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I Am A Global Warming Denier, Hear Me Rawr!

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Okay, I'm tired of all this nonsense about Global warming. Why you may ask? Because there is NO OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT GLOBAL WARMING EXISTS. What you see is propoganda! And Al Gore is a hypocrite! In the past century, global tempratures have only increased by about one or two degrees. Yupp one or two. And anyway, did you know that the earth is actually on the tale end of an ice age? Yes. It is. So DUH there is going to be tempratures increasing.And honestly, do you think WE have any say in the earth's atmospheric conditions? Maybe a very very very small one. Actually all that heat you feel is an existance of smog and humidity, plus the Earth's weather patterns change in a cycle.I live in Texas, and it's AUGUST right now. Do you know how hot it's supposed to be here today (during the hear of the day)? About 90 degrees. And it's been like that for a while now. The temprature is usually in the tripple digits by now. Oh yeah, global warming.And have you noticed that there haven't been very many hurricanes? Atlantic Hurricanes start as thunderstorms in Africa that start spinnig after they cross the equator and/or prime merridian. But they NEED hot water in order to not disapate. And don't get me wrong, there have been a few tropical storms, but they weren't much more than thunderstorms. If a tropical storm can't even get enough hot water to turn into a level 1 hurricane, then why do you think we are all going to die because of a little heat?Seriously people, stop following what the media says. THINK FOR YOURSELFS! I mean, for God's sake you live in America! You don't have to follow everyone else.That's what I think.

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I mean, for God's sake you live in America!

No I don't.


And the fact that it's not 100oF in Texas leads you to believe that global warming is not happening is, well, stupid. True, I am a bit sceptic about the whole thing but we shall see in a few decades time and something tells the people who researched this all in detail are correct. Your "evidence" is that you don't feel that as a race we (yes, that includes non-Americans) can influence the world's CLIMATE and that the WEATHER this summer suggests cooler temperatures. (Note: Weather and climate are two totally different things.)


Just because we might be on the end of an Ice Age, it doesn't mean that we are having no effect, it means that we are a contributing factor. Although, you are more than welcome to write up a report to the contrary.


If you're going to base your decisions on a series of unjustifiable hunches and feelings like this, I suggest you consider taking up a religion.

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I agree to an extent, i do believe temperatures are rising, and i do think we have an impact, but a very small one, perhaps 1% or so of the warming is due to us. as you said we are on the tail end of an ice age, which is in fact why sea levels may be rising in southern England, because as the ice retreated it lingered in cold scotland for sometime, and of considerable thickness, and the millions of tonnes of ice actually pushed scotland down, and like a giant see-saw the south end rose slightly, so now that the ice is gone scotland is rising back up to normal height and thus the south is sinking slightly. Not only that but if you can find me 500 years where global temperate averages per year have stayed the same i will cycle everywhere i go. It doesnt happen like that.The earths orbit isnt perfectly round, so variations happen, not only that but the solar cycle is 11 years which means that the suns activity, and hence energy production, changes in a cycle about every 11 years as measured with sunspots. So temperature is going to change.Also consider that methane, a perfectly natural gas, is, i think, 30 times more effective at trapping heat than CO2 and then you realize whats going on... thousands of tonnes of methane goes into the atmosphere every year, some from rotting rubbish but loads from rotting vegetables, plants and yup, animal farts. So theres your greenhouse effect.lThough that being said i still think we should reduce pollution as look at Bejing... I wouldnt want to live there, would you?not only that but there is a statistic that says if the first world (eg america, Uk and some of europe) halved their CO2 emissions china and the 3rd world would pick up the slack in less than a year. So instead of looking at ourselves we should be looking to provide them, or help them provide themselves, with cleaner energy. They are entitled to their little energy boom just as much as the UK, america etc...had theirs/ours. but we need to make cleaner solutions. And that my friends means nuclear. Pure and simple.

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And that my friends means nuclear. Pure and simple.

Agreed Posted Image Nuclear power is the way forward, global warming or no global warming. All these silly little off-shore wind farms can barely make enough electricity to power a small town, let alone a whole city.

