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Are You A Whiner? I Hate You! :)

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ya know, i really do hate whiners. i hate the negative energy that goes in to whining. i am talking about the whiners that even when you and others do everything to try and listen and help them if they need it, nothing will ever please them. they will always find a reason to whine.I don't understand sometimes how people can go through life where something will always be displeasing to them. i mean, come on, if the whiners just see the good around them and concentrate on what they DO have instead of always concentrating what they DON'T have SELFISHLY, then they wouldn't have any reason to whine for the most part.for all you whiners out there, see the GOOD and stop whining!oh....and btw.....i am venting, not whining :)

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I like winge and complain despite the fact im pretty content with my life. I moan about EVERYTHING! Immigrants, people parking in disabled places when theyre not disabled, people leaving trolleys in parking spaces, chavs, old people, middle-aged people, crap adverts, crap TV shows, annoying celebs like freaking beckham and mostly the stupidity of governments including my (UK) shambles of a government and the ridiculous US administration. Team killers in games, basically if you name it i will moan about it :)That being said i am a pretty positive person, i do have the view though that if i always expect the worst ill never be disappointed! But there ya go, i dont like working with negative people who are like "oh we will never meet that deadline" Because they are right, if we all thought like that then no-one would ever meet a deadline... but there ya go!

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Yea whiners transfer their negative energy to the people around them and are such wet blankets! Sadly, I have a friend who's a whiner. She's a great person actually, other than the fact that she can really whine when things get really bad, so it's sad, and I can't yell at her to shut up although I have no qualms doing it if it was other people, because I don't want to offend her. I have spoken to her about her whining before and she whines even harder and thinks that everyone who complains about her whining hates her. It gets ridiculous, so now when she whines, I just keep quiet and refrain from commenting until she stops. Everybody has their bad times. Personally, I think one should either share their problems with their close ones by discussing it in a mature way, not just whining about it, or keep it to oneself.

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Hmmm, I don't know if I can classify myself as a whiner. I do usualy whine some days the whole friggin' day, and that happens when my day started bad for some reason or I am just not in the mood.

I can't say I am a whiner, but I can say most of the days I am a positive person always hoping for the best and wishing the best no matter what happens. On the contrary as I said when I am not in the mood I am very negative, nothing pleases me and I feel like the world is a stupid place (maybe it is) and I am getting suicidal like a stupid friggin' emo (I hate emos BTW)!!! Yeah, it displeases me when I see a whiner, but sometimes I'd like to get from their angle no matter how they are wrong about something and I try to understand them and hopefully help them resolve any problem they have or just give support in those moments.

Edited by miladinoski (see edit history)

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I agree with the negative energy transfer theory. If every person (in America) has a right to the pursuit of happiness, surely whiners are hindering this process and should be ground up for food. This is one solution and probably the most effective..

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I agree with the negative energy transfer theory. If every person (in America) has a right to the pursuit of happiness, surely whiners are hindering this process and should be ground up for food. This is one solution and probably the most effective..

Yeah, if we do that, there won't be any americans left..............

anywayz, point is......

every one has their bad times.......

Whiners just have it most of the time.....

And well, branding people is not a great hobby......

If they whine, let them be.... Personally, I just listen to them vent out all their frustrations and listen attentively. Not just stay in front of them and stare them deadly daggers of doom. nope. Really listen. It helps them get over it sooner......

I should know, I deal with at least, 2 whiners everyday that whine at least 3 times a day......

They're my siblings, and I have cousin's who whine and friends who whine and....

I just seem to attract whiners...... for some odd reason.....They all come out smiling though...... after their, eherm, "session" with me....

so all in all, let people vent when they want to so when the time comes that you want to vent, they will let you vent.....


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Want bad whining? Go on an online FPS game, buy their highest powered sniper rifle, attach a silencer, run around the map until you find a great hiding spot, and start practicing. Once you're good at it, start killing people as they run around. What happens? The entirety of the game whines that you are a hacker and insists that you should be kicked from the game with haste! Haste! [/rant]Don't you just hate the word 'whine'? It sounds so... whiny. I think that whining not only adds negative energy to the environment, but drains out a certain aspect of life in it. I can't remember the last time someone whined aloud about something and I didn't feel less enthusiastic about it afterwards. Surprisingly enough, I don't believe Americans whine much. With some of the laws around here, we should be running a 5 part choir with all of our whines. Every time someone whines, you should make a yo mama joke. Or a knock knock joke. Yea, that's it. That'll bring up the spirits! Or maybe they'll just whine about your joke... Yea on second thought, don't do that...

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My mums a terrible whiner, it annoys the heck out of me i feel like "just deal". She always has a defeated attitude and she'll huff and puff when things don't go her way. Actually lately i believe i seem to be out growing her on the maturity scale of things.

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Yes Whining can become very annoying, sometimes people just need to know not everything goes their way. I've learnt too much of that and sometimes you just have to suck it up, learn from it and move on. An individual can be sad but you cannot be sad forever, I mean just like at a funeral someone close to you dies, you will mourn till the day of the funeral and possibly some days after... but you know, you will coup with the death of this person and move on. That's why I don't understand how people fixate on a relationship when it goes bad especially when you were the person mistreated in it. You should just move on, there are like millions of other individuals out there that will treat you better.

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I'm a whinter..but I'm pretty sure I have legit reasons for whining about my life etcand did you guys know that people who are depressed or...constantly in a state of sadness sees the world as more..REAL than those of us who are actually happy?it's an interesting thought.

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:) Exactly correct there ,sometimes people take ,certain issues as being a whiner ,when in fact ,they just might hold something ,that should be listened to instead ,receiving closed mind and deaf ear ,labeling them as just being a whiner ,so tell me what is the difference in being a whiner or venting ? Is it not all the same ,just in different way it is presented out in open . As far as those that ,live a life through being depressed ,sometimes they can see ,each day with ore reality than those that ,walk around with their own heads in clouds being so happy that ,they end up tripping over their own two feet . At same time ,people spend more time with dose of happiness rather being depressed about life ,each day will be created into ,something you can actually enjoy .

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i started this thread so i will answer your question. whiners are those people who can't go through life without comlaining about something. it's more than just 1 problem or concern that needs to be listened to by another. it's a state of mind that whiners give themselves to where they will never be happy and always find something wrong. nothing is good enough and yes.....they have to whine about it.

i do hate whiners because instead of focusing on their problem or concern to better their lives, they are more focused on whining about crap.

whiners will also give off negative energy to those surounding them and those that don't deserve to listen to somebody whine all the time. brings people down.

what's the difference between whining and venting? very little in general....but venting is a lot different than whining in how i have defined whiners. everyone should be able to whine once in a blue moon....and if it's once in a blue moon, then they would be the ones i would give the greatest importance to when deciding if i want to listen to them or not knowing it has to be an important issue to them and since they are not included in the group of whiners i hate:D

btw- hate is too strong of a word....but fits well in the vent

:) Exactly correct there ,sometimes people take ,certain issues as being a whiner ,when in fact ,they just might hold something ,that should be listened to instead ,receiving closed mind and deaf ear ,labeling them as just being a whiner ,so tell me what is the difference in being a whiner or venting ?
Is it not all the same ,just in different way it is presented out in open .

As far as those that ,live a life through being depressed ,sometimes they can see ,each day with ore reality than those that ,walk around with their own heads in clouds being so happy that ,they end up tripping over their own two feet .

At same time ,people spend more time with dose of happiness rather being depressed about life ,each day will be created into ,something you can actually enjoy .

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