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Racism - A Disease Yet To Be Cured

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"A black man walks into a cafe early one morning and notices he`s the only black person in there.

When he sat down a white man who was sat behind him said "coloured people aren`t allowed in here."

The black man replied:

"When I was born I was black,

When I grew up I was black,

When I`m sick I'm black,

When I get sunburnt I`m black,

When I'm cold I`m black,

& when I die I`ll still be black,

But you sir,

When you were born you were pink,

When you`re sick you`re green,

When you`re sunburnt you go red,

When you are cold you go blue,

& when you die you turn purple.

& yet you have the nerve to call me coloured!"

The black man turned back round and the white man walked away"


I just wanted to start by this short story to show how much absurd is racial discrimination. I really don't see how my color, religion, ethnicity... etc should make others hate me or insult me or whatever. I never chose my color or ethnicity, so why shall I be held responsible for it? I did choose my own religion, but after all that's kinda personal and no one has the right to tell me that I shouldn't choose this religion. I do respect other religions, races, ethnicities and I expect the same respect from others. Well, despite the fact that racism is extremely stupid, it still has its motives and causes, and of course its devastating influence on populations.


So what is racism anyway? In general, racism is discrimination based on racial group. Racist people might hate other people just because they belong to another race or ethnicity. They actually believe that they are better than others for some reason, like color or origins for example. And the legal definition of racism according to the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination is:

"the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on race, colour, descent, or national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."

This definition does not make any difference between prosecutions based on ethnicity and race, in part because the distinction between the ethnicity and race remains debatable among anthropologists.


Racism has its diverse causes and motives. Racism is basically the result of a group feeling superior to another group. A certain group might feel superior over another one because they believe that this other group is of a disgraceful race, religion, physical appearance? etc. A clear example of this is the racism of white people against black people. But also this particular racial discrimination has its historical background. When Europeans invaded African lands, they enslaved Africans who are of black skin and considered them to be inferior. Europeans ?whites ? captured blacks and sold them in slave markets, took their property, considered their descendants born to be slaves, and abused them in every way. Another example of racism is when Adolf Hitler considered the Aryan race as a ?master race? and all other races are inferior to the ?master?. Hitler?s racist thoughts were his excuse to exterminate other races such as Jews which resulted in the Holocaust. Another reason for racism is unfamiliarity or fear of the different. When you grow up within a community you would get accustomed to the traditions and habits of your community, but once you get in touch with someone of another community that might be vastly different from yours, you would probably fear that person or at least feel uncomfortable around him. This same idea could be applied on groups; unfamiliarity between groups would create wrong stereotypical ideas about others and therefore lead to racial discrimination against them. An example of this is the racism against Muslims especially after 9/11. Unfortunately, most Europeans and Americans now view Muslims as terrorists; this is also fed by the Western propaganda which delivers the news to the Western people (Americans and Europeans) in a very subjective way rather than objective way according to the benefits of their governments.


It is extremely sad to be living in 2008 now and still see some brutal racist actions in countries that consider themselves to be highly civilized and advanced, such as what happened in USA and what is known by Jena 6; and for that something must be done to stop racism and cure our minds and societies from this toxic mentality. As we all know, the person?s character and beliefs are built within the family and school. Thus, families shall raise their kids on values of equality among all humans regardless of race, physical appearance, or religion. Also, they should give their kids the chance to meet others from different origins and backgrounds. Moreover, schools need to play an essential role in this cause. Educational systems should allow students to know about other races so that stereotypical ideas and unfamiliarity would be removed. In addition, governments and civil institutes should be responsible of launching educational campaigns that would help in removing the barriers between different races and would serve in changing the racist mentalities of the public.


In the end, all we can hope for is that we would all have the sense of responsibility towards this serious issue and work for this honorable cause. And remember, things won?t change if we?re not ready to accept the change, and anyone would oppose the change shall be punished for his/her radical and racial thoughts/beliefs/actions. So, would we ever live in a world where racism has no place and all people are treated equally?

