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Can I Host More Than 10mb Website With Free Webhosting

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Do you mean it at Xisto? Yes. It is possible. You can host even 500MB website. But you need to keep posting in our forums (of course, no spam...only quality posting) to maintain your hosting here. You'll get the best free hosting here. Come join us...A great community is here and will clarify any doubt of you.

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Yes you can host a 10MB website, as one of the packages consists of 20mb of stoage and 500mb of bandwidth a month and to get this package you need to acquire 10 hosting credits before submitting your hosting application. However if you feel your website is expanding and your running out of room or you keep breaking your bandwidth usage, then I would recommend an upgrade to the 500MB package which comes with 10GB of bandwidth. OF course, if you can't keep up with the posting, then oyu can try out the qupis.com as that account has 150MB of space and 5GB of bandwidth, but your limited to how big your uploads are and you will also have a text ad place on your website as well. Either of those options are good but if you have the cash then if you have like $5 a month you can spend then you can get a logical plan on Xisto - Web Hosting.com that comes with a 1GB of storage and 10Gb of bandwidth.So those are your options either are good for setting up what you need to run a website.

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Dear Saint_Michael,

I am very thankfull to provide hosting More than 10 Mb Website free hosting information as i have confuse about this Domain Name Registration and Website registration both thinks are different so in 10 point credit include both thinks or need more points. to get both. if i find 10 point then what i do first upload all web page or any other procedure by which get full package to upload.

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The domain name and hosting are different, but you get a subdomain name with your hosting for free. for example you get something like yoursitename.trap17.com for free, or you can buy something like yoursitename.com for about $10 per year (i think)

When you get 10 credits (you can check how many you have when you login it will display your credits near the top of the page) you then apply for hosting by going into the "Free webhosting requests" forum and following the instructions. IF you have the 10 credits and all of your posts are decent, good quality posts then you will be given free hosting with 20mb space (or if you chose the 30 credit plan, 500mb) and the subdomain you chose (example: veerumits.trap17.com)

If at a later date you want veerumits.com as your website name you have to buy that with real money or 250 credits.

Your hosting credits show how many days free hosting you have. When you apply for free hosting 10 credits (or 30 if you chose the 30 credit plan) will be taken away from you to pay for it. Then if you have 3 credits left you have 3 days of hosting left. IF you have 20 credits then you have 20 days hosting. To increase your credits you just post on the forums. So if you make one post per day on the forums you will probably earn about 1 credit per day, but only if your posts are long enough and of a good quality.

The basic rule is that as long as you post topics/replies on the forums you will have free web hosting. If your credits reach 0 or lower your site will be suspended, so no-one will be able to see it until you get 1 credit or more again (by posting on the forums)

This link will explain it more fully: http://forums.xisto.com/index.php?actE=01&HID=18

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Yes it is possible, but i advice you to create topics with a litle more content next time, this one you made has only one sentence, and that is not enough veerumits, you shoud elaborate your question a lot more, like for instance, what is the theme of your website, it is personal or comercial, what is the purpose of your website, et cetera.If you do not create a topic with more content, moderators or even admins wil consider your topic as spam veerumits, and you can be banned from the forums for spamming.

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