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Redirection Full Url

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k, so i have a host, domain and everything. i made a subdomain, and i want it to like.. take place of a forum hosted by jcink... and i want it like.. to still have the.. extensions of the jcink forum.. like.. if i go to a forum in the subdomain (the forum hosted by jcink) i want the subdomain to have showtopic=8 or whatever at the end. oyu get me? if you need further explination, ask

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So if I understand correctly, you have a domain name, example yourdomaim.com, and you want to redirect from that domain to another one and need the Query String to follow the redirect?IE: a client enters "http://www.yourdomain.com/?showtopic=8; and you need to have them redirected to "http://www.anotherdomain.com/?showtopic=8;? Is that correct?I await your reply.

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pretty much, i think.. like you go to the subdomain blahblah.domainname.com and it brings you to a forum, and when i click a topic on that forum (how i have it now, and i want to fix) it just... goes back to the long url which is.. blahblah.blahblah.blahbha.com/showtopic=8 but i just want it to be blahblah.domainname.com/showtopic=8 i think it has to do with the htaccess? but i think you have the general just of it.

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are you not able to just transfer the forums over to this other server? That would be better. It would be easier to keep track of. Although I would guess the reason you can't do this is because it's on some "forum hosting website" that hosts forums only and you don't have access to the actual files or databases.P.S. - Tramposch, nice avatar! I have one of those too :D

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Which forum script is this pertaining to?Most forum scripts will allow you to "point" to another domain by simply editing the configuration file and/or admin control panel.Depending on which forum script you wish to edit, the answer would differ. Please let us know which forum script you wish to change your directory/domain.

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Unfortunately he already confronted me when setting this up. He is using forums on another website instead of installing his own forums. He had a redirection going from his domain to that website, but he didn't want the url to change so I suggested using frames. Unfortunately doing so causes the URL to remain the same even when surfing in the frame. I still heavily suggest installing PHPbb or perhaps simple machines. If you wanted you could have php forward the variables from your domain to the frame, but clicking on links in the frame still wont update the url. Maybe next time you should listen to me Tramp...

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-.- i WANT to switch to something else, the other admin will NOT agree, very frustrating so i have to stay with this.I did listen to you, i just didn't do what you said because the other admin wanted to stay with jcink -.-

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Just a suggestion, since I don't know if it will work, but if you can score a database backup from the other Forum and install a Forum software on your account here, possibly there is a convertor to re-store the information from the existing Forum onto the new one?

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Please do not hijack this thread. The topic in discussion is about how to "redirect" and not who said what and who did what. ---Just to recap so that I have the situation straight...1 - A forum is established in domain 1. But you want your domain (let's say domain 2) to call domain 1's post topics? Which basically means domain1.?topic=1 to be congruent with doamin2.?topic=1? So you want to redirect from your domain 2 to "show" the topic. But, you want the address box to show domain2.?topic=1 rather than the actual URL which is domain1.?topic=1 ? Do I understand this correctly?The simple answer is: NO, Absolutely not! This is a form of URL hijack or scam. Many in the past tried to gather your PayPal and eBay account information by using java script to mask the actual URL. Although it can be done, it will not be discussed here. Search for masking url or cloaking url.2 - A forum was established in domain 1. And you want to download the database and set it up in domain 2. But when you uploaded the database it still points to domain 1, even though it's installed in domain 2.jcink utilized Invision Power Board v1.3 and modified with their own codes. Although this may be legal within their own site, Xisto and Xisto cPanel no longer provides Invision Power Board v1.3 for free. This topic has been discussed in previous Hosted Members Area posts. Invision decided no longer to provide any previous versions due to huge security holes. Therefore, our new cPanel and Fantastico did not come with Invision Power Board v1.3 when it was upgraded. To change the URL of your post database, you would need to access conf_global.php and find 'board_url' to change the full path. Then access your Invision Power Board Administrator Panel and go to General Configuration. Since it's been a long time I've faced with v1.3 I cannot tell you where to find it. Basically, you'll need to change UPLOAD URL and PATH TO UPLOAD DIRECTORY with your domain name.

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permission for url cloaking, 'cause you said we can't talk about it here, i wasn't sure if we couldn't do it.If so, imma do it for an invisionfree board, k? just tellin yah.

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I cannot comment on behalf of server technicians. But there's nothing wrong with having a URL cloaking under the current terms of AUP. But if a user turned off java script, your cloaking would not work as many cloaking scripts are written in java. Then your site looks just amateurish. The reason we don't want our forums to fill with URL cloaking and its methods is simple: we don't want to attract losers like PayPal or ebay phishers to come to our forum and ask questions that may lead to illegal behaviors on the internet. That, at least, we have the responsibility not to engage and contribute to such activity.You can search for URL cloaking or URL masking and there are other sources out there that can be of help.

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