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~Upnorf Cr3w~

Running, Jogging, Training How much to do so you dont overdo it.

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Replying to ~Upnorf Cr3w~I wouldn't be running two miles several times/week if you're playing football. Stick to sprints and plyometrics. Interval training is good too. Try 20 minutes of intervals instead of the 2 miles. A 1 minute ladder and then a one minute slow jog, 10 times each would be 20 minutes of good work. Also pyramids if you have access to a track... 10 40s, 6 100s, 4 200s, 2 400s and back down would be awesome. You can do a 2 mile run once in a while, but it's sort of a waste of time for a sport like football. Not a waste of time... But I would say there are way better ways to focus your time and energy.If you do the intervals, start off 3 times per week. Work your way up to 10 sprinting sets (pyramids, etc) and 10 one minute (or 45 second - depending how quickly you recover) jogs. NOTE: The slow jog is your "rest" between sprints, this should be a constant thing. In 20 minutes you should complete 10 60 second sprints, and 10 60 second slow jogs, at intervals with no rest.Good luck.- An ex football player, current triathlete.-reply by Mike...

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Ahhh cool thanks for the tips Mike. I have been running still over the past few months. It has been helping alot but not as much as i thought. The 5-aside i play on Thursdays is fast, stop, start, always on the move. There is a wall around the pitch too so the ball dont go out. So it is quite none stop. The running i have been doing is not helping for the short bursts and quick running i have been doing at football. So your program may come into play. Im going to try out your idea and see how it works. I will let you know the results as soon as. Thanks for your time.

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lol thanks for that :| And he jogged halfway where ? lolAnyways ive been trying out your program Mike and it seems to be having a rapid effect. Ive been doing this for just over 7 days on and off and its helping me already. Or maybe thats just in my head lol. But when i played football the other day i didnt feel as tired or my body didnt feel stiff and my muscle was not tight. Im going to stick with this and see what happens. Thanks for the help i may have found something that works here. I will report back soon as.

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Not so very long time ago I read about the negativ influence of running. It demages more the body than it helps. The knees the most. But it's important to say, it depends a lot on the facet u're running on. I find it very pesimistic and excessive vision.I never used to run without better reason to run than just to keep fit, so I think when u play periodically football, u aren't so pleasured while running just for running than while running by game. My advice: train more football if u think u need more move, among other things it improves your football skills.

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Reply to first question

Running, Jogging, Training


I am only 14 years old And I'm studying to become a PT. I will be doing my PT course in like a few months. The way I see to become fitt is jogging 2km every day, drink plenty of water as 70% of the body is made of water. I run just over 200km every month, but only do that if you want to become "super fitt" So 2km is fine BUT what I've been tought is that you have to be walking for 40mins before your body turns to "fat burning mode" so I sugeast you walk for 40mins then you go for a 2km jogg, because if you jogg before that 30-40 mins is up you will NOT lose any body fat as your body will NOT be on fat burning mode. If you are jogging a day I sugeast you drink 3 liters of water a day... Somone like me should be drinking 6-9... But remember, do NOT drink over 1 liter of water in one go as that will not just flush out the bad stuff... If you over drink in one go it will flush out things you need.


If anyone has questions on fitness, or even health, I'm here to help. Even know I am young that does NOT mean I don't know how to help... Questions about: Abs,biceps,triceps,quads,calfs, pecks or even your ham strings... I know alot about them so feel free to contact me at cadetchris94@hotmail.Com






-reply by Chris

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with your fitness, you have to learn to read your own body language.... let your body tell you when you have had enough. If you think your exausted, thats just you hard breathing getting to your head! dont let pain or soreness stop you from working even harder- when its time to stop, you should be both mentally AND physically sure. I know all of that sounds confusing, but its sort of an aquired feeling... it comes with expirience and the lessions learned from screwing up... when you learn your body, and its limits, then you can begin to push beyond those limits and you begin to discover that those limits weren't your limits at all, only that your true limit is much higher than you probabily imagined!

