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Toys You Thought Were Wicked As A Kid

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I'm talking standard christmas stocking toys here. Of course we all loved cardboard boxes, forts made out of settees, and ant nests... but these dont count in this thread.Lego is an obvious one. You could build *BLEEP*ing anything, and it worked and moved around and *BLEEP*. Especially technics, and the early pneumatic kits.. how freaking cool were they. You'd build the main model, then the 2 or 3 alternative models, then stash the bits in your huge lego box. I was unhealthily obsessed.. I remember there was a lego magazine/newsletter, and a catalogue where you could order all sorts of obscure technics parts. Top notch, my all time favourite toy. Every now and again I get a Nathan-Barley-esque urge to go looking for some kits on ebay. I never forgave my mum for chucking away all my lego when i was about 13, the *BLEEP*!Transformers were also cool. They were just action figures at the end of the day, but from a designers perspective, to make a car model that you can move bits and it becomes a robot is pretty *BLEEP*ing ok in my books. What's that new car advert out where it morphs into a transformer. Can't remember the car, but the CG is some of the best i've seen. Stunning.Zoids.. are we going back a bit here? They were cool too. Anything you had to build yourself and then it did *BLEEP* at the end of it was a good toy. I seem to remember the early ones were quite crude but had very cool windup walking/flying/whatever motions. Dunno what happened to the brand, ie whether it became shite like lego.I also had a starcom obsession at some point. Does anyone remember starcom? I don't think they were that popular, but the build quality and functionality beat the *BLEEP* out of that GI joe action man *BLEEP* or whatever it was called. If i recall.. the smaller units would compact into cubic crates that could be transported around - you clicked a button and bits sprung out so they became proper vehicles or whatever. Again, very well designed.Mechano.. obviously someone will mention that, but a bit behind my time. I did get a small kit, but I found it a bit boring and literal. It was just like building something in real life. Just smaller. An engineers toys I suppose?I dunno, I don't actually have any of these toys still in my possession, but I remember them all being really well designed and generally very cool. Tinted specs maybe?Then again, thinking back to my younger brothers christmasses and the toys that were 'in' then.. *BLEEP*ing POWER RANGERS, what the *BLEEP* was that all about out? The toys didnt *BLEEP*ing do anything, they were just shoddily injection moulded lumps of useless ugly plastic. So.1) What toys do you fondly remember - why were they good.2) Is there still innovative stuff being designed, or is it all turning into pop cack now?

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theres a lot i used to play with but the 2 i remember are:1) transformers/beast wars figures2) wrestling toys (the old rubber ones and the new plastic ones LOL)anytime i went to the store, i begged my dad to get me those :D

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Although I am 13 I vaguely remember what I had played with.Oh no wait..BARBIES I loved playing barbies and polly pocket, those were my best toys. I still have them now in some hiden away box, dusty and forgotton.I absolute LOVED power rangers and I still do ^^ But I never got one of the toys as my mother would not buy those, she knew best I guess.But for christmas I mostly got a massive polly pocket delux house or about 5 barbie dolls. The only other thing I remember getting was mickey mouse items. My mother only wanted to buy mickey mouse items from the disney store because she knew they would become collectables and become in good use in the futre...:DI never had a transformer what is that ?? Does it have some robot in it called something along the lines of "CUBIX" ?? Well it was cube sometingBut now at this age I normally get items like a new phone,computer,mp3 player ,dvd, tv, cd player etc.

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I was kinda hooked on the He-Man Toys. I loved Castle Grayskull. I had one He-man action figure.. Moss Man, i think.. I was broken out in hives for a month before mom realized i was allergic to him and tried to make me get rid of him. I hid him, Then ran him through the Hordak slime pit over and over until he wasn't mossy or smelly anymore. Eventually, he didnt break me out anymore.**thinks** and Legos, of course. My cousin and i were incredibly lazy.. and we wanted to turn off the light, but didnt want to get up.. the lego box was in reach tho.. so we built a big stick and hit the light switch... we also used to build swords and hit each other with them and watch the pieces fly everywhere. great fun

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Legos used to be cool but seeing that im 15 1/2 i dont play with that no more lol. Girls is my concern lol and by the way legos were cool when u would build the cities and base it on a movie like resident evil 2 or something. man them were so fun. too bas im to old to play with the stuff no more. The joy of being a kid.

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Legos and Knex were the best toys I ever had. I can believe how many great hours of play such a simple toy could give. Old beaten-up Hotwheels were pretty fun too. Ah memories...

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oh i cant belive i forgot about knex, wow there were cool make them long dragsters and they had the pull back motors. One thing though with the new crap (mega blocks) wtf... lol I remeber Nintendo too, super nintendo was the best nucca. lol oh and sega genesis whas the fvcking bomb too. Mutant hockey, you could kill eachothers teams and win lol

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oh my god Knex I LOVED THAT!!!!!!!!! brings so much memories back... Didnt any of you guys play action man or something ? lmao ? Barbies still sooo cool I would buy her and play dressing up games, if I had the time

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Yeah... i have a lot of action figures when i was 8 or nine... my aunt bought me a huge packet and send it to my home when christmast... i was very happy even i cried since i had alwasy ask my dad to buy it but he had never... he said that my school mark should be increase... but... i think i no longer like it... i give all of it to my neighbour... but now.. i really miss it ;)

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I also loved slinky... they were so cool but I use to put them in my hair but I thought it was amazing how they could move by themselves..obviously now I know why but I didn't know then...I also liked cindy but she was always barbies enemy. OH MY GOD I just remember I had one of those flying fairies!!! The one where you pull the string and they fly up in the air!! I had one of those....I also use to play with um my beauty sets a lot have you ever had one of those?? I have pictures of me when I was like 5 with all the make up on with my mums clothes and gigantic shoes LMAO

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IMO, GB(the first gameboy) and legos, actualy lego's still pwn IMO. I still drool everytime I think of the huge(and I mean huge) lego ship my friend Bobby made a long time ago. It owned, so much detail....*drools*

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ah the good ol days remember it like it was yesterday man Knex pwned and those mini animal computer things that you would have to feed and *BLEEP* plus legos were the pwn

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When I was nine, all I wanted was a big remote control car.. I still remember getting it, and having to get dad to help me set it up.. (batteries and junk);) him and me mum played around with it for an hour.. eventually, I got it and it ran out batteries ;)The next day, I decied to go out side with it, and drove around over the street and stuff.. and through a feild.. (all though it got stuck in the high grass..... )But, yeah it was cool, actually, it's still in my room, except, some smaller kid once broke it by pushing it off some stairs.. but, I bet I could fix it up..hmm..

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