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Racism is tribalismReligion is tribalism (though that isn't the intention)Nationalism is tribalismConservatism is tribalismTribalism is the instinctive fear of those who are "not of our tribe"Liberalism is an attempt to overcome tribalismTens of thousands of years ago when humans were hunters and gatherers, they had to follow the migration of animals (the food). A tribe would eventually deplete the local animal population (food), so they would pack up and move 10 miles or so where there were animals. As tribes grew larger they depleted the local animal populations faster, so would need to move more often. This would become ridiculous, and tribes would necessarily split into several tribes, each smaller tribe moving off in different directions. Eventually, there were so many tribes that when tribes moved, they'd cross into another tribe's territory. Hunters of each tribe would fight the hunters of the other tribe for territory. The more ruthless hunters would win. This need to fight against others who were of different competing tribes became instinctive. Over time, humans discovered ranching, farming and irrigation. They no longer needed to move around, and began to realize the benefits of joining together with nearby tribes to end war and to have the manpower to build great societies. However, humans still had an instinct to divide and to need an enemy to compete against. These "conservatives" feared people who were different, and would seek to rally the people to cleanse the tribe of those who were different. This hunter's fear of outsiders is the basis of racism. Several thousand years ago, when good men established the rule of law, even developing religions trying to bring people together, conservative haters would eventually take over the religion, govt. etc., using them as an instrument to root out people who were different. People who see through the differences, recognizing the sameness of all people, are liberals. One of the most obvious ways to determine that a person is "not of our tribe" is skin color. In countries where all the people are the same color, they divide by religious beliefs, or income class, or level of education. If all people were of one religion, they would soon divide into different sects; Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, etc. or Shiite and Sunni. It's instinct to divide and compete: tribalism. George Bush is a tribalist. Bin Laden is a tribalist. They each play the same role in their respective societies.Even atheists are tribalists, arguing with religion over the existence of god(s). Our founding fathers wisely recognized this folly and barred the recognition of religions by govts. Each person should enjoy their lives and respect the rights of others to do the same. To end the madness, support liberalism. That doesn't mean voting for Democrats, necessarily, but support social equality in whatever tribe you're in.

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Very nice Mikeyboy, I have to agree with you on that. Tribalism is definitely a natural instinct of humans. People like to be around those that are just like them, they feel safer or at least more comfortable around those people. But once someone different is there, the uncomfortable feeling kicks in and the conservatives as you call them would do whatever it takes to clear their group (country, tribe, religion, cult, neighborhood... etc) from this different character. Well, liberalism might be a solution to this issue, but the perfect solution is being able to control our tribalism instinct. This control must start from every person himself because unless WE want to change our society, country, world...etc won't change! Returning back to liberalism, in general it's a good regime, but the way it's being applied these days is devastating. You can clearly notice that from the social situation of USA and some European countries. Anyway, that's not the topic to debate now... :D

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Racism has its diverse causes and motives. Racism is basically the result of a group feeling superior to another group. A certain group might feel superior over another one because they believe that this other group is of a disgraceful race, religion, physical appearance? etc. A clear example of this is the racism of white people against black people. But also this particular racial discrimination has its historical background. When Europeans invaded African lands, they enslaved Africans who are of black skin and considered them to be inferior. Europeans ?whites ? captured blacks and sold them in slave markets, took their property, considered their descendants born to be slaves, and abused them in every way. Another example of racism is when Adolf Hitler considered the Aryan race as a ?master race? and all other races are inferior to the ?master?. Hitler?s racist thoughts were his excuse to exterminate other races such as Jews which resulted in the Holocaust. Another reason for racism is unfamiliarity or fear of the different. When you grow up within a community you would get accustomed to the traditions and habits of your community, but once you get in touch with someone of another community that might be vastly different from yours, you would probably fear that person or at least feel uncomfortable around him. This same idea could be applied on groups; unfamiliarity between groups would create wrong stereotypical ideas about others and therefore lead to racial discrimination against them. An example of this is the racism against Muslims especially after 9/11. Unfortunately, most Europeans and Americans now view Muslims as terrorists; this is also fed by the Western propaganda which delivers the news to the Western people (Americans and Europeans) in a very subjective way rather than objective way according to the benefits of their governments.

I do not agree with this part, the essences of racism is not feeling a superior race, because discrimination based on race exists even between a race. Even though no one sees it that way. People within the same race say the most racists comments to someone of their same race.

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I do not think racism will ever fade away. I think it is a natural part of human beings ... to find fault with those that are different from you. It is an awful fact, but it is true. While racism can never be cured, I do think it can be more sugar-coated. White folks, particularly Americans, seem to be the most racist. They don't seem to be very accepting of other religions, customs, beliefs, etc, which is mighty strange since America is a melting pot in itself. Racism has decreased a lot in the states with slavery being illegal, but there are folks who still are fighting to bring slavery back. Children can be taught to accept other cultures, but racism will always be there. It is in a person's natural instincts to be better than everyone else, and that is what white man has done over the past centuries.

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the essences of racism is not feeling a superior race, because discrimination based on race exists even between a race. Even though no one sees it that way. People within the same race say the most racists comments to someone of their same race.

There are cases where people of the same race say the same stuff to each other. For example, darker people seem to say stuff to other dark people, white people say the same to other white people and so forth. It's a good thing that racism did decrease with the outlawing of slavery nearly all over the world, but still there are organisations out there that feel the need to be "superior" to all the other races/nationalities/etc.

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I do not agree with this part, the essences of racism is not feeling a superior race, because discrimination based on race exists even between a race. Even though no one sees it that way. People within the same race say the most racists comments to someone of their same race.

Well that's also true. There's racism within the same race in some cases. Actually if they are of the same race, they'll just find something else to criticize and be racist about... such as religion or nationality for example... most religions are racist against Islam, Lebanese are racist against Syrians, Americans and English are racist against Irish, Germans are racist against Jewish, most Europeans are anti-samites...etc. But yeah the clearest form of racism is that between two different races and mainly white and black... unfortunately there are still racists living between us, but I do believe that in a way or another we are all racist (but with different levels of racism) because simply it is in our genes!

