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Vegetarianism Vegetarian, Nature Food, arguments for eating meat

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I am a meat eater. I really don't like veggies.... I guess it's just the way I am.I always remove all the veggies and the like from anything I eat. Hamburgers and such... I only eat the bread and the patty xD. Strange, isn't it?I don't eat anything that grows from the earth xDDDDD hahaBut hey. We are cruel animals, we have capitalism, pop culture, politics and fashion. Eating meat is like running around with safe scissors compared to that things.HEY! VEGGIES ARE LIVING THINGS TOO!!!! just because they doesn't have brains doesn't means that it's ok to eat them >_<Hope you understand my ranting xD, I'm not against anyone, this is just the way I see things.

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We weren't meant to be vegetarians. We're omnivores and there are things in our anatomy, such as our teeth, that tell the story of this. Get the best of both worlds like nature intended rather than one world. Eating plants is great for losing weight, so I can understand temporary vegitarianism for that. If you think you're morally superiour just because you will only devour living things that can't scream or fight back I can't agree with you - I think that's hypocritical. Live on air if you want to be morally quaint. What we do to plants is just as disgusting as what we do to animals, but we can't empathize because plants don't have blood, so we think it's OK, which it is, equally with eating animals.

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We weren't meant to be vegetarians. We're omnivores and there are things in our anatomy, such as our teeth, that tell the story of this. Get the best of both worlds like nature intended rather than one world. Eating plants is great for losing weight, so I can understand temporary vegitarianism for that.
If you think you're morally superiour just because you will only devour living things that can't scream or fight back I can't agree with you - I think that's hypocritical. Live on air if you want to be morally quaint. What we do to plants is just as disgusting as what we do to animals, but we can't empathize because plants don't have blood, so we think it's OK, which it is, equally with eating animals.

I totally agree with you dude, plants do feel and are treated even worse than animals... Heed my words: You have to slaughter it before you eat it. That's it, even if it's plant or animal. They're slaughtered and die and suffer before you eat them.

=D And I don't feel bad about it because that's how we are made up. We're baddddd and meannn xD

(This reply is in a totally friendly attitude and I'm not wanting to insult anyone with my rantings, hope you understand me xD I respect vegetarians because they don't do anything to me, but meat is neat, enough said =D)
Edited by Mailoreothoriel (see edit history)

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I am a meat eater. I really don't like veggies.... I guess it's just the way I am.I always remove all the veggies and the like from anything I eat. Hamburgers and such... I only eat the bread and the patty xD. Strange, isn't it?
I don't eat anything that grows from the earth xDDDDD haha

But hey. We are cruel animals, we have capitalism, pop culture, politics and fashion. Eating meat is like running around with safe scissors compared to that things.

HEY! VEGGIES ARE LIVING THINGS TOO!!!! just because they doesn't have brains doesn't means that it's ok to eat them >_<

Hope you understand my ranting xD, I'm not against anyone, this is just the way I see things.

You don't like vegetables? Does that mean that you don't eat them.

Dude, I seriously reccomend you go and see a doctor or something and learn about the importance of a healthy diet. You're missing out on vital food groups and it's probably effecting your health.

Yes, vegetables are living things, but I do not see them as indivuals. If an organism (yes organism, you dirty minded freaks xD) has a brain, then I don't think it's alright to eat it. Extensive scientific studies have proven without a doubt that plants do not have brains, and therefore, they do not have feelings. That way I find it morally acceptable to eat them.

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I totally agree with you dude, plants do feel and are treated even worse than animals... Heed my words: You have to slaughter it before you eat it. That's it, even if it's plant or animal. They're slaughtered and die and suffer before you eat them.
=D And I don't feel bad about it because that's how we are made up. We're baddddd and meannn xD

(This reply is in a totally friendly attitude and I'm not wanting to insult anyone with my rantings, hope you understand me xD I respect vegetarians because they don't do anything to me, but meat is neat, enough said =D)

That was obviously a joke. Let's reply seriously nontheless.

