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Trap 17 Chatroom Itd be a great idea

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Hello. I was talking with some people in the shoutbox, and we were thinking it'd be a cool idea to have a Xisto chat room so people could talk with each other easily. I mean, in addition to posting on the forums, why shouldn't trap 17 members be able to talk in real time with their friends from Xisto? Let me know what you guys think.

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I think it would be a great idea, as good as the shoutbox is its a bit impractical for really chatting with other members, the only thing is it might need extra moderation

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I was wondering about that when I first joined the forum. But what type of chat? AIM, IRC, Yahoo? It's a great idea but we shuld just get input from other members on what they would prefer. I don't mind. Any caht client would work for me.EDIT: I made a chat room in AIM called Xisto. anyone who wants to join is welcome.

Edited by Will.Allison (see edit history)

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Well i was thinking about a web based chat room so when you loging you have a little link and the chatroom would open in a small window and you use your forum username as your nickname

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I think dat will be great. The admins should consider incorporating chat into Xisto so people can discuss with their friends in real time.

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Try this out... Chat Room set up here for use by Xisto members.

The Room Password is "t17". Xisto Forum rules will be enforced. Any abuse will result is bans by IP.


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Hey,I like the shoutbox better somehow... I guess the chat room is good for members who want to have a conversation and do not want to be disturbed. But the idea sounds quite great, I think OpaQue was working on something to add to the forum.... Hope it works out :P

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Nice, so do I. And yeah, you're right. The shoutbox is cool, but it'd be nicer to have a full blown chat if you want have a real conversation and all. I men, nothing in the chat even has to count for hosting credits (which, obviously, I'm sure it wont) it'd just be nice to have a good place for talking.

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i think that would be a great idea. so we could talk to our friends without having to talk to everyone on Xisto. also we could have like a group chat like the evil group chat and the coding group chat and stuff like that.

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The shoutbox only holds 7 messages at a time. Unless this is changed, it would be easier to use a chatroom that doesn't automatically erase old messages... y'know.. because sometimes people want to read what they missed while they ate dinner (but they should really have eaten in front of their computer), or they want to copy a line that someone said that was so idiotic it made them fall off their chair in laughter...

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