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Funding For New Business

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I'm planning to start a new Gaming Network. It is based on a new concept that I developed.I'm pretty sure that this will definitely be a very profitable business. This new concept is entirely different from the existing networks and will create a revolution in the Cafe & Gaming networks.Since this new idea requires implementation of latest technologies and hardwares, its cost of implementation will be high. It also requires the expertise in the areas of Networking, database management and OS shell Programming.I can manage the technical side very well, and looking out for experts who are well versed in the latest high speed networks and in OS kernel modification.The major hindrance for me from proceeding with this project is the lack of funds.I want to know is there any organisation or association that funds for new projects. The information provided will be useful for those who want to start a new business and lack funds.

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Hi and congrats on getting a potentially profitable idea! Im looking for one myself :P anyway!Many banks will grant you a loan for starting a new business, if you have some profit projections etc... and details plans for the business that seem reasonable they will usually grant you a loan, the downside is that you will most likely incur charges related to interest etc.. on the money you borrow. I know here in the UK the government are advertising about helping those who are registered as self employed, maybe a similar system is in place where you live? India i believe? If not you could look for private investors but of course they will want a high percentage of control etc... so its not really worth it.As for organisations that provide funding i don't know of any here in the UK and so my knowledge of those abroad is even worse! I would suggest looking for your local government's office and/or website/phone number and get in contact with them, maybe the citizens advice bureau if you have one as they are generally helpful. I hope you find the funds for this idea as it sounds promising and i hope you do well! Good luck!

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Good luck with starting a new business. OK here is how things stand there are societies or shell I say companies that will give you money to start commanding company which you have to repay however they are only giving this to very profitable and very or shell I say extremely innovative ideas.However I understand quite some things with computers bla bla bla, but I don't get why would you need kernel modifications. Do you intend to write your own servers or somethings similar to that. Because you certainly want that your thing is compatible with operating systems currently on market especially windows XP and Vista.Good luck once more.

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Funding is hard, and what alot of people do is spend 10 months trying to get funding, when they could go out and get a second (or first) job, even at minimum wage.. its a good idea! You can think about ways to get funding while you are at your job, so I suggest you MUST get a job.Sell some things on your local auction site (ebay or trademe or zillion etc) and make quite a bit of money. Even try to save 10% of everything you do, because if you are saving while you are thinking, you will probably end up with the funding before you even have an idea of how to get funding :PHopeThisHelps

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Since I need huge amount of money get finiancial assistance from a bank would not be possible, I hope only a venture capatalist or similar capatialists can assist in making this project a sucess.

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Getting money from a bank is usually difficult, but there is no reason not to try. The worst that happens is that you lose half an hour of time. The best is that they give you a loan and you get your business off the ground. If you have a profitable idea, no matter how much it will cost initially, then most banks will be willing to invest in you or provide you with a loan. Remember, it's also an opportunity for them to potentially get a new business customer if you manage to start your business, so they benefit too.If not, try sponsorship. You're presumably going to need a lot of hardware and equipment, right? Directly contact the manufacturers for some of the stuff you need and explain what you are doing, and how much stuff you need. Then explain that you are willing to place advertising around your premises or even sell their stuff. Most companies love this sort of thing and are very willing to participate in these schemes. To take graphics cards as an example: contact nVidia and ATi. Explain that you are setting up a new business (give details) and that you need 25 (or however many) graphics cards to make that work. State that you would be willing to display nVidia/ATi logos and advertising prominently in your premises, and ask if they would they be interested in helping you out by providing the cards cheap/free. See what they say. The worst they will do is say no, they might just offer a bulk buy discount, or they could give you the lot in return for the advertising. Do that for each and every piece of hardware and equipment you need to buy and see what each company says.

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