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Morning running or jagging is very good for health.People begin running for a lot of reasons. Many want to lose weight. Some are training for an athletic program. Others have joined the military service of their country and have to pass physical training tests.Walkers and runners usually don't talk about speed. Speed is the distance we travel in a specified time, and that concept has little meaning to runners. Instead of speed, we talk about pace, the time it takes to do a mile or a kilometer.
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@ Upnorf Cr3w~ running and jugging is good but i should not be overused.I was once into the problem,that was in my youger days @ school becasue i ran a very long distance,i have a problem and my doctor adviced my against it but it does not me I should not exercise at all,my running should not be like a punishment.As of jugging,it is alright but more prefarble while ranning or at a cool weather.

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too muchRunning, Jogging, Training

 Just a small heads up, running everyday is TOO much. Period. No if ands or buts. In fact doing a an exercise routine everyday is just a bad idea all around. At 14, this might seem easy, but the older you get the more rest you are going to need. Also you should get into a good routine now, so that you don't over do it and wreck yourself for later in life. 

Advising people that the only way to stay fit is by jogging 2km at day bla, blah, balh is pretty irresponsible and I sincerely hope that you learn a little more before trying to inform people of good exercise habits.  

First off, you must take into consideration how fit you (or the person you are giving advise to)are to start with, what activities they enjoy or currently do and what level of fitness they want to get to. Then plan an exercise schedule around that person. I have worked with lots of folks who stay fit and have a good exercise routine without a single run. According to your opinion that would mean they couldn't possibly be fit. Other good cardio activities include things like cycling, swimming, even ashtanga or bikram yoga and Pilate's will give you a good cardio burn. Dance classes too. 

The person asking the original question is actualy doing quite a lot already. Playing football twice a week plus a twice a week run leaves you with only one more day of exercise and the correct number of rest days to let your muscles and joints recover. If anything, he (she?) should add in a weight training session or two before adding in more running.

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should i jog during weight training in gymRunning, Jogging, TrainingI am 25 years old (body weight =89 Kgs) and recently joined in a GYM.I have heard that jogging is not allowed during weight training in GYM.Is it true?-question by Abhijit Indu

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increasing my staminaRunning, Jogging, Training

hi/ I go running for about 4 miles 3 times a week, I do the same route each time but every time I'm finding it harder to push my self and I get tired so quickly, can any one give me some tips on what to do to give me the will to keep going, is it all to do with what you eat, I do eat a lot of protein, and have protein drinks, but I do tend to stay clear of carbs because I want to lose weight has well, and I am under the impression that if you eat carbs you put on weight, so I really could do with some advise. I recently took part in a football match for charity, I really enjoyed so ive decided I'm going to join a football club, may be this is the push I need to get me into shape.

-reply by lisa


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Elderly people jogged when they think they can do it. It does some form of exercise for them which keeps them healthy, They also think in a way that if they can exercise, they are not useless. A way to exercise just right is the hit the gym. Go on a threadmill, set the amount of calories you would want to burn, and they would estimate the number of KiloMetres you need to run. In that way, you could get your ideal results and not over-doing it. I hit the gym 3 days a week which is making me quite fit. Do some sit-ups to build up your stomach muscles so you wouldn't get stomach cramps easily. My Father once told me that even if someone can do Push-Ups, some of them can't do Chin-Ups and Vice Versa. So you might want to Google or Follow what i said above. IT might prove to be quite helpful though :P

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should i jog during weight training in gym


Running, Jogging, Training




I am 25 years old (body weight =89 Kgs) and recently joined in a GYM.I have heard that jogging is not allowed during weight training in GYM.Is it true?


-question by Abhijit Indu

Thats garbage. You can jog during weight training. Jogging is a life long and very healthy sport that I would recommend doing. Its good for your heart and lungs and no matter what people tell you it is good for your knees and joints as well. If you need help getting started on a program I would be happy to help.

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Thats garbage. You can jog during weight training. Jogging is a life long and very healthy sport that I would recommend doing. Its good for your heart and lungs and no matter what people tell you it is good for your knees and joints as well. If you need help getting started on a program I would be happy to help.

I totally agree with ^. Who says your not allowed to jog during weight training. In fact jogging is one of the best ways to lose weight. I did that and i lose a few Kilograms (: you should try it too.

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