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Hearing High Pitch Noise In My Head WHY does IT HAPPEN?

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I'm currently having the same problem for 3 days on my right ear.

As I cover my left there is nothing but when I cover my right the high pitch sound is there...

Is there anyway to get the sound away from my ears?

-reply by khoo


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"Buzzing in the ear"Hearing High Pitch Noise In My Head

Ok, so I've had this low frequent buzzing in my rt ear that comes and goes constantly throughout the day for months now.  It's sounds sort of like blood rushing through my ears I went to my primary care doctor and was told to take sudafed that it could be allergies and it would dry the fluid in my ears (he never checked to see if I had fluid).  Well, that didn't work.  Then a friend who suffers from allergies told me to go to her ENT doctor.  They ran all these expensive test and said there was nothing wrong with my ears or hearing. I was told to see my primary care doctor, maybe it's hypertension. My pressures ranges 140 over 80.   WHY won't the sound go away. Did I also mention that I have headaches right dab in the forehead? Does anyone know what I am talking about, can you advise on what you did or was told about it? Does anyone experience high blood pressure and have these symptoms?  I'm REAL frustrated. The noise will stop if I lean my head to the left.  This is how I get relief during the day. /txtmngr/images/smileys/smiley5.Gif

-question by Puzzled


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high pitch noise in earsHearing High Pitch Noise In My Head

I have a high pitch noise in my ears, but I also get these headaces starting in the right side of my forhead just above eye to the temple.  this happens everyday at different times of the day. If I take a tylenol the pain goes away. In the past I have always reacted to storm clouds, in certain buildings where I would get dizzy. Then when I go outside or a different building I am fine. But now that I am older I seemed to get upper respiratory infection easier. In the moring my nose in plugged my throat is raspy and my chest is congested. I went to my doctor for my blood pressure but it was 147 over 70 which is said a little high on the 147 but its ok.  then when I mention my headache he said oh its in the migraine area her some nose drops.  I read the side effects, so the bottles on still on my dresser. Read the side effects thats scary. I am going back, end of June for a complete physical.  My eyes are sensitive to light. Occasionally I would get ocular migraines

-reply by joseph

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Head buzzingHearing High Pitch Noise In My Head

I have experience my head buzzing lately too and it's only been over the last few months.  Have you noticed the amount of chemtrails released in the atmosphere by the government.  Google the word "chemtrails" you will find information about heavy metals, viruses, etc. Being "legally" released in the air we breath, unknowingly inhaling God knows what. I love the last persons comment to consult your Dr. Only, don't talk about it.  That's bogus.  If I hadn't read this, I wouldn't have noticed others complaining about the same malady I've experienced lately; and they've had no help from the doctors they've already seen (after getting expensive tests).  We need to ask others about how they are and talk to others about what's going on, because there is so much going on behind the scenes that we need to be more aware of so we can protect ourselves.  Yes, my head is buzzing, and I am a relatively young, healthy person. Many I know have also been complaining of headaches and "brain fog". Keep talking and asking questions!  Be aware of what's going on around you, it may save your life.

-reply by MMurr

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motor sounds and buzzing in right earHearing High Pitch Noise In My Head

Well, I'm glad I'm not the only one.  Yes, I have had this hissing or buzzing in the right ear now for over a year.  The ladies where I live are older and they said that their husbands had that and they were told it was due to high blood pressure.  I believe after all the tests I've been through it starts due to some side affect from high blood pressure medicine.  Speaking for myself that is, I have had to changed to alot of different kinds and was not told of the side affects from my doctors along the way.  I have had HBP for over 10 years now and can't seem to get it under control yet.  I usually run around 150/90 or higher.  I just went in today to get my teeth and gums checked due to I have been also experiencing pain in my gums and jaw on the right side.  They only found that I am having some really bad sensitivity issues, but I will be going in for a cleaning and xrays to make sure next week.  I also get dry eyes alot, but I do take diarectics which I am trying to get off of because Dr's don't tell you that these lovely things depleite your potassium and magnisium.  Great.  I will keep trying until I get it figured out hopefully, the part I don't like is the tightness in the neck and the dizziness, some days it's sooo intense I can't get anything done.  Will keep you all posted. 

