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Wordpress Upgrade Notification

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Attn: Moderators of Xisto - Web Hosting & Xisto


Wordpress blog software in most of the servers is not updated in most of the times. Whenever it gets upgraded on wordpress site but not on fatastico, i have managed to send PM or Ticket and then reported to upgrade the version in fantastico.So everytime whenever it gets updated, i have to create ticket or PM to notify. is there anyway we can automate this task?


Currently, The wordpress version on iota server is not updated(its on 2.2.3), so i'm requesting for the upgrading it.As well as to any other version in future.

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Fantastico is a program that does easy installs for programs, they have to change and create code that installs the software on the server. Therefore, it takes fantastico slightly longer to realease updates for programs.It isnt Xisto's fault

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The Fantastico software is not managed or owned by Xisto, Xisto - Web Hosting or Xisto. It is made by a completely different group of people, and we are reliant on them to keep Fantastico up to date with the latest releases. As it takes time to adapt each release of a piece of software to work with Fantastico, there is often a consideable delay between a release being made, and it appearing in Fantastico.

Fantastico is written and maintained by a group called Netenberg ( https://netenberg.com/fantastico.php ), and then integrated into cPanel by the cPanel team ( http://cpanel.com/ ).

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I checked out the Fantastico site here, it seems that they've upgraded Wordpress to version 2.5.1 which is the latest stable version.

So when are we gonna see the updated Fantastico in Xisto's cPanel?

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As per that link,wordpress 2.6 is available but in cpanel it is not showing for upgrade? WHy Fantastico is not updated in regular intervals?I'm contacting frequently to upgrade stuff in cpanel,so to minimize request every time i think there must be some automated sc ript to notify support department.Thats why i raised this question that ther should be some script that notifies to Xisto - Web Hosting technical department to upgrade sciptsin cpanel/fantastico whenever new update is available.

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Yes, I can confirm that Wordpress 2.5.1 is available in my Fantastico and 2.6 was released at July 15th (!?!) and it still isn't updated in Fantastico.

It doesn't matter to me, as I don't use Fantastico to make my blog work - I do it manually, but its a lot better if they could update the software so complete newbies could install the latest version of Wordpress instantly in one click.

Just hoping that will happen soon :)

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Ok So i've decided to find solution on my own, so installed "Automatic wordpress upgrade" plugin in wordpress. You can get that from this link : http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

After downloading this plugin,upload the zip to Cpanel then install it in pluign directory of wordpress. Now aftter succesfully extracting this plugin. You can log-in to wordpress dashboard of your site then you can enable this plugin.

For this plugin to work provide these information to it:

- username & password of cpanel(for linux server)
- Directory in which your "wordpress" is installed (default is public_html/)

Once this information is accepted, then you'll be guided for step by step process to backup and upgrade your wordpress. Once the process completes, you'll have your wordpress upgraded to latest updated version.

P.S: Hope this quick and dirty wordpress upgrade advice will help :)

Edited by mahesh2k (see edit history)

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