study in Japan, scientists found out that just as muscle cells are stimulated by caffeine, brain cells in the hippocampus are stimulated to increase calcium concentration. This improves the cells signal flow, which improves memory.

full story here

Yet again there is this?
Hoping to improve your tennis serve? It's probably better to catch a few winks than load up on java after a lesson, results of a NIMH-supported study suggest. Caffeine impaired such motor learning and verbal memory, while an afternoon nap benefited all three types of learning tested by Sara Mednick, Ph.D., and colleagues at the University of California, San Diego. The researchers report on their findings in the November issue of Behavioural Brain Research

full story #2

After reading this I don't know or really understand one says one thing and ther other is differnt. Myself as a coffee drinker. 4 to 5 cups in a 12 hour day, and being 47 years old. Is this helping or hurting me? I do know that coffe or the caffine in it is addictive. I am nothing until I have my first cup in the morning.

That I find hard to believe as I have been a loyal Mountain Dew fan for years and I don't feel any more smarter then when I don't drink it. Besides dropping a few energy drinks is not going to help you complete a test quicker because it will 100% make you unfocused because you be jumping around in your chair like a rabbit. Also lets not forgot once that stuff wears off your going ot be as tired as hell and so it will feel like this test is draggings for hours instead of 1.

same thing. :P
I don't underestand why wannabe dr. phil people always keep saying that caffeine is bad for you.
When I ask why, they answer: "it's addictive". SOOOO WHAAAT?????

Also they keep saying that children shouldn't drink coffee or energy drinks, there is no proof that says caffeine has different effects on kids than adults.

Now I didn't know about this memory thing, but I need coffee because I'm often sleepy even if I've slept like 12 hrs. Don't know why hehe. :P

After all, when you make a research about something, almost everything you eat/drink might be good for you in a certain way.

Caffeine does (gotta admit this one) increase your blood pressure, but only if you drink a hell lot of coffee, more like pure caffeine powder.

That is the problem with addictive you don't know that you have a problem and of course since caffeine cannot kill you, that I know of, it is still a harmful drug especially to kids. Heck everyone knows that when a kid is on a sugar high they are the most destructive force on the planet, hell a hurricane has nothing on them but for being unhealthy all that sugar is and could hurt the child in their growing if all they do is consume a ton of sugar and no dairy, vegtables and all that stuff. I know I regret not doing more of that in my younger days but alas I have to deal with the sleepless nights every time I consume that caffeine :P.

now thoughs energy drinks, that I do have a problem with. thoughs things have too much caffenie. one can and your wired for the day. Some places here have even banned the sale of these drinks to anyone under the age of 18. if you need a caffeine rush. Drink coffee by the gallon or a couple of 6packs of coke. same effect

Well who do you think these enrgy drinks and soda companies make most of their money from? Kids on energy highs or those who need to wake up since it is really early in the morning and stuff like that.

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Well who do you think these enrgy drinks and soda companies make most of their money from? Kids on energy highs or those who need to wake up since it is really early in the morning and stuff like that.

Damned good point. At the end of the day, all the companies are out to make money. Exactly what they put in their drinks, and therefore what you put in to your body, isn't a huge concern to them provided that it doesn't decrease sales too much. Such is the modern world, I suppose...

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