-reply by Concerned

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The sound you hear could be related to an acoustic neuroma.An acoustic (uh-ku-stik) neuroma (neer-o-muh) is a benign (buh-nin) tumor of a nerve in the brain. It is also called a vestibular (ves-tih-bew-ler) schwannoma (sh-waw-no-muh). A benign tumor means that it is not cancer and does not spread to other parts of your body. An acoustic neuroma is usually only on one side of your brain and effects only one ear. In some genetic (inherited) diseases, both ears can be involved. The tumor causes hearing loss and other more serious problems as it grows larger.Following are the early signs of an acoustic neuroma.Hearing loss.Tinnitus (ringing in your ear).Sounds are distorted (fuzzy) and off key.Following are the later signs and symptoms as the acoustic neuroma gets bigger.Difficulty tasting things.Diplopia (double vision).Dizziness.Eyes do not blink as often as they should and do not make enough tearsFace may become weak or paralyzed (cannot move) on one or both sidesFace may also hurt on one or both sides.Headaches.Trouble swallowing and speaking.Tongue begins to twitch without control.Tiredness (fatigue), confusion, and finally coma.-reply by bill911

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I think it's emf..Elector magnetic Field. With all this wifi, radio, cell phones and tv air waves.

I hear it all the time and it is annoying. Some doctors are insisting on tinitus..But, it's not! My neighbors and I discuss the loudness as it changes from time to time. We all can't have tinitus. None of us have blood pressure problems. So,  I do think it is from all of this electronic stuff.

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Is It Selective Hearing?Hearing High Pitch Noise In My HeadDaily,for as long as I can remember I hear the high pitch hum of the overhead lights, the highway traffic over the sound of my TV, The high pitch hum of the TV itself, I literally have to bump the side of it like the Fonz on Happy Days with the juke box to make it stop. Is this selective hearing? A choice to hear the background noise, does anyone else suffer as I?-question by kelley

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high pitched buzzing noise in my earHearing High Pitch Noise In My Head

 Ever since I was a little kid I could always here some sort of high frequency noise (but only if I was in dead silence) it was never very loud but I could definitely hear something. And just recently I had some sort of liquid or wax or something stuck in my left ear. And then about 4 days ago I started to hear my heartbeat in my left ear. It drove me insane so I started shaking my head like crazy in the way a swimmer might to get water out of the ears. Well, come to find out I shook my head way too hard and I created a brand new problem I've never had before in my life...TMJ. Which basically means I ****ed up my jaw. So now both sides of my jaw make a crunching sound when I move my jaw up and down. And to make matters worse, one of the symptoms is tennitus. Which in my case basically sounds like I just came out of a very loud concert. Constant ringing (especially in my left ear). It actually slightly went away earlier this morning, but later in the day I foolishly listened to my ipod while working out with the volume somewhat high. Well, as soon as I finished up and took my head phones off I immediately realized that ringing in my ears came right back full force. Again, the sound was like I just came back from a blasting loud concert. I'm fairly certain its because of the TMJ. But I read it can take weeks or months for symptoms to go away. Which sucks cause I'm a very light sleeper. So it's been really hard to live like this the past 4 days.  The only thing getting me through this is the thought that it will eventually go away. It hasn't even been a week, so I imagine if I give it some time it should go away. And that right now is my only option because I have no health insurance.

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High Pitch NoiseHearing High Pitch Noise In My Head

Strange how everyone is suddenly complaining about hearing high pitch frequency noise. Could this somehow be related to bee disease?  I live in southern California and bees are dropping dead all over the sidewalks here in Orange County.  scientists are puzzled about the bee die off according to news reports.

