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Dagoth Nereviar

My Car Got Stolen. You wont believe this.

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I woke up hearing a very loud VROOOM kind of noise. I’m not sure what time it was, I didn’t check, but when it was all over (about 5 minutes later) it was 3:52 although I didn’t look immediately afterwards as I was still a bit disorientated. I bolted out of bed and scrambled to the window where I opened up the blind quickly and my eyes darted around the street below. Thinking of past events such as the car bomb, a while ago, I assumed the worst. My breath was quick and heavy drawing fog on the window impaired my gaze with every drop of oxygen I drew. Then I saw the car. I didn’t know at first that it was my car, as I said I impaired my own vision my breathing so hard all I knew was that a tall reasonably well built man was driving and the car was stuck. Our drive is apparently reasonably difficult to manoeuvre in and out of and he had obviously been reversing out of the drive in such haste that he fell down the ditch between us and out next-door neighbour. The man was around about 6”2-6”3 but it was pretty difficult to tell. Judging my dress style it was obvious (after the incident of course for some reason by brain was switched into “watching mode”) that he was a chav. I thought that it was possibly my sister’s boyfriend bringing the car home, which I know of course is absurd, she’s spending a few days in Scarborough with him and he has his own car, and he would have just knocked on the door and asked for my assistance being that the only other people in the car would have been a girl around my age and my sister. Not exactly car-moving type people a 14 and 17-year-old girl. Then the other two emerged, it was getting pretty hard to see. One of them was about 5”10ish perhaps. I don’t know it was of course dark out and the window was still thick in mist. There was a third male but I have trouble recalling what he looked like. It was all kind of a shock. He must have been about 6”0 because he was taller than the other but not as tall as the driver. They both got out and went to the back, accompanied by the driver of course. They all started to push the back of the vehicle in an attempt to free it. Then realising of course this is much more difficult with no one pressing the pedals. The driver then realises this and confirms it with his accomplices. They nod in agreement and he returns to his car. This perhaps shows the intelligence of the culprits or lack thereof. He then tries to free the car and here is the reasonably remarkable bit the two of the smaller ones with the largest inside start pushing the car incredibly thoroughly. The whole car is moving at least a foot and they don’t seem to be exuding any energy. Until that moment I was contemplating putting some jeans on in a hurry and going down, armed with two knives from my kitchen. A few years ago, I took kickboxing classes for about 36 months and they proved very useful in both self-defence and weapons combat. Then I thought, no, the time it takes to get my jeans on get a belt on, run down stairs, find two adequate knives *which are probably in the dishwasher where I’d never think to look* get outside after locking the door, they’d be long gone. What are they going to do? Three 17-20 year old chavs vs. a dangerously underweight 14 year old in a f*cking Zelda t-shirt? I don’t think that will end well… I also thought maybe I should get my phone and try recording it. I can barely see the bastards I don’t think a 1.7 mega pixel camera is going to see through this mist. Then a strange thing happened. The driver stopped with the others following suit and he looked up at me. For a crystal 3 seconds, which felt like 30, our gazes had met. I thought. He’s seen me however he isn’t advancing. I think he may have pointed my out to his friends but it was only till after that they’d have an even harder time seeing me than I would seeing them. They then returned to pushing and pressing the pedals and after about 15 seconds drove down my drive and out of sight. Were they remained for at least 2 seconds that felt of course like 200. Then reversing out they made their way up and back down after reversing at the top of the hill and coming back down it, passing me by and driving up the other hill. Then it hit me. They had stolen my car right before my very eyes and I could do nothing other than sit and watch. Really puts you in your place doesn’t it?Anyway it turns out they did what was called a hannoy burglary. This is where you take a stick or coathanger of some kind and turn the keys til the front door is opened then take the keys and go. Of course it wasnt a very quiet getaway..Anyway the car was put in an impoundment centre on saturday and noone was allowed to see it or go near it. Anyway sunday comes up and the forensics go to see the car, they fingerprint it all the other stuff they do, pretty standard stuff. Then my mum recieves a call. It's from the local police. It's about the car.. She listens intently as the cop speaks down her ear... I was awoken by the ringing it's a sharp and loud noise that pierces the very fabric of your ear. Of course I only got half the conversation."No.""Wait, WHAT?!""This HAS to be a joke!""April's fools was last week""Alright alright""Thankyou""Good bye"I inquired about what it was.. she told me to go downstairs and we'd all get told together. A bizarre feeling occured in my stomach, a feeling of dread worry and fear. I quickly wrapped myself in the housecoat that hangs from my door and raced downstairs, my sister bounding along beside me asking me what this was about, like I knew. Mum had already put the kettle on and looked in a state of shock, she told us how they had just started the inspection and that as soon as they opened the boot of the car one of the forensics had been attacked. A five foot long python had been stowed away in the boot when the thieves had dumped it. Apparently one of the guys that the thieves were in assosiation with had been trying to flog a snake. They had bought it and used our car to transport it as well as commit other crimes. *In our car not the snake XD*Of course everyone was in disbelief until we saw the case photos. They called in the RSPCA and thought that they could get rid of it but then had to get in a specialist from sheffield to handle it cos it was dangerous!tl;drCar got knicked snake was found in the boot and its lolIN ADDITIONWe had to have all the locks changed on EVERYTHING and new keys to the carTotal cost600+ quid D:

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Man, I sorry to hear that but that would be dumb, I can't believe whoever stole the car would put a snake inside.I wonder if they are mentaly stable :P At least you got your car back and no body beat you up ^_^ Just kidding.

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Effing Chavs.... It's always chavs that do these things. I cant stand the vile creatures!but it does teach us all a vital lesson, NEVER leave any keys near your front door. Ive heard and seen this on TV many times, all you need is a broomstick and a metal coathanger, reach through the letterbox, steal the keys and off you go. So remember to move your keys!Glad you got it all back though.

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It happens

My Car Got Stolen.


Replying to Dagoth Nereviar

I met with someone to sell my car. The deal seemed to be legit. The keys were in the ignition after starting the car to hear the engine. So when I pulled out paper to write a bill of sale and the title, he yanked it from my hands. He jumped in my car and sped away. The police and insurance company said that it will likely show up in a short while, seeing as he wanted the title so badly. He'll attempt to sell it and when someone tries to register it there will be a flag on the car... A big STOLEN at the Dept. Of Licensing.


-reply by Devon

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