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I Am Hosting For The First Time I am a little nervous now.

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This is first time i uploaded my website(i was happy). Now iam nervous. I cannot see my website after upload. My website name is cncinfotech. When i typed domain cncinfotech.trap17.com it show apache welcome message. My domain is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

Great Success ! Apache is working on your cPanelŽ and WHM™ Server

I already uploaded my index page in public_html folder. I asked to each by chat. Everyone tell we are able to see your website. Every one said me "Your website title is silverside" ,"Your website based on forex".
There are detail related to my website -
Access Cpanel at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
You can access ftp at ftp.cncinfotech.uni.cc.com

Please help me how can i see my website ? Saint PM me

I can see your website, I would try to see if your site can be seen through a proxy like anonymouse.org/ and see if you can see it. If you can then you needed to delete your browser cache and see if that works. If not then it could be your ISP.

I tried anonymouse.org but it is showing apache welcome message not my index page. I donot know what to do. Please please help. It makes me nervous.Please.

Again have some more question to ask. Please MODERATOR donot close this topic.
Edited by cncinfotech (see edit history)

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Interestingly i can see it from the second like you provided with the .cc domain name but not from the T17 subdomain so perhaps it has something to do with the T17 cache? Or the name servers or a cache that is between you and T17 such as your ISP's .Try forcing the refresh of your browsers cache with CTRL+F5 and try looking at it from the .cc domain name.It could just need a little while to fix itself so try again soon and see what happens. And although it seems you've done so remember to delete the old Index file and make sure that there are no other index files on your space other than the one you uploaded and check it to make sure that is the one you uploaded. As i said i expect you've done that but you cant troubleshoot properly until you can be sure of all the things it cant be

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When i typed domain cncinfotech.trap17.com it show apache welcome message. My domain is http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

When you filled out the actual form to create your account (in the Xisto Manage Account pages) what address did you put in the box? You won't have been given a working Xisto subdomain if you filled that form in with the .uni.cc address.

I already uploaded my index page in public_html folder. I asked to each by chat. Everyone tell we are able to see your website. Every one said me "Your website title is silverside" ,"Your website based on forex".

I can confirm that the .uni.cc domain shows your website. The Xisto subdomain shows the blue cPanel/WHM page.

There are detail related to my website -Access Cpanel at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ or http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
You can access ftp at ftp.cncinfotech.uni.cc.com

That leads me to think that when you filled the form out, you put the .uni.cc address in the box. Therefore you were never actually given a Xisto subdomain, and the Xisto subdomain will never work. Even if you make up a subdomain you'll get that success message. That Xisto subdomain does not exist, and therefore doesn't point to your website.

There are no problems at all with your account.

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Is there no way that index page can be show by http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ iam still getting problem website is not displaying. Is parked domain can help me ?
Yes - i put http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ when i filled form but this url is not showing my website.

Can i change my domain with 15 credits ? I have buy a new domain. Please reply.

Edited by cncinfotech (see edit history)

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Is there no way that index page can be show by http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

I am not sure. I know you can change your subdomain, but in your case you never had a subdomain to start with. Try using the Change Subdomain form at https://support.xisto.com/ and see if that works. If it doesn't then I don't think you can get a subdomain now.

iam still getting problem website is not displaying. Is parked domain can help me ?Yes - i put http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ when i filled form but this url is not showing my website.

I can see your website just fine - so it would appear that this is something to do with your own PC. Make sure you clear your browser cache, and your router cache (if it has one). Make sure your firewall isn't blocking the site. Finally, if all that doesn't work, ring your ISP and ask them to see what is going wrong.

Can i change my domain with 15 credits ? I have buy a new domain. Please reply.

You can change to another domain, but I do not think this is the problem. Before spending 15 credits, try the methods I mentioned above.

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I can see your website :-) You need to give time for DNS propagation.

Introduction of Foreign Exchange
The Foreign Exchange market, commonly referred to as the "Forex" or "FX" market, is the worlds largest financial market, with daily reported volume of approximately $1.9 trillion. In comparison, the worldwide daily market for equities is roughly $50 billion, and the daily notional value of contracts traded at global futures markets amounts to something near $30 billion.

Ping result.

C:\Documents and Settings>ping cncinfotech.uni.ccPinging cncinfotech.uni.cc [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=304ms TTL=53Reply from bytes=32 time=340ms TTL=53Reply from bytes=32 time=341ms TTL=53Reply from bytes=32 time=338ms TTL=53Ping statistics for	Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:	Minimum = 304ms, Maximum = 341ms, Average = 330ms

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Today, i saw my website index page. It was not my ISP or my computer problem. I donot know how this problem was solved but iam happy. Now i want to install SMF forum for my website. I have created a new folder "forum" in public_html. How should i install it ? Can you give me steps ? Is SMF forum install automatically makes tables in database or we make them manually ? can i upload zip files and extract them later on server side ?Again thanks for all your replies.

Edited by cncinfotech (see edit history)

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Now i want to install SMF forum for my website. I have created a new folder "forum" in public_html. How should i install it ? Can you give me steps ?

  • Download the Full Install package from SMF: http://download.simplemachines.org/
  • Extract whatever archive you chose to download.
  • Upload all of the files and folders into the forum folder you created.
  • Log in to your cPanel, and find the MySQL Databases link.
  • Click that link and create a new database. Remember that whatever you call the database will actually have cncinfo_ put before it.
  • Go to the installation for SMF
  • Fill in all the information it wants (remembering to put cncinfo_ before whatever database name you created).


    Is SMF forum install automatically makes tables in database or we make them manually ?

    The installation script creates the tables for you, but you need to have created the database (explained above).


    can i upload zip files and extract them later on server side ?

    Yes, as long as you use the file manager in cPanel, or Net2FTP.

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the website for the .uni.cc domain works fine, just try what people said above (use "F5" to clear your cache, and that maybe you don't have an actual Xisto sub domain).

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Well it's not looking simple. I tried to install SMF 3.0 so many times but i always got error. I followed all instruction given on SMF website to install SMF 3.0.

Am i doing something wrong ?

First i uploaded SMF 3.0 on webserver using ftpclients then i unzipped my all zip files at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ then i made mysql database name "cncinfo_dbforum" and username was "cncinfo_moni".


Posted Image


MySQL server name is local host.


Posted Image


After that i opened http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists//install.php

Here are my setting for SMF installion -


Posted Image


After feeling installion form When i pressed proceed button i got this error -


Posted Image


What should i do ? Please tell me where am i wrong ?

Edited by cncinfotech (see edit history)

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I want to add shoutbox like Xisto in my website. Is it possible ? If yes then i want to know-Is it free ? and how can i add this in my website ?Please reply iam waiting for answer.Actually iam looking for free chatroom for my website. Please help me.

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Why can't you go to the forum and support section of SMF. You can use all the mods there and can find details about many more mods. Also there are mods which help to add other mods easily. Just got through the SMF forum.

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