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Problem With Hosting delete it or wait it out?

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Okay all I need help and or advice of this problem or delema.I have already posted that I have a problem with logging into my cpanel, and have had replys of what to do, none worked. I have left a ticket with xisto and no reply. Right now I am about to go Nuke over this. as some of you know my site is a weather site and we have 2 systems on the east coast of the us. My problem is should I wait this out and let the credits I have be used. "cant even access my own site" or save them and just resign up and hope that takes care of the problem. Or even worse leave Xisto all together. I hate to say it but they have had some problems of late. But this isnt venting but a major problem here for me. During the last few storms I really had a lot of hits on the site, and I want thoughs ppl to come back, right now they cant even get it to load. I am really upset and need help of what to do here.Thanks Echo Of Thunder

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And this problem...is what? If you've already posted a topic about your problem there is no need to create another topic stating so...If you need support from the community you need to post your Xisto website and your problem.

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I feel the frustration though and i think a new topic is justified to get some attention. It seems Xisto - Support is REALLY lacking lately, a lot of members have had issues with getting a support ticket answered and even 24/7 live support has been offline which is counter productive. But Kubi is right, give us your URL so we can test it too, it could be only a limited number of users cant access it perhaps due to an ISP or DNS server nearer their end, or it could be as you suggest a Xisto problem in which case none of us will be able to access it. Its worth a try to isolate the issue.

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Waiting it out yes, but canceling your account will not fix the issue due to the fact that it is a connection problem and nothing on xisto's end reread the post I made and see if something in there I mention will work again. Even though we already did it earlier but odds are you have to contact your ISP to see what is going on, and for all you know your firewall settings or your browsers security settings could be messing around with you viewing your website.

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