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Telephone "terror"

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Anyone that have any experiences with this? And no, it is not like those times when I was younger and my friends got mad at me and decided to use about 2000 of the 5000 free SMS's a month at me. (Not fun.) These "people" call every night after midnight. At least I think so - I am not home all the time so I have no idea. It is not a Norwegian number. It is a very long number that is definitely longer than any one I know. It starts with 0200, 0240 or 0204. Something like that. When I pick up the phone and say hello, no one answers. All I hear is this beeping sound. "Beep. Beep. Beep." Three times. When I hung up they call again, and again and again.If I do not hung up, they do after some seconds. The stupid thing is that I have to pay for this, and this sure is not cheap! I have watched too many horror movies for this. I get scared so easy, so I hate this. My siblings always wakes up and go crazy, and then we just shut off all the phones and pull out all the plugs. I am so scared that I even shut off my own cellphone. How do I explain this? It is annoying, scaring and just very weird! Do people just sit around the world and call random people? They call us over and over again? Why?!Anyone that have any experiences?

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I have, its a very hot situation here.Some call up, throw in some vulgar words and off the phone. Some were even daring as they threaten you that you owe him/her debts and lots more. Its even annoying if they do it everyday during the wee mornings. Usually i would put my phone to non vibrate silent mode then just let the phone ring, the next morning, no surprise to see i have collected 12 ~ 18 missed calls :)

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It is not a Norwegian number. It is a very long number that is definitely longer than any one I know. It starts with 0200, 0240 or 0204. Something like that.

It may well be a number from an African nation. Country codes starting with 2 are for Africa (the first 0 representing an international number). Code 240 is Equatorial Guinea. 20 is Egypt, and 204 could be a region within Egypt.


When I pick up the phone and say hello, no one answers. All I hear is this beeping sound. "Beep. Beep. Beep." Three times. When I hung up they call again, and again and again.


If I do not hung up, they do after some seconds. The stupid thing is that I have to pay for this, and this sure is not cheap!

Automated computer dialling. If it is costing you money (you have to pay to receive calls...?) then contact your phone company and request they bar the number from phoning you. If they can't, ask them why not. If it comes to it, bar all international calls from getting to your phone, although that may get annoying if you make a lot of international calls yourself.


I have watched too many horror movies for this. I get scared so easy, so I hate this. My siblings always wakes up and go crazy, and then we just shut off all the phones and pull out all the plugs. I am so scared that I even shut off my own cellphone. How do I explain this? It is annoying, scaring and just very weird!

If you are really being affected this badly by it, contact the police. On this level it counts as harrassment, and the police will likely be able to do something about it.


Do people just sit around the world and call random people? They call us over and over again? Why?!

You are repeatedly called because the system hasn't played whatever message it wants to play to you, or hasn't connected you to someone to speak to. The system then never takes you off the list of numbers to call, so keeps calling you over and over again until it works.


Anyone reminded of this... :)

Greetings, friend. Do you wish to look as happy as me? Well, you've got the power inside you right now. So use it. And send one dollar to Happy Dude, 742 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield. Don't delay! Eternal happiness is just a dollar away.



Anyone that have any experiences?

We got plenty of calls we didn't want, silent calls, marketing calls... Everything. The best thing to do, if you manage to speak to a real person, is to demand to know where they got your number from. If they can't tell you, then they're auto-dialling, which is illegal in most countries. If they do tell you, go after the company selling your data.


In the UK we have the Telephone Preference Service which you can sign up to to stop unsolicited calls. Most countries have some similar scheme you can sign up to. We also have Ofcom, who take reports on nuisance calls, and go after the people making them, with all sorts of fines/prison/puishments. Again, most countries have a telecoms regulator you can contact for help or advice, or to report the calls.

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You are way too clever rvalkass... it should not be legal. Yes, it seems like we have to pay to receive calls from other countries. Another thing is that other people are having problems calling us because this "person" sometimes calls so much. But thank you for the information, I really have no idea. But knowing that it is probably not an actual person makes me feel slightly more safe. I get scared about nothing.

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Just a suggestion, some tend to take the steps of changing their mobile/cell phone number in a step to prevent those unwanted calls from those continuing to call them.

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You are way too clever rvalkass... it should not be legal. Yes, it seems like we have to pay to receive calls from other countries. Another thing is that other people are having problems calling us because this "person" sometimes calls so much. But thank you for the information, I really have no idea. But knowing that it is probably not an actual person makes me feel slightly more safe. I get scared about nothing.

a similar thing has been happening to me. i got a cell phone about two weeks ago and a week after i started to get these missed calls and when i call them back the phone is appearently disconted, so i was kind of creeped out at first and then i cought one of the calls and then i found out it was telemarketers. then i realised that when i sighned up i consented for them to alow this, so i needed to change it.

so if you get charged for the calls i wouldn't be suprise if it was the company, it could have been in the fine print, you never know. you should contact the company and ask them to block calls from that country code if they can. if you cant i'd say go with a diferent company and number.

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There seems to be already services where its reverse charges. You call from a public or someone elses phone using the numbers of the particular service provider, then using the number you want to ring. Of course, the person on the other ends needs to consent to being charged for the reverse charge call.

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Seeing as it's probably a machine doing all this what with the beeping and the lack of human response, it's probably unintentional. Definitely no need to be scared.. & I second what the above posts suggest.It will probably help the person on the other end as well, who's spending ridiculous amounts of money calling you only to have you end up feeling harassed. =/Best of luck =]

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