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All these silly little off-shore wind farms can barely make enough electricity to power a small town, let alone a whole city.

Too true, but at the same time i think theyre a good start, they can power small remote villages such as those in scotland and wales where its a pain to lay cables. I also think solar is good for individual house and given the sheer amount of square footage atop the city buildings, and the lack of shadow on them due to their height they would make great places for solar panels than can easily provide the hot water for the building or supplementary power.

And as a side note about it being cooler and that proving global warming is fake: Global warming is about just as likely to cause an ice age as a global drought. IF the gulf stream shuts down (a warm current from south america to the UK) then it will be like turning a radiator off on one side of the planet, the UK and areas around us will get a lot colder, and with that the global temperatures will drop and eventually an ice age will begin, just like the film "the day after tomorow" the gulf stream shuts down which is why it gets cooler, the storms of course are fictional. So cooling down is also a sign of global "warming" a more appropriate title would be "climate change" which is used widely.

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Okay, I'm tired of all this nonsense about Global warming.
Why you may ask? Because there is NO OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT GLOBAL WARMING EXISTS. What you see is propoganda! And Al Gore is a hypocrite!

In the past century, global tempratures have only increased by about one or two degrees. Yupp one or two. And anyway, did you know that the earth is actually on the tale end of an ice age? Yes. It is. So DUH there is going to be tempratures increasing.

And honestly, do you think WE have any say in the earth's atmospheric conditions? Maybe a very very very small one. Actually all that heat you feel is an existance of smog and humidity, plus the Earth's weather patterns change in a cycle.

I live in Texas, and it's AUGUST right now. Do you know how hot it's supposed to be here today (during the hear of the day)? About 90 degrees. And it's been like that for a while now. The temprature is usually in the tripple digits by now. Oh yeah, global warming.

And have you noticed that there haven't been very many hurricanes? Atlantic Hurricanes start as thunderstorms in Africa that start spinnig after they cross the equator and/or prime merridian. But they NEED hot water in order to not disapate. And don't get me wrong, there have been a few tropical storms, but they weren't much more than thunderstorms. If a tropical storm can't even get enough hot water to turn into a level 1 hurricane, then why do you think we are all going to die because of a little heat?

Seriously people, stop following what the media says. THINK FOR YOURSELFS! I mean, for God's sake you live in America! You don't have to follow everyone else.

That's what I think.

Man, I don't know why i am having so much trouble posting a reply--Please disregard duplication of your post ? But anyway I noticed that you mentioned the hurricane season--every year they practically predict the end of the world just to try to bolster their global warming claims. But....did you know that they actually changed the criteria for what strength the hurricane is? They reduced the wind speeds needed to designate a class 5 for example--They are pulling out all the stops to try and justify the propaganda--This is just the tip of the iceberg-no pun intended- of some of the propagandized issues facing Americans today.
" It'll make blood shoot out of your eyes" ( Glenn Beck 2008) Have a nice day Later--Hammer
Edited by hammer90 (see edit history)

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And Al Gore is a hypocrite!

I really have no idea what is going on with the whole global warming scandal, however it was started by al gore, and you are too right when you say he is a hypocrite. The real reason he created his film is just for a profit, and the fact that some public schools are playing his film for their students is just disgusting.

Al Gores Personal Energy Use Is His Own "Inconvenient Truth"Gores home uses more than 20 times the national average


Gores mansion, located in the posh Belle Meade area of Nashville, consumes more electricity every month than the average American household uses in an entire year, according to the Nashville Electric Service (NES).[/br]

In his documentary, the former Vice President calls on Americans to conserve energy by reducing electricity consumption at home.

The average household in America consumes 10,656 kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, according to the Department of Energy. In 2006, Gore devoured nearly 221,000 kWhmore than 20 times the national average.

Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWhguzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gores average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.

Since the release of An Inconvenient Truth, Gores energy consumption has increased from an average of 16,200 kWh per month in 2005, to 18,400 kWh per month in 2006.

