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Spiritual Magical Methods To Healing Using Magic to Heal,Who Has Views or experienced This

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:rolleyes: I feel our ancestors from the Past ,always held their ways of Healing, themselves or other’s.

It’s interesting to View ,other’s peoples Knowledge of How They were brought up as a Child or Stories that was over Heard from grandparents or the Elder Generations,

How Many actually are used To This Day .

Add to this ,of any Healing areas ,or Knowledge of What you know in Healing energies without the everyday Medicine ,Most People these Days depend on Now .

What really works ?

What Really Don’t?


Here are some ,That was Handed Down .Some can offer you Something to actually Think about ,some you just can not Believe,Some Oh! Heck ,it may be worlth a Try.


Headache Relief

Dress a green candle with Peppermint or Lavender oil. Use Peppermint or Lavender incense. Suggested background music is Soothing Rain.

Cast a circle if you like. Ask the Angels of Healing to assist you. Invoke the deities: Advilleona the Goddess of Ibuprofen and Tylenol gone the God of Acetaminophen.

As you light the candle chant:

My pain is gone, I hurt no more, Tension flies right out the door!

Now laugh-out-loud to dispel the pain.

Sip Raspberry-Catnip or Chamomile tea and relax ... Let the tension float away ...

Now say:

My pain is gone, You see I'm free, So now I'm smiling happily!

A Healing Spell

White Voodoo Doll-used in health rituals. Attach the name of person to be helped and a piece of their hair. Anoint two red radiant health candles with appropriate oil, and sprinkle the oil on the doll. light the candles on each side of the doll and say a prayer asking for good health.

Strength Spell

This is a small spell I use quite often. mostly when I'm stressing out because I can't open that pickle jar, the box is a little too heavy, or when the screwdriver just wont turn. (author)

First, quickly clear your mind. Then repeat the following verse three times:

Strength of day

Strength of night

Give me strength

Beyond my sight.

Now try that little chore again it should be a lot easier than before!

Overcome Depression

Tools you will need are: Protection Incense (herbs or oils work fine also), Yellow aper Candle

It is best to find a work area that you can leave untouched for three days. If you must put away your tools, try to at least keep your spell candle out in the open. This spell is used to uplift your energy and overcome depression. Read over this spell and customize it prior to use-the work will go much smoother. Prepare your work area by setting up any tools you may use. While setting up your area, concentrate on the purpose of your work. Imagine how good it feels to be happy. Do not let negative thoughts enter your mind!

Just prior to your work, bathe in purification herbs, or with your favorite bath salts. While you are bathing, concentrate again on the purpose of your spell. Again, do not let negative thoughts enter your mind.

After bathing, go to your work area. Cast a circle and light your incense. Envision a large, yellow ball of light surrounding you and your work area. Hold the yellow candle between the palms of your hands and direct all of your positive energy into the candle.

Place the candle in its candle holder. Prior to lighting the candle, say (either aloud, or to yourself):

This candle represents the love and energy I have for myself


Light the candle and say (either aloud or to yourself):

"As I light this candle, the veil of darkness that is ever present in my mind is lifting. The darkness ceases to exist as the light of this flame glows. Long has the darkness filled my mind, my desire to be happy is intense like the heat of fire. As this candle burns, my spirits are lifting and the negative energy is washing away. I will be happy, my life will be peaceful. I can see myself as I wish to be-happy and free!"

Sit back and watch the candle burn. Meditate on how good if feels to be happy and envision the veil of darkness lifting.

When the candle had burned 1/3 of the way, say:

As the flame of the candle is extinguished-the light burns forever in my mind

blow out the candle.

Repeat this for two more nights.

On the last night, after the candle has burned away and the leftover wax has cooled-throw away the leftover wax into to trash and envision your depression being thrown away with the wax.

You will overcome your depression!

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I think I really need to try the Headache Relief method as I've been having a migraine ;( but yes there has been a few herbal and spiritual ways people refer to them as, which are able to heal them of types of sicknesses. The chant though probably would make me laugh at myself which would make me lightheaded by just saying those words, no offense.

