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Happiness Or Money

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I choose money, it an buy happiness. If someone had no money he/she wouldn't be happy any more.If a person have enough money, he can enjoy his life and be happy forever.But the person who have no money can't enjoy his/her life.so, I think money is more necessary to be happy...

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Money. Becouse with money you can buy happinnes. Ofcors, if you are not happy without love, you can't buy love so no happinnes. So my vote is Money. I can by happy if i have a lot of money.

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Hi!@syncn21I was wondering... why would he have to choose between a job he loves and going to school to take up a job he hates? He could go to school and keep the job he loves, though it'd take quite a bit of effort on his part. In the view of practicality, he really ought to consider finishing school. It's a kind of a contingency plan in case his 'dream' job turns out to be sour. I've met a couple of guys who work as graphic designers, though they've studied to become computer programmers - just because that's what they've been taught does not mean that that's what they have to do all their lives... and if they do have a problem with the way things are going in their industry, they can bail out and switch to an alternate career. It works out fine either way.Regards,Nitin Reddy

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I would choose living in happiness but, I think the key here is you need some sort of back up plan of sorts in case things work out. I would like to own my own business which yes would make me money and make me happy because it is something I think I would enjoy. What if my business fails though? What if when I go to start up my company the economy is in a huge bust and there is no way to fund it? I will have to make due with what I can because God knows I can not survive by running a small lemonade stand until the economy is better. So I would say yes live for happiness when possible but, try and make it so if something goes wrong you will be able to survive. In the case of the surf shop, he should go to university so he has an education and could be an architect for his dad in case something were to go wrong with the surf shop, say a hurricane destroys it, or if he injure himself and can not play soccer. I am not saying bad things will happen but it is better to delay and be prepared than to be happy for a short time and then lose everything.

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money can buy a lot of things. it can even buy the things that will make you happy in the short term of life....but it sure as heck wont buy you personal fullfillment or complete happiness when you are on your death bed. there are a lot of negative things that can be attributed to having a lot of money......just like anything else in this world that creates a balance of good and bad. money can't buy love since love has nothing to do with money. if you don't need love then i guess you one step close in being happy with just money.

if you inherited the money, it could make one lazy where one doesn't feel the need to work or do the other things people grow internally stronger for doing. if you are working all your life just to have a lot of money, then you are sacrificing your time where you could be doing other things you would enjoy rather than wait til your retirement at age 65 when you would only have a few more years to live anyway and couldn't possibly do the things with money at that age compared to one in their 20's.

i have known alot of people in this world. the sadest ones to me are the ones who have worked all their lives and limited there own lives in what is most important. i know my parents are an example. an ideal mom who raised three kids and a father who worked the same job for over 40 years making over 100k a year. although they have money, they have so much of it because they don't even spend it. and i look at them and i see inside that they are not as happy as they could be.

society dictates a certain responsibility in individuals. go to school. get a hs diploma. work summers, go to college, get that degree and go on to find a great job with benefits. marry your woman, buy a dog and suround your new house with that white picket fence. the american dream. something that can only be generated from this type of lifestyle....working until you are 65 because you have to pay the bills and feed the 5 mouths ever day.

to each their own where money is concerned, but i haven't ran in to one case yet where money was NOT a distraction to those who have it. a distraction to more important things in life rather than worrying about what money can offer. that is a FACT in what i see in people and how money controls those who have it in a way that isn't natural.

i have been in the poorest of neighborhoods. usually they are the black neighborhoods. BUT!!! they aren't poor. they have something money can't buy. when in mississippi once driving though a segregated part of town, i first frove threw where the whites lives. money money money. nice houses, nice lawns. closed doors and windows and shades...almost like jail because i don't see hardly any white people outside. they are all inside or working their *bottom* off for their houses and lifestyle. then i drive through the black neighborhood. the houses look like shacks, the lawn are not as green, but what do i see? all the black children playing outside like it's one big block party for the children. they may not have money, but they are living a life that is more free than the control money will ever have on them.

there are those also that will walk this earth helping others and who will never have money. they will live poor and barely survive. they will travel to where they are needed most. they are living without money but living with the knowledge that they are affecting people in a way where money can never.

for someone to say money buys happiness, *I* say money can trick you in to thinking you have happiness only because you will be limiting yourself compared to not having money and you don't know any better to say otherwise.

now personall myself, i have had money...heck, i grew up having it. i choose a diferent lifestyle. it's a harder one but it's one that will create the most happiness for me. i've lived a life where i was able to afford pretty much anything i wanted(although never really wanting all that much for myself) and have also lived a life wondering how i am going to feed myself because i haven't eaten in two days. i've lived both lives and i speak from experience.

