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Hair Talk: What's Yours? short, long or shaved/bald/none-at-all

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this article intrigued me enough to post a topic of this kind :rolleyes: seems that long hair has been propagandized to make one dull of mind. lolz! myth or real? what's your take on this? i have long hair, and i don't feel it dumbs me to have one. :)


N Korea wages war on long hair

...It stressed the "negative effects" of long hair on "human intelligence development", noting that long hair "consumes a great deal of nutrition" and could thus rob the brain of energy. Men should get a haircut every 15 days, it recommended.



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That article angers me. By saying long hair makes you stupid, it's saying that females are stupid. *insert somewhat feminist rant about equality* By the scale of 'the more hair you have, the less potential you have', those that have lost their hair to cancer are potentially the brightest among us and those who have never cut their hair (some religions) are the dumbest.Asia has too many bogeyman-type myths. I understand that it's just part of its culture, but it's so... restricting to the people who live there.

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A haircut every 15 days?! Yikes...I haven't gotten one in nearly 6 months, and I don't feel THAT much stupider (yet)...Anyway, my style has gone pretty much out of control. I sport the just-got-out-of-bed look a lot of the time...Occasionally, I'll brush it down for the surfer-do...There's so much chlorine in my hair (I do a lot of swimming) that I can pretty much manipulate it whichever way I want. It can be advantageous, but at the same time, it's a pain in the neck to wash and comb. Sometimes, I can't even be bothered with either :rolleyes:

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That article angers me. By saying long hair makes you stupid, it's saying that females are
stupid. *insert somewhat feminist rant about equality* By the scale of 'the more hair you

have, the less potential you have', those that have lost their hair to cancer are

potentially the brightest among us and those who have never cut their hair (some religions)

are the dumbest.

Asia has too many bogeyman-type myths. I understand that it's just part of its culture, but

it's so... restricting to the people who live there

umm,i have never heard this saying in China.because i have long hair exactly but not over neck.is it short?it is not very accurate about what you anger to.usually,man keep short hair to be in enough spirit and kool.if you wanna be bardian and handsome,you will choose long hair and do not cut frequently.it looks very nice as looking me,haha.it is unrestricted completely in China.you should change your mind on long hair in Asia.

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o___OKoreans....>_> Lol, well I can also say that I'm offended by the long hair thing. I have long hair that falls to like, my elbow, and I think I'm a bright student...in some ways. Well, I know I work hard and get good grades atleast. I don't think hair really has anything to do with your intelligence, it might get in the way sometimes...but.....=/

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Well,I had short hair for most of my childood,and at the end of high school,and before going to university,I decided to let it grow.I didn’t have it cut for almost 2 years,so it was a bit longer than my shoulders.It was strange,but somehow nice.After that I am again cutting my hair every 2 weeks,and it is very short noe.It’s also easier this way.

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My hair is faily long just above where my elbows are.... and i cut my hair every 3 months.... most girls have long hair.... so are you saying something ?But my mum says that old people don't have long hair because your hair does use up all the calcium etc you have... with help you grow i guess.... i dont know....

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LOL. that's avery weird opinion about our intellegence being sucked out to our brain by our hair. I am a male and I have my hair for more than two years already. it is just about twor inches away from my navel. and so far I still have a brain way way above an average persons brain. I am actually saving money so I can have it dreadlocked.And about being Asian, it is not probably because of superstition. some part of Asia are warm so most prefer to have their hair cut short frequently. And our women have colorful hair accesories to tie their hair.

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