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Hmmm... im eager to try that strength chant. Too often am i stuck trying to open a bottle of whatever or i just quite cant undo something that may be to tight. If it works, it will save me a lot of frustration. :rolleyes: Not quite sure about the last one... it seems like quite a large task to put all that together. But, i suppose if you want to get out of depression that badly, you'll do it anyway ;)

Edited by Seidhrith (see edit history)

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I totally do not believe in spirituality, magic, and etc. But I DO believe that ANY human is able to heal himself from ANY desease without the use of medication via self-hypnosis/meditation. I do not have any written proof, but I've been doing that to myself for 1.5 months and my vision got better from -6 to -2.25. I'm sure, you could find many more sources like that online.

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Invoke the deities: Advilleona the Goddess of Ibuprofen and Tylenol gone the God of Acetaminophen.

If that is not a dead-giveaway on how completely silly and fabricated this spell is, I'm a monkey's uncle.


I seriously doubt that any of those *ahem* deities ever existed. As the first commandment goes, "I am Fluoxetine, your god. Thou shalt not have other false gods before me."


Seriously, though, there are some "spiritual" things that are, indeed, curative. It's something well beyond science but, beats me, they really work... well, most of the time. In our country, we have this concept called bati. Loosely translated, it means "to greet" Somehow, in our culture it usually seems to apply only to small children, as opposed to those huge children lolz


Anyway, when someone (or something) takes a fancy to a kid and the child falls ill shortly afterwards, the child is said to be nabati ("had been greeted," again, loosely, very loosely, translated) The "greeter" can be anyone or, like I said, anything. It could be your well-meaning next-door neighbor, a close relative eager to squeeze your cute baby's little cheeks, a nuno[/b] (dwarf or elf or earthbound faerie), a dog, a tree, anything. The concept is, I guess, similar to the West's "evil eye"


If it has been "diagnosed" that the greeter is human, the cure would be to smear his/her saliva either on the baby's tummy (just a bit above the belly button) or forehead, depending on the version you know. Strangely enough, the baby gets well within a day or two, most of the time. Yes, I know, it's disgusting but the few times I've seen it, it works.


In any case, when it comes to spiritual healing, there are many different esoteric arts out there such as Tai Chi, acupuncture, pranic healing, acupressure, Yoga and Qi Gong, along with a plethora of their derivatives (Power Yoga or Dynamic Tai Chi, psh!) When it comes to magical healing, on the other hand, there is, almost globally, a pretty much underground community of practitioners of witchcraft (or magic, in general) calling themselves witches, wizards, druids, sorcerers (like moi, heheh) or, for those wishing to be more arcane, mages, etc. I can't speak for them; every practitioner of "magic" probably has his own curative spell that works only on him/her lolz


Oh yeah, we also have faith healers here. Basically, take the dominant religion (here, it's Roman Catholic) and twist a bit here and there, say you have had an apparition, stick mostly to the bible and invent your own doctrine when stuck, well, yeah. That's basically the pattern of a lot of faith healers/cult leaders over here. Strangely enough, there are some, I repeat, [some, not all[/b], people they may or may not have healed. Personally, I'd say the patients healed themselves; it is their innate desire to be cured, their overwhelming, blind, yes, yet still overwhelming faith that they would be healed that made things happen. Oh yeah, I feel particularly nasty so I'd also like to point out that some of these faith healers/cult leaders used to be leaders of the church, that is, they used to be priests.


How about me? I personally know that humans are perfectly capable of healing themselves, most of the time, when ill. As much as possible, I avoid taking meds and deal with it on my own; don't ask me how. Anyway, I believe that taking any medicine for prolonged periods increases one's dependency on the drug and lowers one's immunity upon withdrawal. It is a scenario I'd like to avoid as much as possible so I take meds only when absolutely urgent (I have a headache and a deadline to meet or I have a fever and a meeting this afternoon, etc.) Seriously, who would want to be identified with those hypochondriacs who gobble down quantities of Prozac or Aspirin daily?


