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Joomla Issues Article options keep pushing off the page

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I'm asking here as I wasn't sure where to put this at, but technically it has to do with software(Joomla).On my page, next to the articles(on the right side) it has the options to edit, convert to pdf, etc. But on my page, they keep getting pushed way off on the right side, making the page look horrible.Does anyone happen to know how to resolve that issue, and put them back next to the title?It only happens on the main page, but if you go into any of the categories everything looks fine.

As for the address - http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Thanks in advance.

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i checked out your site mate..i don't get what you're saying..everything seems to be fine or maybe its your browser.If you're using Internet explorer..stop..its not a good browser.I'd advise you to download Firefox.

Edited by africa (see edit history)

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When you're on the site normally it will look just like it should.Once you get it loaded up, click on "Home" under the nav bar and see if it doesn't push the article options off on the right side of the page.If it doesn't, I can also take a screenshot to better explain.

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It is working normally to me whatever links I pressed. Nothing unusual. Most probably its a browsers issue as africa told. Try using different browsers and check again... :P

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That's possible. Here is the picture showing my issue, :P. I wonder if there's a way to fix it for IE users as well. Most of my visitors have been using IE, so it is still quite a big deal to me.


Posted Image

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Yes, browser problem. I don't know any fixes for IE, but try a different template (theme). I'm not sure, but most probably that will solve your problem. Google for free templates.....download one and install it through Extensions->Install/Uninstall and test. All The best... :P

Edited by xpress (see edit history)

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Thanks all for your help! I'll worry about that later on. At the moment I'm more worried about features and getting everything up. I want to run Joomunity but I can't because for some reason or another once I install it I'm unable to CHMOD files and so I can't copy anything else over into those folders.That's my next step, followed by finding a "downloads" mod and a "Reviews" mod. By the way, does anyone know of either of those, or a community script that is kind of like joomunity?

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Its surely your browser...when i was running this other site, i used to have such kind of weird problems. Have you tried your site in different browsers?Install a different theme or try the bee theme that comes with joomla.. and see what happens.

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I resolved the issue now.It turns out that it was related to the picture I embedded. Maybe the size of it or something.I just posted a new news article which pushed it off and now everything is fine!Back to working on functionality. Now I just need a community script and a Reviews one.

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Knowing Joomla and Mambo, it would be annoying to edit a pre-made template, let alone make one from scratch. But the template you're using is going to require IE hacks, unless you can find one that doesn't or one that already has them. Unless you're willing to suggest (or force) users to use another browser. You could even use the report about the exploit in IE that affects IE5 through IE8 to have users switch. :P

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Well now that it's resolved it's not a problem...Well at least I think that's what the problem was. If it ever does come up again I'll try the same thing I did this time and see if it works again.By the way, do any of you know of a Joomla chat mod like the one these forums use? One where you are automatically "joined" into the room once you open the site, and it saves all the messages so that as you go from page to page it will allow you to keep chatting as if you were still on a single page.

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By the way, do any of you know of a Joomla chat mod like the one these forums use? One where you are automatically "joined" into the room once you open the site, and it saves all the messages so that as you go from page to page it will allow you to keep chatting as if you were still on a single page.

Might want to check out AJAX Chat. Not sure if it supports Joomla, but it might be one of the "other PHP community software." I've never used the program, but might be helpful.

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Thanks for that. Reading up on that I found out that a shoutbox would work as well, assuming that it connects to the user database so that people can't use a different name than theirs on the forum.As for getting that to work with Joomla, I didn't find any ways to do it via forum searches(Google) and I'm new to Joomla so I'm not capable of doing my own edits yet.Thanks for the heads up though.

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Well here is another one for joomla. Its also Ajax based shoutbox. Try the free version. You have to register(free) at that website to download it. I just downloaded it but haven't tried it yet. Give it a try.. Here is the link...Ajax Shoutbox

All The Best. :P

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