Gores extravagant energy use does not stop at his electric bill. Natural gas bills for Gores mansion and guest house averaged $1,080 per month last year.

"As the spokesman of choice for the global warming movement, Al Gore has to be willing to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, when it comes to home energy use," said Tennessee Center for Policy Research President Drew Johnson.

Source: http://urbanlegends.about.com/od/

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Just so I'm clear, there IS global warming. Just like I DO discriminate between skin coloration. Global warming simply means a rising temperature trend on a worldwide level (and I'm not colorblind, so I can discriminate, or tell the difference, between skin tones). (I hope you caught the analogy and don't think I'm racist!)However... the pace is so ridiculously slow that it's amazing anyone actually took notice. Blaming ourselves is not going to help anything. People cannot possibly create enough carbon dioxide to affect the globe on a catastrophic level. In fact, active volcanoes produce more air pollutants in a year than all the factories in the world. Maybe we should blame the dwarfs for digging too deeply into the earths crust! And that's not to mention the CO2 released by evaporating oceans--more than 90% of all the CO2 released yearly.On a side note, have you seen all the great video clips of ice chunks falling off Antarctica's sides? I mean, if you showed pictures of all the 80-year-olds in America to an Egyptian or something, they would think we were all dying of some grave disease over here (I'm not saying all 80-year-olds are ugly, they just don't look like 15-year-olds)! The misrepresentation of seasonal melting is unbearable.It's sad when people are having a conversation, just making small talk, when someone mentions the dreadful heat. "Why is it so hot out here?" they ask. All too often, the reply is "haven't you heard of global warming?!" Well, when I was in first grade, I was under the impression that the SUN was what made it hot outside. I mean, at night, when the sun is hiding out on the other side of the planet, it isn't quite as hot. Forgive me if I'm wrong, but the present global warming theory doesn't say anything about daily CO2 fluctuations causing midday heat and midnight lows. Perhaps if those "scientists" (if they can be called that, with such poor scientific methods) thought outside the box (the earth, that is), they might start looking toward the sun as the source of our problems. I remember watching a documentary ("The Great Global Warming Swindle", a wonderful film) all about discrediting the current theory. In it, one gentleman was describing his method of determining long-term weather patterns. Every year, he makes a bet with the United States Weather Bureau (or whatever it's called) about the climate one year in advance. Every year he wins. He counts the spots on the sun. Apparently this has led to very accurate predictions for a couple thousand years. So far, predictions based on CO2 conditions on polar caps have come up with planet-destroying hurricane seasons for several years. But it's been a couple years since the last bad season, and nobody has thought to check on the methods they use to calculate future climate conditions. That's science at it's greatest [moment of stupidity]!Another thing I like about the film is when it talks about the commercial benefits of global warming. One guy was talking about how if you wanted grant money to research breeding habits of gray squirrels, you'll have an interesting time begging for funds. If you want to see how global warming has affected the breeding habits of squirrels, people hand you the proverbial blank check!One scientist (an actual one) was talking about how he was put on the "consensus of scientists for global warming" list without being asked. In fact, he went so far as to threaten legal action to have his name taken off the supporter list. He says that original list of thousands has been cut down significantly just by people trying to get off of it. Very good science, indeed!Now, I'm not saying I'm against electric cars (have you heard about the Tesla Roadster? It's awesome!!!); I love the idea of environmentalism. I don't climb trees or protest industrialism of developing nations, but I think we ought to care a little bit for our future earth. I used to live in Halifax, NS, Canada, the "City of Trees". I liked it.Curtis

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I agree with everyone here. It is just one of those ideas that are meant to scare people. The problem is that the global warming supports will not give in. Since they are no absolute evidence that can prove them wrong, they continue to be in it. So this debate will continue for many more years unfortunately. And even if this global warming exists, it is too early to worry about it. There is such a minuscule difference in temperature that it is unimportant. Just my opinion.