Oh yeah, sometimes, it doesn't have to be anything spiritual. A glass of milk and a glass of juice a day boosted an immunity that once saved me from poison :rolleyes:

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I've been using magick to heal myself and others for as long as I can remember, but then again, I use it for other things aswell, it's just a daily part of my life:) Great topic by the way:) Thanks for posting it:) :rolleyes:

Edited by Archangel_Baw (see edit history)

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oh my god
i'm so into these things, i usually wonder if magic is real or not

but no i see this.

do the spells work or are most of them fake?

all spells work or they wouldn't be written. some work only for those who wrote it. you have to have faith and belief in the spell. it's power of thought, mind over matter, blah blah blah. just like when you attend a church service and pray. power of thought. the more people who believe and have faith in it, the stronger it's able to work.

now the idea of santa clause is a good example. i don't believe in a santa clause, but i believe in the idea and the good energy that is given off during this time of year. who creates this strong energy? kids. the idea and the engery would be non existant if kids didn't believe because very few adults haven't believed in ?YEARS. now although i don't believe in santa as i once did, i do hold santa up as a symbol of a spirit that doesn't have to die after new years only to reappear again 11 months later.

so yes, spells work. the ones that don't can be modified into something that works for YOU. power of thought. should only be used for good. when your belief becomes strong, you need to be responsible

i also agree with the poster about not taking medication to heal you. i am a firm believer of self healing and also just eating and drinking the right foods. your immune system will thank you too :rolleyes: because yes, the more you take a medication especially antibiotics, you become more immune to the effects the longer you take them virtually causing them to be useless to you in the future with no benefits of taking them at all unless you're now addicted and don't want to go through a withdrawl phase.

the poster who doesn't believe in spirituality or magik etc. all spirituality is self realization. not really any specific form of religion except knowing your own self deep down inside and looking more closely to the unknown. many religions encorporate spirituality but they aren't a requirement for spirituality. in fact, you can't deny spirituality. it's inside us all no matter what you believe. magik however.....although i believe it's inside us all as i am a firm believer in power of thought and some define that as magik, not a lot of people are believers and because they don't believe, it's lost and very weak and there is no clear indication it exisits in us.

people who believe, know better because for some, we encorporate it in our daily lives and we have had success with it that cannot be argued. it's fact, not fiction.

while talking about the "unknown", visit my mypage site. i visited a cemetary one night. i've always been curious about what's out there so i decided to take pictures that night. i didn't modify them in any way....so go take a look and tell me what ya think for all the non believers out there ;)


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the best way to get results is to not merely believe that Magick works, but to KNOW IT! without doubt. Sceptics always fail because they set themselves up to do so.

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the best way to get results is to not merely believe that Magick works, but to KNOW IT! without doubt. Sceptics always fail because they set themselves up to do so.

yup. unfortunately you either have to be born in to it and taught at a very young age to "know" or practice it religiously to "know". then you get in to the term "witches" and such when they are born in to believing and knowing. but anyone can devolop the skill and it's very usefull for self healing and such. but you're right. it's more than belief. it's knowing. but people have to start somewhere and belief that spells and power of thought and harnessing the energy around you that most can't see is a good start in knowing.

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Spiritual methods are good for curing sicknesses due to stress and other psychological problems, such as headaches and migraines. However, I'm quite sure that it doesn't cure sicknesses like cancer but sadly, some irresponsible and fake healers exaggerate about the effectiveness of their treatments.

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I personally believe tons of illnesses can be cured simply with believing they can be.Call it magic, call it mind over matter, call it what you will. But I personally believe that as long as you believe what you're doing is going to help cure or allieviate symptoms or illness, then it will. We, as humans, only use 10% of our brain. Have you ever wondered what we can do if we even used 5% more? Perhaps enough to control our T-cells, and subconciously tell them where to go, and what to do. There is so much about our own bodies that we have yet to understand. There is even tons of DNA that we have no idea what it does, so we consider it dead. Or garbage. But simply for the reason that we have yet to explain WHY it's there.Personally, I'm amazed by how some of these techniques work. Even doctors today know that if someone comes in complaining of sickness, they can prescribe a simple medication (such as simple Ibuprofen), and make the patient think that it's something else for some form of sickness, and within days the patient is better, simply because they believed without a doubt that the pills were making them better. Coincidence? Hard to say, but I don't think so. There's a reason why people who are fighting terminal illness, have a better chance of surviving when they have a positive outlook.I may not totally believe in Harry Potter magic, but I do believe that "Magick" (as it is properly spelled), is just a word of saying "If you believe something can happen, your mind will make it so."

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the best way to get results is to not merely believe that Magick works, but to KNOW IT! without doubt. Sceptics always fail because they set themselves up to do so.

It's not the spell that does the magic(k), it's the "faith" of the individual doing it. The method could be anything from spells to prayer, but actually the magic is coming from inside the person as they are comfortable with the way they are doing it.Everything exists because we know it exists, that is opposed to We know everything exists because we can see it.

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