As I said before, I don't agree that plants have feelings. I also don't believe that they are treated worse than animals. Most people do not know all of the things that their food has been through to reach their bellies hot and steaming. Chickens are forced to live in the most cramped conditions, live in their own *BLEEP* and eat practically nothing. As soon as they are born their beaks are cut off, without any kind of anesthetic, to stop them pecking each other.

Imaging having your nose cut off. This is not fair.

Then they are forcefully grown. Some chicken's bodies grow so big that their legs cannot support their weight and just break under the pressure. Then they are forced onto a conveyor belt, where a rotating blade is SUPPOSED to cut their throught. Unfortunatley, it misses every seventh or eighth bird. You may think avoiding having your throught slit is a lucky break, but instead they are then dunked alive in boiling hot water (to remove the feathers).

This is really not fair. I think I'm talking about KFC here, but I can't remember.

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@ Liam CF: I always talk in a serious manner in the same time that I don't. Behind all of my jokes there are serious oppinions about what I think about this issue of "eating meat is wrong".Well, then all the carnivorous animals are wrong because they eat meat? oh, only we're wrong, because we're "SUPERIOR"?We are animals too, however you see it. And Plants do have feelings, haven't you read about it? They function very differently than animals, but they do spill blood, they do suffer and they actually have "feelings". It's just that I don't see anything to be proud about eating only weed, you end up eating slaughtered ex-living beings anyways. Plants are living beings too. People try so hard to say that plants don't have feelings just to convince themselves that they aren't eating anything killed... But hey, veggies are dead when you eat them. "who are you to steal the life off the poor animals?" that's the argument vegetarians say about animals, but I say "who are you to steal the life off the poor veggies?". Hey! If scientific studies are acurrate, animals shouldn't be aware of their existence as much as veggies are. But how wrong you are! Both are aware of it.Life is all about give and take. And sometimes you kill, sometimes you get killed. It's all about surviving.BTW, Everyone is free to eat what they please, this is my ultimate statement. and MEAT IS NEAT. and the KFC thing is a Hoax. And you should be worrying about how french BLEEPs make foie-gras (that IS revolting). I surely am against animal abuse, but I like to eat them anyways. I am an animal, I kill for meat, it's in my DNAThanks for the Post Liam, I really enjoy debating about these things. Hope you strike back! And, nice meeting you xD (aren't joking D=)

Edited by Mailoreothoriel (see edit history)

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heres my thoughs on this interesting topic..I would eat only veggies but meat is soo yummy XD lol seriously though we are animals we kill each other. Killing an animal is abit better then each other. after you kill it you eat it so it dosent go to waste. sure we can live off only nuts and beans but meat is food too. how about the omega 3 we get off fish can we get that off a nut? you gotta eat everything how about if you are traped and the only thing to eat was an animal would you kill it eat it and live or wait for some beans to drop out of the sky.Yeah we treat animals badly but I think it wont ever change its in our nature I just accept it. In new zealand where I live there are native people who used to eat each other. When the white people first came here to settle they would get eaten. I dont know about you but I'm more concerned with people not killing each other then people killing animals. Maybe if that changes one day then animals will get a break too but I highly doubt it.

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I agree with both veg and non-veg.


But i don like this argument. "Animals are brutally murdered"...

Come on guys....there are thousands of killings taking place in all countries both by veggies and non-veggies. Try talking about that. Show humanity to humans first then we can make sense by humanitarian act towards animals.


Here is one more point.... there is a scientific study proving that even plants have feelings. I don have to say about life in plants... When you cook you even kill them and do it brutally. So everyone has their own rights, wrongs and justifications for what they do. If you really think harming animals is the only thing that prevents you from becoming a non-veg, you are lying.


Even plants gt hurt... there are many living beings dependent on the plants we depend... so no point.


Better put it this way.


"I like it... so i am having it"


What am i?

I am a veggie... but i eat everything. :rolleyes:

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@ Liam CF: I always talk in a serious manner in the same time that I don't. Behind all of my jokes there are serious oppinions about what I think about this issue of "eating meat is wrong".


Well, then all the carnivorous animals are wrong because they eat meat? oh, only we're wrong, because we're "SUPERIOR"?

