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What Is Captcha

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A captcha is a verification for the website to know if a human is registering information the that site. Normally consists of an image with numbers or letters and noise so its slightly difficult to read.

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I don't think CAPTCHA is going to last very long. I program called X-rumor is used to do something on forums or something and it can bypass CAPTCHAs somehow.... I predict that there will be a more advanced system used to prevent SPAM from websites and stuff.

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It's pretty much everywhere now... but its basically a verification system that a website runs so that they can make sure you're not a bot... you might have seen this on youtube for example, when you've posted a lot of comments repeatedly, it makes you type in these random words... hope that helps :(

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CAPTCHA is something which keeps spammers and Bots away i know that, but on the other hand now a days i feel that CAPTCHA is keeping real humans too away. They display some wague texts which cannot be read and they say if you are a human type it , My God i am a human but i am not able to type it. I would say every service provider must reduce the toughness of captcha, else people will start to write books which states "how to read CAPTCHA" or "Learn to read CAPTCHA in 24 hours" and they will make money out of it :)But what so ever CAPTCHA has been doing a wonderul work or keeping Bots away. I have read something like CAPTCHA too is hackable and i really dont know how. Something like the captcha used in Php BB2 has been hacked i guess. I you try running a Php BB2 forum you will know that. Though there is CAPTCHA you will witness many Spams and fake profiles in the forum

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I don't like those either. I know what you mean. I have a hard time reading some of them, which makes me feel like a kid learning to read or something.I get them wrong all the time.I had no idea my word verification was turned on until someone told me. Hopefully that is the case with other people and that is why we have to type all of those crazy words.I turned mine off and have not gotten any spam. I do have my comments set for my approval, which is so easy, and then you can delete the spam if you get any. My other blog is a Wordpress blog, and it has a built in spam trapper that works like magic.

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Guys and girls please do remember that Google is your best online friend, There is every thing on there such as suitable content for this topic. Simply go to Google and enter 'Define: Recaptcha' It will then display what it is.

reCAPTCHA is a system developed at Carnegie Mellon University that uses CAPTCHA to help digitize the text of books while protecting websites from ...en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReCAPTCHA

Or in my words its to test if you are a downi :angel:.

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Captcha is annoying sometimes, they use too much distortion and images, and sometimes you can't even see it.It's really annoying, but it's fool proof sometimes, i've always been browsing on youtube and i've found some ways some people get by the captcha to create 1000 accounts and spam and whatever other dirty work they do. But to be honest, I think captcha is not good enough, they should make another kind of fool proof, like asking questions like 9 + 9 = ? that would work, or other simple but 'human' kind of questions, or like what color is this color, that would work as well.Though, it keeps spammers and account creator at ease, I mean people who are trying to get over this captcha law must be taking it in hard and trying to make money off spamming or something. Which would help a bit, but I don't really know how they do make money since I'm not like them.Thought it takes me serveral tries sometimes when I'm typing the captcha in, it's really annoying I do hate it.

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Captchas don't really bother me too much, but they do frustrate me sometimes when I can't solve them right off the bat. I understand why they're put in place but I thought the whole point was to make sure that you really are human. Well, what do we do when not even a real human can solve one? Captchas have been around for years now. You would think that by now they would have come up with a better way of resolving whether you are human or not.

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Captcha is an antispam technique promoted by google...it requires the human user to input two words in the box which r den verified by the computer if they r same...!..it also promotes digitalisation of old papers & journals as the words r chosed from them & on solving automatically gets added

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I've seen a lot of people doubt the reliability of Captcha (Re-Captcha, NUCaptcha and all variations) and its ability to tackle and prevent spambots, without taking one detail into account. As Captcha services progress, enhance in security and complexity, so do said spambots. The general idea of every man-made creation is evolution and betterment. Captcha is a highly reliable service, but you could say spambots are highly reliable to their creators as well. New and improving ways to battle Captcha are found with each day and that's what makes Captcha seem unreliable, even though it's still the best we currently have.

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I have used some captchas in my day, and, as you say, after a while, it seems like the Spambots find their way around them.


I have used the ones with the nasty, almost impossible to read coloured letters, I also used the ones where people had to enter the answer to something like a sum (eg. 2+3=), then I also used something similar, but where people had to answer a question, but the answer was case sensitive.


I also used a captcha where the letters were struck through, but in the end, spammers found their way through.


I have now signed up for Google's Recaptcha,a free service where words, scanned from old books or old newspapers have to be entered.

It does look reasonably secure.


However, I am not sure if it can be used anywhere, I use it on two PHPBB forums I run, and there it is simple to enter the two keys (a private and a public one) you get from Google.


I am going to do a bit of further reading, as it is interesting stuff, and I will see if I can use it on more than PHPBB forums.


However, I would heartily recommend it.

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I found out it can be easily implemented into PHP scripts as well.
You can go here for further details and the appropriate code needed to implement it in your own scripts.

Edited by mrdee (see edit history)

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captcha is basically to stop spam. its quite an efficient way and is now being used in numerous websites. its got different forms such as adding, subtracting (basic mathematical calculations) and normally presenting the letters that the captcha displays. but the most annoying thing is sometimes its hard to read the label and one can end up typing in different letters and different numbers thereby causing a misunderstanding. this happens usually when the words are clustered or when its hard to tell the difference of whether its a lowercase or an uppercase letter. on the whole its for protection process and is widely used only because of its efficient "protection regime".

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