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What about the giant hole in the south pole? That was man made, massive amounts of ice are melting each year and that's from the pollution of the world. The dead zones in the ocean are becoming larger as well but still man has a connection to that due to oil spills, gasoline leakge from boats that either have sunk or are roaming around. It is obvious that the human civilization is part of the reason why the earth is heating faster then it should. Yes the Earth has its own warming and cooling cycles, but if you look at some of the past winters there has been no snow fall unless your living at 20,000 feet.

Also to state a well know fact and that there are two levels of global warming, natural and man made, the green house effect also has two levels, natural and man made. However, with all this oil and gasoline burning, waste, large amounts of trash piling up all over the world, the natural effects have been skewered and so everything is happening at a much faster rate.

Husker, man made global warming is a problem and everyone will ignore the problem until its to late and of course it already is to late, now that India and China have increased their usage of oil, gas, coal. Unless people can conquer the power money has over people, no one is going to anything except to delay the process and make someone else worry about it. The End of life on Earth has so many possibilities, most of the we human have control over, for all we know that we might be the only planet in this universe that can carry life and we have about 2 million years til the galaxy collides with Andromeda and about 5 billion years before the sun collapses and destroys this solar system. The only unknown factors are asteroids and comets, we seen the destruction they can do and it is possible that a global killer has our name on it and so it is a matter of time. Unlike Sci-fi movies and anime depicted Human civilization living outside our planet, I can say with out a doubt, we humans will never leave Earth and live on the moon or on Mars. I don't even see that happen 10, 15, 20 generations to come. I hope that I am proven wrong, but I don't think anyone will build the technology such as the technology from Star Trek and Star Wars to be able to make light years into light minutes.

I would agree that solar and wind power is the way to go put people are making sure they can make a profit from it. Of course, there lies a problem and that is how obtrusive these technologies are and the fact it could cost most then people think. There was an article about families coming to blows after some towers were put up in New York I believe and people are are either getting screwed out of compensation or the fact that beauty of nature is getting erased because of the possible deforestation and what not. The problem is though we have the technology to make solar and wind more efficient, but the politics of this country and greedy people are making sure millions are spent to make these unlimited energy look useless and pathetic.

Again I can agree that nuclear energy is another unlimited resource of energy, but again the costs are two high because there is no safe way to get rid of nuclear waste and the fact it takes 5000 years of being buried in the ground and in concrete casks to keep it safe. Sure it has been years since Three Mile Island and Chernobyl. Sadly I live about 5-10 miles from a nuke plant and so if that sucker went I either die of the initial blast or from the fall out. We have the technology to make it safer and yet we don't have the technology to keep people protected from the radiation.

Either way, the human civilization is killing itself by its own hands either by nuclear energy, oil and gas, or other deadly toxic stuff. That is the price we pay to have energy people and it is obvious by using less energy and all these chemicals to make ourselves look pretty your not only saving your life but the lives of generations to come.

Edited by Saint_Michael (see edit history)

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Well what do you want us to do?Did you know that ethonal is actually worse for Global Warming then using coal or oil is? That's because it produces many more green house gasses then older fuels do.And I don't like wind farms, since they create this terrible air raid noise and it makes it hard to sleep, but the cruel irony to that is besides oil and coal it's one of the main power sources in Texas.And as for the wind farms, a family in a town about twenty minutes from here got one of the wind things and they actually sell electricity back to their electric company.Anyway, Texas's tempratures have been on the downfall since 2006 (we had a really bad drought when El Nino came in). And my aunt and uncle live in Seattle where it's humid and temprate year round and they got a blizard in the middle of june.And I'm not saying there isn't SOME degree of global warming, suuuuuure there might be a few increases in temprature, but COME ON! Quit acting like it's the end of the world!And I'm also tired of all this green bag nonsense. The other day at Super Walmart I was in line for about 30 minutes behind this lady who wanted her groceries bagged in her stupid green bags. I mean for God's sake the plastic bags have already been made so why not use them? It's assininity. And we even recycle the plastic bags and use them as garbage bags in the trashcans in our bathrooms and bed rooms.And SM, did you know the whole at the south pole's ozone layer is in the process of fixing itself? Look on the ozone density graphs and look at the difference between now and 2002.Besides, the earth's magnetic field is supposed to flip any time now. Shouldn't we be more worried about loosing our protection from the sun's radiation before we worry about the earth going up a few degrees?

