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Mr. Cheeky


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We all hate them and i didnt see this thread anywhere so I thought I would start it ;) Dont we all hate racists? At my school, I have no choice but to chill with people of my own kind because thats just how it is.. and usually someone would mark a racist comment to another group of people and start a huge fight. I wasnt at school today at the time but my friend told me how some black guy got beat up by like 5 white guys and they robbed him of everything.. racism hasnt stopped and i dont think it will as long as people keep being ignorant idiots

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Isn't hating racists exactly the same? Just, you're racist...against racists..#_# Except, racist people aren't a race...well, it's just as bad. People are just like that whether we like it or not. Humans are racist no matter what we say. If someone told me that they weren't racist against anyone, you know they're lying. Everyone is racist at some point, hell, I have a distinct hate towards mexican men over 20, but I like to give them all a chance to prove their not all the same. But yes, the US is probably the only country where racism is a major problem. It is not resolved, and it will never stop. Racism is just a part of human nature...we base our opinions on the media and on first impressions and it sticks with us. Sad thing is, some of us are too stubborn to give people a chance to be themselves, and we label them the n word, the c word, the other c word, etc. What does bother me somewhat, is how a black person can say the n word, but when a white person says it, the black dude gets all defensive and beats the *BLEEP* out of the white person. *Wheras, the white person doesn't really care if they are called a 'cracker' ;);; That is a bit unfair...*please note this is only an observation.

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yeah thats very true about the whole black thing.. i dont hate black people but what i dont understand is that they've tried so hard to fit in and become considered "peoples" (they were slaves and not considered people).. but now a majority of blacks act very different and they try to seperate from everyone else.. in terms of the slang, the clothes, the music, the attitude.. i just think its really weird. the blacks at my school only hang out with blacks and thats it. they never hang out with a white/indian/asian guy unless they do business together (drug dealing)

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o____________Odrug dealing?? lol =PI think it might be because they still feel like they're discriminated against and feel they are allowed to slander other races (mostly whites) for the past few hundred years, but if they speak out, they'll get sent to jail. What I think is funny, is whiggers and wangsters. >_> I find them so funny and the majority of black people actually accept them, though they sometimes make fun of them O_o I dunno though. They might just still feel a bit distant, or it could just be the way they grew up. But I wouldn't ask one such as myself. #_#

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If people wern't stupid, people wouldnt have to fight people or be racist or anything, just like along time ago people got hung for stupidity. It's not right, when people kill people over the dumbest fvcking thing ever. You know what im talking about right? Well i hope you do...

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People racist towards me every single day. I know they are joking around so I punch them.....;) just joking around as well ... [not]But they are really racist and say really nasty things I can take this and I know how to stick up for my self but some people just don't know how to stand up to people...i mean I start on boys 2 years older than me I start getting really cheeky and swear at them and stuff because they think they rule the school...Anyways racism is just another type of bullying, it probably won't be stopped but the person who is getting the slack can stop it... they may think they can't but everyone can. I could.Even if someone is racist towards you or cuss you down on how you look or who you are never be violent back just look at them and smile and then forget about it, racists are just dirt on the floor look right through them...never bring yourself down to their standard. There is not point in being nasty back to them or getting all pissed because that is exactly what they want.When I was younger like 9 I could not deal with it but as I got to the age of 11 I knew how people felt and understood why so I just left it. I still get racial remarks smacked right in my face but because I am all mouth I can mouth them off just as good just not in a racial way.... Its stupid.. I don't see the point and reason. it's just a waste of time.

Edited by Becca (see edit history)

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exactly, why go toi the trouble top make someone feel bad and you feel good. its pointless. Iits called they can't get friends with out doing it or they just have no life. I dont know why go to the waste to have it come right back and kick you in the A$$. But overall i live in a city with a bunch ofd blacks and were not that racist but the city i used to live in is plain racism and hatred, gangs and everything. why do this? Are they stupid, and have no common diginty, Its just not right and they will soon reaize that when they get in trouble or someone that got picked on snaps. I my self has been in this position. people making fun of me. just dont care about it and it will end. Now im popular and that other guy isnt. Im a sophmore at highschool. Its all good. until you realize how important it will be when your regreting it all in jail after you do something really fvcking stupid.

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Isn't hating racists exactly the same? Just, you're racist...against racists..#_# Except, racist people aren't a race...well, it's just as bad. People are just like that whether we like it or not. Humans are racist no matter what we say. If someone told me that they weren't racist against anyone, you know they're lying. Everyone is racist at some point, hell, I have a distinct hate towards mexican men over 20, but I like to give them all a chance to prove their not all the same.


But yes, the US is probably the only country where racism is a major problem. It is not resolved, and it will never stop. Racism is just a part of human nature...we base our opinions on the media and on first impressions and it sticks with us. Sad thing is, some of us are too stubborn to give people a chance to be themselves, and we label them the n word, the c word, the other c word, etc.


What does bother me somewhat, is how a black person can say the n word, but when a white person says it, the black dude gets all defensive and beats the *BLEEP* out of the white person. *Wheras, the white person doesn't really care if they are called a 'cracker' ;);; That is a bit unfair...


*please note this is only an observation.


i agree that hating racists is kind of the same thing as being racist. Being mean is being mean, you know what I'm saying? But you could probably stop people from being racist if you teach them compassion and stuff.

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