i was stranded in biloxi for 2 days. i had no car, 3 full suitcases, a pillow and a blanket. i hid my stuff somewhere and just sat under a tree getting the worst sunburn i ever had(and i lived by the beach my whole life). i met few drug users i talked too. met a couple homeless. each offered me something knowing i was stranded. i walked with a homeless guy to kfc. he managed to get 5 chicken sandwiches and shared 2 with me. he ate two and offered the last one to me. i refused but said i would split it. i had about $50 in my pocket at the time. the people who have money would consider these people useless in life and deliquents. i say they are human and have a heart but the people who have money will NEVER EVER experience the happiness one can feel when being offered something from someone who has NOTHING!

so living my own life with my own experiences which extend from one spectrum to the other, i can say to ANYONE that if they feel they think money can buy things like love or happiness, you are FULL OF IT. it buys a lifestyle. that is IT. NOTHING more. you may still have good morals and values like my parents, but in the end, money will always limit you because if you didn't have money, you would see all the other ways life has to offer other types of fullfillment and happiness.

you those who would rather have money, go buy a car, fancy house on the beach and a boat....all the top of the line luxuries. then come back and tell me the woman your with isn't with you to steal your money. tell me that your children aren't always asking for some....or your friends or family asking to borrow some of it when you know they will never pay you back. money also creates greed and headaches that you will have to live with. it's not all glamour and easy life. in some respects it's actually a harder life to lead when others think it's easy street and are fooled when dreaming about all the things they can buy including thinking happiness is one of them....only to live all their life....on their death bed, living in regret because they were fooled and didn't know any better.

so put all my words in the bank with your money and let's find out what is more important and what will last longer....

Money, to me, can buy happiness. Sure its easy to say that money can't buy you happiness when you don't have a lot of it, but what if you were on the other side?

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it's kinda hard.. the way i am leaving I will really pick money..there's a saying here in my country "rich people are for rich people".. kinda absurd.. yes.. but for me it's reality.. falling in love with a rich girl is a pain specially for my status in life..

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Its kind of an oddly phrased question, the way i interpret is "Would you pursue money above all else?". In that context i'd say i wouldn't allow myself to travel that path. My dad's side of the family are very much like that and many of them have lifes which are starving for enrichment.

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I think it is better to chose happiness. becouse what need at last is happiness and good sleep.You can earn more money with hard or risky jobs. Even though it can earn you more moneyyou will not find time or peace of mind to enjoy that great amount of money. If you arenot getting happiness how can you pour happiness to your dear and near ones?

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why not both, some jobs offer it am an airbrush artist I do make enough cash to be happy with.Although I trained in law I found it boring and did not offer the freedom painting does, it sometimes pays better than law, and you don't have to wear a suit

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For me, there is a minimum amount of money I would like to earn (what I consider a comfortable life, for me in the UK, say ?40k pre tax) after which the only important indicator would be happiness, unless I were (to use an Economics term) indifferent between the two, in which case money would be the determinant again.

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Out of both of those i would choose happiness with out a doubt.Happiness because why do something everyday for the rest of your life and your not going to even going to enjoy it? Also you would be way less stressful going/doing something that you love/like rather then something you dislike. Right now im extremely happy on whats going for me, my work consists of patient care and its the best feeling ever. Just because your helping out other people :)

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Boy, he is so young and still has a long long way to go the rest of his life. He doesn't know enough about what is out there yet. Life is a long journey.His happiness may be only temperary. There are a lot of other things he may find enjoying. He needs to explore some more before making up his mind.Happiness is only one of the goals of human life, in my opinion. What is more important is personal satisfaction, feeling of achievement, or making contributions to mankind and to the society. If others recognize your contributions, money will likely come with it. Sometimes, it is not money that comes with it. In that case, your name is recognized in one way or another. That is a different type of satisfaction. So, the best way is to live a life that has both happiness and money or some money plus a good name.Today, going to college probably has a good probability to help you build a successful career and make good contributions. It is a very good choice for a young fellow like him. It will help him open his eyes wider. He will have a better chance to find both happiness and money. That would be my opinion.The bottom line is one should attempt to both make contributions and make money. That is happier than happiness alone.

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Yeah but for all those people who have a lot of money but choose "happiness" go and ask some poor family what they would choose. I live in a new nation where here live a lot of poor families who don't have the elementary needs for living and for the other things please don't ask. So if you would go to them and ask them Money or Happiness they definitely would say Money, because money doesn't buy happiness but it makes the life easier and I mean really easy. They say that you can't buy love with money but it's hard to believe that 'cause when you watch TV you see all the millionaires with their lovers. The problem of your friend isn't really a problem because he can make money by teaching surfing and playing football, choosing simple life and a great career is different. So like a song says "Listen to your Heart", and thank God for all the good that He brought too you. Sorry if that sounded too religious to you. ;)

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