We are animals too, however you see it. And Plants do have feelings, haven't you read about it? They function very differently than animals, but they do spill blood, they do suffer and they actually have "feelings". It's just that I don't see anything to be proud about eating only weed, you end up eating slaughtered ex-living beings anyways. Plants are living beings too. People try so hard to say that plants don't have feelings just to convince themselves that they aren't eating anything killed... But hey, veggies are dead when you eat them. "who are you to steal the life off the poor animals?" that's the argument vegetarians say about animals, but I say "who are you to steal the life off the poor veggies?". Hey! If scientific studies are acurrate, animals shouldn't be aware of their existence as much as veggies are. But how wrong you are! Both are aware of it.


Life is all about give and take. And sometimes you kill, sometimes you get killed. It's all about surviving.


BTW, Everyone is free to eat what they please, this is my ultimate statement. and MEAT IS NEAT. and the KFC thing is a Hoax. And you should be worrying about how french BLEEPs make foie-gras (that IS revolting). I surely am against animal abuse, but I like to eat them anyways. I am an animal, I kill for meat, it's in my DNA


Thanks for the Post Liam, I really enjoy debating about these things. Hope you strike back! And, nice meeting you xD (aren't joking D=)

Can you link me to an article which shows that plants have independant feelings and don't want to be eaten. I don't believe that vegetarians are 'superior', infact I don't think any less of someone who eats meat because of that alone.


I believe also that everybody is free to eat what they like, but I'm trying to make people better informed about what they actually are eating and make their own judgement weather it is right. You say 'it's all about surviving', does this mean that you think that humans cannot survive without eating meat. I disagree with that statement, I am living proof; I have never eaten meat and I'm still here, in perfect health, not a problem with me.


Also my parents are the same way. How do you know that the KFC thing is a hoax? Again a link to an article please.


Can you please explain what 'foie-gras' is as I have never even heard of it.


Also, you say 'I kill meat, it's in my DNA.' I do not agree that if something is in your DNA (which I'm not even sure if eating meat is), that you have to agree with it or go along with it. Look at all the people who dye their hair a different color. That is proof.


I also enjoy debating about these things, so please reply!

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heres my thoughs on this interesting topic..
I would eat only veggies but meat is soo yummy XD
lol seriously though we are animals we kill each other. Killing an animal is abit better then each other. after you kill it you eat it so it dosent go to waste. sure we can live off only nuts and beans but meat is food too. how about the omega 3 we get off fish can we get that off a nut? you gotta eat everything how about if you are traped and the only thing to eat was an animal would you kill it eat it and live or wait for some beans to drop out of the sky.

Yeah we treat animals badly but I think it wont ever change its in our nature I just accept it. In new zealand where I live there are native people who used to eat each other. When the white people first came here to settle they would get eaten. I dont know about you but I'm more concerned with people not killing each other then people killing animals. Maybe if that changes one day then animals will get a break too but I highly doubt it.

I agree that if I was trapped, and there was only meat available, then I would eat that. But in todays average society; then it is not neccisary to eat meat. I hope it will change some day and people will see it wrong to eat animals as they do now see about eating people.

Just out of intrest, do people still eat other people in new zealand? It is also a big problem about people killing people, but thousands more animals are being killed more cruelly than the people being killed today.

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Yes, I tend to agree it is not neccessary to eat meat in general. But even with those that are strictly vegie would not be able to change the minds of many, although getting some people to change their habits would be a start for those vegies. Even though I'm not a vegie myself, I have to agree that eating a fellow of their animal race eg "people on people, cat on cats" etc does tend to be a bit 'wrong'.

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I said about plant feelings in a very relative way, what I mean to say if that plants actually sense, and well, they also have feelings:


Plants can sense light (phototropism, photomorphogenesis, photoperiodism)

and gravity (gravitropism) and some can respond to touch (thigmotropism,

thigmonasty) (Salisbury and Ross, 1985). As far as botanists have

determined, plants do not have feelings, do not grow better when exposed to

certain types of music, and cannot communicate with humans as claimed in

the bestselling book "The Secret Life of Plants." Those claims have been

debunked by real botanists (Hershey, 1995). Botany is unfortunately

hampered by many misconceptions. However, the scientific aspects of plants

are extremely fascinating, probably even more so than the false claims

(Attenborough, 1995).


