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Msn Virus New MSN virus is bringing havoc

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OK I've just recieved message from old friend of my. In fact message was from his MSN account. It was something like this:

OMG, i found ur pic on cuteornot.com! Check it out

And attachment was sent following this message though we do not speak in english I clicked accept and soon after mz avast antivirus software detected virus named:
This is report from my antivirus software:

10/14/2007 16:56:06 PM SYSTEM 1680 Sign of "Win32:Injecter-G [Trj]" has been found in "C:\DOCUME~1\[i've deleted this part]~1\LOCALS~1\Temp\TFR112.tmp" file.

And it was soon after infected. I went to her and she uses NOD 32 and her system was shut down after this incident. Currently she cannot turn on her computer some dll's are missing so I will have to repair it.

Also I have recieved this message from several other friends after incident and I think that it is expanding very quickly. Also I would like to know that one friend just called me he is using AVG and he says that he has problems with system also after this message. However his system is still working. All this is proofe that this virus is using MSN to expand.

So if you see something like the above message check twice before you accept it.

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if you see some links always ask what is it for and stuff like that, because a bot will not reply but a human will.The best way to keep viruses out of your computer is to avoid virus infected websites

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I've seen many foolish viruses like these before, Too bad my friends are stupid enough to accept any kinds of crap. (That means more "crap" to me B).)Just keep a freshly updated AntiVirus (NOD32 recommended) and always stay alert, f.ex i'm from Norway - Since when did my friends start speaking English and send me "image" files (which probably are .jpg.zip or .jpg.com etc).HEADS UP and don't take crap from anyone :P

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this is old news. MSN virus with pictures is more then 3 months old. i downloaded the pictures, and i have zip file on my computer if someone want's to play with virus i can upload to internet.

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Interesting, firstly allow me to say this..:

if someone want's to play with virus i can upload to internet.

I know you mean well but a virus is best deleted, if it gets released to someone else or even just uploaded it can re-start its spread and cause a lot of problems, so i would suggest that no-one, not just you, uploads any virus, the only time i would say to share a virus is if a security company, EG Norton etc.. specifically contact you about the emergence of a new virus and can prove their identity, and even then be sure to follow their instructions to the letter. Though i suspect its wildly unlikely they would ever ASK someone to send them a virus :P

Now back on to the subject at hand, i would echo the advice given, not to accept any attachment unless you specifically ask for it from the send, and even then if its not the file you expected double check with the sender and if in doubt reject it and say your AV wont let it through or something, and always reject an EXE even if you trust the person as A: it could be accidentally infected or B: it could be someone else on their account or they have decided to be a pain.

Either way good to have the heads up on yet another IM virus.

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I know you mean well but a virus is best deleted, if it gets released to someone else or even just uploaded it can re-start its spread and cause a lot of problems, so i would suggest that no-one, not just you, uploads any virus

i agree with that, and think upload virus is bad, but then i think name it virus.zip and somebody can download it but they need ask me for link, and i give link.but, virus like in nature, someone sneeze and get virus, go sick and get better and happy. if no virus on internet then there will no be fun, and people just will happy and do bad things. bud virus good because people careful and need knowledge to surf well on internet.

Like agent from matrix said. And we all know what he said :P

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Just use your common sense. :P Does this site have anything to do with the conversation. If not, ask them what it is etc. Also, dont click on things like that which are always viruses.I've been fortunate to avoid all msn viruses and intend to keep it that way. They're a real pain.

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Ox virusMsn Virus

okay well I accepted this thing from this kid on my msn for a picture something like that. And it started dowloading it was finished . After that every like 4 hours my computer would shut it self off  . Then like after that would happen it wouldn't let me turn it on for periods of time. After about 6 days of that my computer would turn on and a blue screen would come up and it says that my computer has been internally shut down and that I have an ox virus.


how do I fix this?

-question by Kenya

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For Kenya -If you can get into safe mode, turn off system restore and run spybot and SuperAntiSpyware, if possible, on your computer and see if it can detect the trojan anywhere. If you cannot get that far into your computer then you have to reinstall the operating system on your computer.

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Yeah so many of my friends are sending me these messages 'check out my photo on 'some random URL'' etc. I always wondered whether I was infected or they are all infected?I've never accepted the links but nowadays I seem to be getting mroe and more of these messages from random people. I hope I'm not the one who is infected. I've run AVG and Kaspersky scan's which have turned up nothing so hopefully my PC is clean?

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Like agent from matrix said. And we all know what he said

Well he said something like this, i hope you remember :xD


"I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species. I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area, and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet, you are a plague, and we are the cure."


- Agent Smith: The Matrix.


I hope you don't mean something like that. And hope you don't upload that thing to support Mr. Smith :)

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Hmm... Well my anti virus automatically checks all the things I am downloading before I do. I should be safe from virus that will download with the file. But then again something like that could easily bypass the anti-virus and simply turn it off.

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I'm pretty sure that I have a trojan horse virus and I'm wondering how to get it off. Someone tagged me in a website called hi5 and my email was at the bottom of it. More that one of your friends will send you this virus. It starts messing around with your msn. It is a trojan horse and I don't know how to get rid of it so can anyone help.

-reply by Author Name - e.G. John, MikeKeywords:

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Your best set is to not trust anything that masks itself as a picture of you sent by MSN and avoid sending and receiving direct links to some .exe file and accepting files unless you are absolutely certain that it's your friend and not a virus on the other side of the conv. It's really ridiculous to accept a file that's named in a similar manner like this:


Or you can also use Linux or a Mac and accept everything and never get infected, I'm sure that I keep several .zip files with viruses inside on my Ubuntu machine :)

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