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Okay, I'm tired of all this nonsense about Global warming.

There are better things to be tired about. *coughs*


Why you may ask? Because there is NO OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT GLOBAL WARMING EXISTS. What you see is propoganda! And Al Gore is a hypocrite!

Honestly, you don't know the meaning of "evidence" if you think there isn't any. I don't care about Al Gore and I never heard a single of his speeches and I didn't see his movie too. I don't need to look at celebrities and politicians trying to get a name for themselves to know and understand what's going on. Just because there is a parallel propaganda doesn't mean you can deny the actual empirical evidence for the same matter. That's being stupid and downright ignorant. Like someone else mentioned, if this is how you perceive things, get religion.


In the past century, global tempratures have only increased by about one or two degrees. Yupp one or two. And anyway, did you know that the earth is actually on the tale end of an ice age? Yes. It is. So DUH there is going to be tempratures increasing.

And do you have any idea how much these couple of degrees mean? 2 degrees in your own body and you're screwed. Imagine 2 degrees for such a humongous, inter-twined and fragile ecosystem, please? Again, you fail to notice that with the obvious increase, there is a rate change too. But well, people believe no matter how much they can know.


And honestly, do you think WE have any say in the earth's atmospheric conditions? Maybe a very very very small one. Actually all that heat you feel is an existance of smog and humidity, plus the Earth's weather patterns change in a cycle.

Distinguishing between heat and humidity isn't something that needs years of experience. I guess everyone can do that. I live in one of the most humid areas in my country and I frequently travel to areas with extremely less humidity. It is way too easy to tell the difference and we don't need your propaganda here.


I live in Texas, and it's AUGUST right now. Do you know how hot it's supposed to be here today (during the hear of the day)? About 90 degrees. And it's been like that for a while now. The temprature is usually in the tripple digits by now. Oh yeah, global warming.

Go get educated on Global Warming please before posting any further.


And have you noticed that there haven't been very many hurricanes? Atlantic Hurricanes start as thunderstorms in Africa that start spinnig after they cross the equator and/or prime merridian. But they NEED hot water in order to not disapate. And don't get me wrong, there have been a few tropical storms, but they weren't much more than thunderstorms. If a tropical storm can't even get enough hot water to turn into a level 1 hurricane, then why do you think we are all going to die because of a little heat?

And you completely ignore the slight change in water currents and the fact that the heat is converting ice into water and is not having much effect on the water itself. The main difference to be noted is the different salt levels. Water currents depend on the fragile balance between fresh and saline water and they're one of the reasons why the weather's doing to be doomed. Not 1-2 degrees increase in water temperature. Again, go get yourself educated.


Seriously people, stop following what the media says. THINK FOR YOURSELFS! I mean, for God's sake you live in America! You don't have to follow everyone else.

So you mean me living in India have to follow everyone else or even the media? Here, we don't have media following weather, they're way too bothered about the celebrities and the obvious inflation.


Seriously Mermaid711, get yourself educated.


That's what I think.

I am glad you took the blame on yourself instead of an innocent news/data resource.


Well what do you want us to do?

Sit and keep quite. There's nothing much you can do, that's where the propaganda comes in. There is absolutely nothing you can do. It's way too late. The balance between fresh and saline water is going to be disturbed leading to tremendous change in the water currents affecting weather worldwide which in the most extreme of cases might lead us into another Ice Age. But well, we don't need to worry. We survived the last Ice Age, we'll survive this one too.


When it does come, we need to take refuge underground for maybe a thousand or million years and let the Earth replenish itself and undo all the harm we've been doing to it. Then maybe we can bless ourselves with a chance to take in the sheer beauty of a pollution-free sky, green water and cave paintings on the Statue of Liberty by another species. Okay, the latter might just be a bit extreme.


Did you know that ethonal is actually worse for Global Warming then using coal or oil is? That's because it produces many more green house gasses then older fuels do.