Attenborough, D. 1995. The Private Life of Plants. Princeton, NJ: Princeton

University Press.

This too, http://www.upc-online.org/ethics_questions.html

You can search personally too. It's an interesting topic.


We animals and plants act driven out of our instincts, (we humans "think", and can do different) ant that is activated by "reflexes". When you sense something, you are supposed to respond in a fixed way. And plants and animals do so. The fact that animals do have a wider spread of feelings (fear, happiness, all that stuff) doesn't means that plant's don't, it's just that we don't understand them because we're not in the same group of living beings. Animals feel that way because some conditions are met, and plants also react some way because requierements are met.


Well, about the superior thing, I said that because humanity always have considered themselves the all superior, the omnipotent, and animals and plants and nature were only mere toys to play with and to do their masters bidding (as a way to say it, I'm not so serious about that). And if someone chooses to be vegetarian, it SHOULDN'T be because this following argument "I can prove by this that I have higher moral than the rest of you, meat eaters! bohahaha", now, people who use that argument are hideous. I know you aren't that way, but I've met someone like that before.


I usually care more for what I do and not about other people do...


(RANT AGAINST KFC HOAX WARNING) The KFC thing is a hoax because of normal logic. Animal Rights should have KILLED them already, those KFC guys. And well.... If the chickens are so BIG, then why the actual freakin' pieces of the chicken buckets are NORMAL SIZE!?!?!?! That's why I say it's a hoax... Common logic >_< (RANT AGAINST KFC HOAX WARNING)


Oh, that foie-gras issue is really sad, I AM against what they do to the poor ducks. Look http://features.peta.org/how-to-go-vegan/ That does make me angry! see the ******* video, you will be mad too. (EVERYONE, SEE THE VIDEO)


I believe in free will, but the power of instinct is really really powerful, If someday (I'm going to say impossible things) all plants dissapear from earth, and vegetarians are only between biiig and great frigs filled of meat, and lots of sauces and stuff.... I'm sure that all of them, soon or later, would eat some meat! Of course, some vegs to the bone will die, but, that shows you the power of will and instinct. Vegs who ate the meat chose to survive. that's it for my lousy example. (end of the impossible things)


And well, that's it for my reply xD

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I said about plant feelings in a very relative way, what I mean to say if that plants actually sense, and well, they also have feelings:

This too, http://www.upc-online.org/ethics_questions.html

You can search personally too. It's an interesting topic.


We animals and plants act driven out of our instincts, (we humans "think", and can do different) ant that is activated by "reflexes". When you sense something, you are supposed to respond in a fixed way. And plants and animals do so. The fact that animals do have a wider spread of feelings (fear, happiness, all that stuff) doesn't means that plant's don't, it's just that we don't understand them because we're not in the same group of living beings. Animals feel that way because some conditions are met, and plants also react some way because requierements are met.


Well, about the superior thing, I said that because humanity always have considered themselves the all superior, the omnipotent, and animals and plants and nature were only mere toys to play with and to do their masters bidding (as a way to say it, I'm not so serious about that). And if someone chooses to be vegetarian, it SHOULDN'T be because this following argument "I can prove by this that I have higher moral than the rest of you, meat eaters! bohahaha", now, people who use that argument are hideous. I know you aren't that way, but I've met someone like that before.


I usually care more for what I do and not about other people do...