 Anyway I too suffer from high pitch head noise.  It seems to occur after dinner when I am trying to sleep.  I have had this now for about 4 years. Since I have given up on doctors I am investigating the following:

Plastics from bottled water?

Food allergy? Monsanto is putting genes into our foods such as those causing plants to produce insecticides.

Carbon filter water (bitumious coal)?

Stainless steel cookware?  Too much nickel?

-reply by Cher

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Have been studying my HPN (High Pitched Noise)  for years even give it a rating from 0-5. Mine is constant and never at 0, HPN 5 is my maximum so far. 

Certain towns will make it worse with varying other symptoms such as agitation and speech problems. HPN 5 experienced in two towns one in QLD Aus and One in North Island NZ gave me and my husband severe reactions. Very Large Microwave towers are the  cause I have been renamed them Triffids, I can pick up frequencies coming from these. Interesting how many there are, colour and shape  the larger ones in big towns can cause big problems to those who have HPN. Found when 15 kms outside these towns the noise and feelings subsided.

Also the older type phone with large magnets will make it worse, impossible to speak on these for more than a few minutes, hence have loud speaking hand held phones

At night can be worse too, different rooms can produce different effects, maybe which way the body lies in relationship to incoming frequencies and also new and full moons.

I  have logged when and what days it gets louder and for me and some friends it has been certain days, one friend gets pains in her ears while another feels pressure in the head.

Some day I might set up a HPN site with a questionnaire, so that I can log other peoples experiences. 

If people all over the world experience the same thing and a pattern can be seen then it would help those who think they are going crazy know that it happens to others too..

I have just moved from OZ to NZ and the same noise is here, different in certain towns and villages.

 The following are things I have felt

Noise in head even if fingers are in ears.

Not inside head but around especially at base of skull from ear to ear.

Extreme times tingling in tongue difficulty in speaking and thinking disappears when not in range of Triffid.

Days/nights when worse and this can the same day of the week.

Feel very tired with this.

This one common to many, waking up early morning 4.30 - 5 am

Once you have the constant HPN I think you become sensitive to other frequencies too.

-reply by Patrice

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the soundHearing High Pitch Noise In My HeadIt is my view, that it is actual people. People whose normal inherent vibration, (which is what has aided in making them 3 dimensional) are getting an increase, as many of us, (all) are, now, because of the normal evolution, of the existing pysicality, Material-Solidity, of the universe of universes. All*** has been evolving and moving and "ascending", shape-changing and we, (our solar system) are about to enter, in fact, have been undergoing phase changes, due to this photonic pulse-sound wave, bombardment, which began, to affect all (here, on earth), in 1989. Our tone/frequency, of our human solidity is raising. And, actually, "the God and God's wonder workers", who have been embraced by the God Family are very, subtly raising some of us (our) frequencies, in order, that we may survive, the transformational change without shattering like a crystal. Guess we are going to the light body. Hope this helps.-reply by ducktor

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where was article moved to?Hearing High Pitch Noise In My HeadReplying to ShaistavQuestion posed was- hearing high pitch noise in my head-I saw after my reply was posted it has been re-titled- I would like to keep tabs on thesePost please. Thank you- Fauxy-reply by fauxy

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High Pitch noise in my earsHearing High Pitch Noise In My Head

I think all of us heard this ringing high pitch sound in our ears and I thought that this was biological and my ears were ringing and ignored it.

However, recently I bought noise canceling head phones and I have found that when I put them on and start the active noise canceling system the ringing sounds completely goes away. I am using the sony headphones but I think any good head phones would do the good job. 

This means that its not produced by our ears and its actually a external sound.

Now I have to find the source of this sound..  

-reply by Azam Ali

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High Pitched NoiseHearing High Pitch Noise In My Head

I also hear the HPN when any CRT-based TV or monitor is switched on. I've run a few experiments and found that I can detect the noise without knowing when the tv is on, as long as I am within approx 70 m of the TV. I also discovered that several people do NOT hear the HPN. What is going on?

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