No, it's worse for the Ozone layer but better for the environment.

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And I don't like wind farms, since they create this terrible air raid noise and it makes it hard to sleep, but the cruel irony to that is besides oil and coal it's one of the main power sources in Texas.


And as for the wind farms, a family in a town about twenty minutes from here got one of the wind things and they actually sell electricity back to their electric company.

That doesn't mean they can run the entire town.

And I'm not saying there isn't SOME degree of global warming, suuuuuure there might be a few increases in temprature, but COME ON! Quit acting like it's the end of the world!

No one is. Apart from the media and Al Gore of course, but you'd rather look at them than the reality once again, won't you?

And I'm also tired of all this green bag nonsense. The other day at Super Walmart I was in line for about 30 minutes behind this lady who wanted her groceries bagged in her stupid green bags. I mean for God's sake the plastic bags have already been made so why not use them? It's assininity. And we even recycle the plastic bags and use them as garbage bags in the trashcans in our bathrooms and bed rooms.

Not use them because this use will germinate into further production and that's what you want to stop. Are you deliberately trying to shut your eyes towards basic logic?

And SM, did you know the whole at the south pole's ozone layer is in the process of fixing itself? Look on the ozone density graphs and look at the difference between now and 2002.

And did you know that this fixation isn't sufficient and it's largely weather-dependent because it's due to the PSCs? And you even need to look at the difference between Stratospheric and Tropospheric ozone levels and what changes in them affect us in a good way and what affect us in a bad way.

Besides, the earth's magnetic field is supposed to flip any time now. Shouldn't we be more worried about loosing our protection from the sun's radiation before we worry about the earth going up a few degrees?

And you'd rather much believe in a hypothesis than a proven change in our climate? How intelligent.
*person* erectus have survived many pole reversals (not to be confused with the whole "flipping" hypothesis) and the temporary loss of the magnetosphere and we're looking at 3000-4000 A.D. talking about this to start with. And the Solar Winds might just induce a sufficient magnetic field in the Ionosphere to save us from mass extinction in the absence of Earth's natural magnetosphere.

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Did you know that ethonal is actually worse for Global Warming then using coal or oil is? That's because it produces many more green house gasses then older fuels do.

Then, don't use ethanol. Nuclear power Posted Image


And I don't like wind farms, since they create this terrible air raid noise and it makes it hard to sleep, but the cruel irony to that is besides oil and coal it's one of the main power sources in Texas.

I don't like wind farms either. Nuclear power Posted Image


Anyway, Texas's tempratures have been on the downfall since 2006 (we had a really bad drought when El Nino came in). And my aunt and uncle live in Seattle where it's humid and temprate year round and they got a blizard in the middle of june.

Again, you're using single areas of the world.



And I'm not saying there isn't SOME degree of global warming, suuuuuure there might be a few increases in temprature, but COME ON! Quit acting like it's the end of the world!

It won't be the end of the world but it'll make life difficult.


And I'm also tired of all this green bag nonsense. The other day at Super Walmart I was in line for about 30 minutes behind this lady who wanted her groceries bagged in her stupid green bags. I mean for God's sake the plastic bags have already been made so why not use them? It's assininity. And we even recycle the plastic bags and use them as garbage bags in the trashcans in our bathrooms and bed rooms.

Obviously, if the public shows a decreasing interest in plastic bags, WalMart will buy fewer, buying us more time to find alternatives to oil etc...


Besides, the earth's magnetic field is supposed to flip any time now. Shouldn't we be more worried about loosing our protection from the sun's radiation before we worry about the earth going up a few degrees?

Well, no one really knows when this happen, although it'll be 100s if not 1,000s of years from now. The effects of global warming are far more imminent.

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Well, no one really knows when this happen, although it'll be 100s if not 1,000s of years from now. The effects of global warming are far more imminent.

No, it was supposed to happen about 1000 years ago.

And I want to see GOOD SIGNIFICANT proof of global warming.

So what if I refuse to believe everything the government says?

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