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I do not agree with this part, the essences of racism is not feeling a superior race, because discrimination based on race exists even between a race. Even though no one sees it that way. People within the same race say the most racists comments to someone of their same race.

Well yeah that's true! In some situations, racism is among the same race itself. People of the same race could be racist against eachother. If they are of the same race, they'll find anything different about the other to criticize and be racist about. If let's say they are both white or black or whatever, they'll be racist about eachother's religion for example. Sadly, all religions are racist against Islam now (due to some stupid people's actions "in the name of Islam" - although these people do not even relate to Islam's values and teachings). If it's not religion, it's gonna be something else, like nationality for example... Lebanese are racist against Syrians, Americans and English are racist against Irish, Germans are racist against Jewish, Turks are racist against Armenian, Arabs are racist against Persian, Turks and Arabs and Persians are racist against Kurds, most Europeans are anti-semites... etc and there are MANY other examples of racism. But of course the clearest form of racism is that between two different races and mostly black and white... Unfortunately, there are still many racists living between us, but I do believe that all of us are racist in a way or another (with different levels of racism) because it's simply in our genes!!

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Lebanese are racist against Syrians, Americans and English are racist against Irish, Germans are racist against Jewish, Turks are racist against Armenian, Arabs are racist against Persian, Turks and Arabs and Persians are racist against Kurds, most Europeans are anti-semites...

No, completely you are wrong about Turks.

We Turks are a people who help the weakest side.

About Armenians:

Armenians betrayed Ottomans in the World War I, and killed lots of Turks and Kurds in the eastern Anatolia. After this event, Ottomans send the Armenians to the lands which we call Armenia now. And some Armenians died while they are going. But the Armenians say died 1.5 million, but their population was only about 500.000 Armenians :D . Turks didn't genocide over Armenians, even they genocide over Turks and Kurds.


About Kurds:

If still living Kurds exist today, this is because Turkey's help. In 1991 Iraq's leader Saddam Hussein started to kill lots of Kurd in northern Iraq. Kurd escaped to Turkey's borders. And Turkey let them in. But Turkey may not let them in but Turkey did.


We always help to the weakest side. Because they have also rights to live.


Striker9 your historical informations about Turkey is absolutely wrong. Ottomans hold the South Eastern Europe for more than 500 years. And Ottomans let the other people to believe whatever they want and Ottomans let the other people to live and do whatever they want. You want proof: Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Romanians, Hungarians, .... are still living today. If Ottomans wants, can kill all of them or convert into Islam but Ottomans didn't do such a thing.

Edited by Erdemir (see edit history)

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Racism, discrimination and prejudice are close terms and can feed each other.


Such as Striker9 shows some of his prejudice by those sentences.


Well, we all have prejudice. As human we cant help that but we can prevent our prejudice to effect individuals.


And dont forget "nice" prejudices such as Japannese are good at math.

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Racism is basically the result of a group feeling superior to another group. A certain group might feel superior over another one because they believe that this other group is of a disgraceful race, religion, physical appearance etc. A clear example of this is the racism of white people against black people.

There are cases where one feels inferior but still hates others on the grounds of race. One good example is my president and his cronies. Robert Mugabe has no problems with other races but he hates whites. He has made most of his followers to think whites are devils and they find it hard to believe that a white guy can be as Zimbabwean as they are. Maybe more Zimbabwean than some of them who came from neighboring countries just a dacade ago and still don't hve Zimbo IDs. Anyone who tolerates whites would never find themself supporting Mugabe.Onother example is the rapper Nas. He says a lot of racial stuff but it's not because he the blacks are superior.
Although I'm black I don't like the fact that someone can say a lot of racial nonsence and get away with it just because they are Black. If G.W. Bush says a racist statement people will make noise. When R.G. Mugabe says something like that he's said to be fearless. All the dectators and haters of the west will clap hands. Don't get me wrong. I also have a lot against the Western governments but I don't think anyone can be justified for saying something that onother person doesn't want to hear. Let's just get the spirit of revenge out of us. Whatever they did has been done already. What matters is how they think now. If they are willing to be good to us then why do we have to live in the past? Why do we have to talk about slave trade as if we can change somethig about that.

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That's a good one, for one thing, I cannot stand racists, just go to the KKK website and read the bulls**t there, its disgusting. And that poem, it was on my friends fridge, I forgot who wrote it though ;)

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It's not racist to want to be with your own kind. I find it alarming that so many are choosing to mate and produce offspring out side of their own race.  In my opinion they are race traitors destroying their own race, what ever that might be. 

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Racism will always exist in several forms.Every race is racist up to some extent. The true test of being non racist is when none one can tell which race you are from based on your statements and actions.

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Racism is way too much of a problem.Everywhere,people like to form cliques andexclude other people just for the sake of it.To makethem feel more powerfull.I am an optimist at heart,and believe that one day there won'tbe any racism.The first step though would be to stop having wars.Nothing fuels racism like those.

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