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Woman Had Pencil In Head For 55 Years

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A 59-year-old German woman has had most of a pencil removed from inside her head after suffering nearly her whole life with the headaches and nosebleeds it caused, Bild newspaper reported today.
Margret Wegner fell over carrying the pencil in her hand when she was four.

"The pencil went right through my skin; and disappeared into my head," Wegner told the newspaper.

It narrowly missed vital parts of her brain. At the time no one dared operate, but now technology has improved sufficiently for doctors to be able to remove it.

The majority of the pencil, some 8cm (3.1 inches) long, was taken out in an operation at a private Berlin clinic, but the 2cm tip had grown in so firmly that it was impossible to remove.

Awesome for me. 55years pencil in head and she didn't do anything. She was pretty lucky that that pencil don't hit her vital parts of her brain. But how she could live 55 years with headaches and nosebleeds i can't imagine. We can see how technology grows up for that age :XD: But roentgen of her head must be pretty funny.
Edited by Soviet (see edit history)

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As long as she hasn't suffered so much (headaches are a minor pain) and they have removed it, I think it's pretty funny. It reminds me of films like Eraserhead or some Cronemberg. Imagine knowing that you have a pencil something stuck inside your head, that possibly can move and meka you hurt if ou make some quick movement... creepy.

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As long as she hasn't suffered so much (headaches are a minor pain) and they have removed it, I think it's pretty funny. It reminds me of films like Eraserhead or some Cronemberg. Imagine knowing that you have a pencil something stuck inside your head, that possibly can move and meka you hurt if ou make some quick movement... creepy.

who said headaches are a minor thing? I have had this blinding headaches in the past. it has occurred on three occasions now and they are so intense that I cant even open my eyes in any way. No analgesic medicine I took could stop them. The only thing with which my mom stopped the headaches was raw onions which I ate whole and slept off. By the time I woke up, the headache was gone.

If she would have been experiencing headaches like the ones I have experienced in the past, she would have done something long ago or she might not have survived through the whole ordeal. Well, it was good they were able to remove the pencil parts from her head after everything.

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I read this a few weeks ago. I thought it was pretty crazy. The reason why she didn't have it taken out 55 years ago was because back then she could have died in surgery because the technology was not so advanced as it is today. They didn't want to risk a srew up because the possibility of her death during surgery was greater than living or she may have come out not remembering anything or some other severe brain damage. This brings up the question to those who wonder why she didn't have it out earlier. Would you rather have headaches and nose bleeds or have severe damage done to you during surgery? It's quite amazing that she was able to go that long with a pencil in her head. I wonder if she got used to any problems caused by it. Can you get used to the feeling of having a pencil in your head? I sure would like to see the X-rays allowing you to see the pointy thing in her head. It isn't really a funny matter although it seems that way. I'm glad she was able to have the majority of it taken out without too much of a problem.

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Wow... I'd never heard about that before. That's pretty crazy though, thinking about it. At first I was thinking, 'how could anyone not notice that they had a pencil in their head for so long? and why didn't the parents notice when it first happened... I mean there had to be a lot of blood, right?' but then it makes sense that they knew and just couldn't remove it so many years ago because the technology just wasn't around yet to do the operation safely.And yes, I'm agreeing with Plenoptic on this one... I'd rather have the headaches and nose bleeds then have severe brain damage by getting the surgery done when there wasn't safe ways to do it.I'm happy that she was finally able to get most of the pencil removed and I hope that it helps to relieve the problems that she was suffering over the years because of it. It couldn't have been fun to experience all that, but I'm thinking the alternative (had the pencil hit other parts of her brain) could have been much worse.

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Wow she survied for that long with a pencil in here head that is amzing. How can she stand those constant hedache everyday. Well why didnt she come over to America to take of the problem?

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Insanity. Surviving with a pencil in your head for that many years is extremely lucky. But how could it "disappear into her head"? there has to be a hole somewhere where she cold have seen it if she looked. I wonder if anyone else has survived with a pencil in their head.

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Wow, how could it go threw the head without doing major damage.That must have been very painful at the time and during her life. I wonder if she gets to keep it and say. This was stuck in my head for 55 years!It is a good story to tell now but I don't think anyone was laughing before now. I can't image the pain and I don't think I want to. I broke my wrist a few years ago and I thought that hurt but something lodged on your head!Regards,Agent

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Cool! I had seen a similar article but the man had a knife in his head. The doctors removed that. I will put in the source when I find it, I have no time to search for it currently.I actually cannot imagine the woman's state for so long :) I mean all those headaches and adjusting to a foreign body stuck in your brain.I would love to see what the X-rays showed :XD:

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I was watching the health channel the other day and they did surgery on this fat guy and found his brother inside of him. He wasn't fat he was "pregnant".Apparently when he was in his mothers whom they fused together.It would be weird for that to happen also.Regards,Agent

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I was watching the health channel the other day and they did surgery on this fat guy and found his brother inside of him. He wasn't fat he was "pregnant".

Oh my god, that is totally creepy! What did they do? Remove brother? How old a guy was it? I would have to wonder how a whole human could grow inside another one for very long.

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