(RANT AGAINST KFC HOAX WARNING) The KFC thing is a hoax because of normal logic. Animal Rights should have KILLED them already, those KFC guys. And well.... If the chickens are so BIG, then why the actual freakin' pieces of the chicken buckets are NORMAL SIZE!?!?!?! That's why I say it's a hoax... Common logic >_< (RANT AGAINST KFC HOAX WARNING)


Oh, that foie-gras issue is really sad, I AM against what they do to the poor ducks. Look http://features.peta.org/how-to-go-vegan/ That does make me angry! see the ******* video, you will be mad too. (EVERYONE, SEE THE VIDEO)


I believe in free will, but the power of instinct is really really powerful, If someday (I'm going to say impossible things) all plants dissapear from earth, and vegetarians are only between biiig and great frigs filled of meat, and lots of sauces and stuff.... I'm sure that all of them, soon or later, would eat some meat! Of course, some vegs to the bone will die, but, that shows you the power of will and instinct. Vegs who ate the meat chose to survive. that's it for my lousy example. (end of the impossible things)


And well, that's it for my reply xD

I don't think that plants think, therefore I think that we can eat them. All animals think, and therefore we shouldn't eat them.


I haven't actually met any people who think they are so superior, that they go around boasting about it. Those people are just arrogent pricks and just ignore them.


I still haven't seen any solid evidence about the KFC animal cruelty thing, so I can't make a judgement. Infact, your 'evidence' is absolute rubbish. You say, 'Animal rights SHOULD have killed them.' This shows that they should have, not that they have. Yes, I agree that they should have. Also, you ask why the pieces of chicken are so small. This is because of the simple fact that KFC and other big fast-food companies want to maximise their earnings by getting as much money for as little 'produce' as possible.


Fact: The 'small' fizzy drinks cups in today's McDonalds are the same size as the 'Large' cups a few years ago. This just shows how fat we're becoming, but that's a whole different issue.


OH MY GOODNESS!! That video about foie-gras is so disturbing. This is the kind of cruelty I'm talking about. It's just sick how people do this kind of thing. I'm going to show this video to everybody I know just to show them how disgusting and mean some people are just to gain money.


As I have already stated, if it was the only way to survive, then yes, I would eat meat. But it's not and it is impossible (yes, you've mentioned that. :rolleyes:)


End of post. xD


EDIT: More on KFC here: http://www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com/

Edited by Liam_CF (see edit history)

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As usual, the infantile attacks against this progressive lifestyle fly in the face of all logic and reason. Having grown up strict vegetarian, I?ve heard every idiotic anti-veg argument you can think of, and over time, each and every one of them have been proven false by the scientific community. But it appears some folks are still motivated by the guilt-ridden rancor that often accompanies feeding on animal corpses in an age when such barbarism is completely unecessary. How else can one explain the moronic: ?But plants have feelings too? rant still being hurled around as if it actually had any relevance to this debate. Flesh eaters: If you truly care as much about plants as you claim to, then you MUST go vegetarian as you consume (and thereby kill) infinitely more plants via eating a cow than going directly to the source. Or better yet ? starve yourself and rid us of your juvenile excuses to continue killing animals to satisfy your selfish lust for flesh! Yes, you can debate all you want, but in the end it all comes down to your personal lust and inability to control it. And be careful: Pointing the finger at those who have a handle on their base appetites is a dead caveman giveaway.


All satire aside, I hope you see my point that nothing in life is black and white. Yes ? we are all involved on some level with the taking of life to sustain our own, and I don?t know a vegetarian who?s hypocritical enough to argue otherwise. By the same token I doubt anyone would argue that our fellow mammals, unlike plants, have central nervous systems that respond to pain stimuli. But we, unlike other life forms, have the capacity to choose how much of an impact we leave in our wake, and ultimately how much pain inflicted. Does that make us superior to the other beasts? That?s debatable. Does it make us more accountable? Most definitely. So, as reasoning beings fully capable of moral judgement, do we contribute (indirectly or otherwise) to the senseless, cruel slaughter of sentient creatures who clearly feel pain, who cry out in mournful agony when the butcher?s knife spills their essence on the blood-soaked concrete, and who cling to the life force as we do? Or do we choose the path that humane men have consistently chosen through the ages? The choice is yours; choose it wisely.

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I have absolutely no problem with vegetarianism is a theory, but the way it is practiced is an abomination.

I'm not too familiar with your reasoning for being a vegetarian, but all of the ones I know use the most ridiculous and twisted reasoning I've seen (combine that with disputing facts about vegetarianism and PETA) and it's annoying.

I'd like to see your take on this article: http://www.thebestpageintheuniverse.net/c.cgi?u=grill

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