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Protein Are they all good.

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Only eatting egg sandwiches is definitely not healthy for you. You may feel fine now but you are missing tons of other nutrients other foods contain like antioxidants, fiber, calcium, etc. that are contained in other foods. Look at the food pyramid and you will see all the groups you are missing. These will affect your health in the long term so you may or may not notice it yet in your life. Also, eggs have lots of cholestorol and that is why lots of people do not / can not eat them in that quanity since they have to worry about having high cholestrol. I would recommend you eat different products and types of food and maybe limit yourself to no more than 1 egg sandwich a day and probably less than that.

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Everything in excess is bad, I think its ok as long as you dont eat them every day. Take some breaks from eating eggs, I mean, you can have hotcakes or cereal for breakfast or maybe a ham sandwich.

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Eggs are not the best source of protein for you. Meat is even worse. The fat and cholesterol are not worth it for the small benefits.You can get plenty of protein other ways (and not just soy products, beans, and nuts). Pasta has significant amounts of protein. Even an orange (yes, that round fruit) has about one gram of protein.Also, too much protein can lead to digestive problems. A majority of Americans get too much protein. We shouldn't be worried about whether we're getting enough unless we're trying to gain significant muscle mass in the gym.

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Too much of anything isn't good for you. However, it's often harder to consume too much protein than it is to consume too much sugar or fat, for instance, so you don't always hear this. The amount of protein you need depends on your age and activity level. If you're growing, whether it be because you're still young or because you're trying to increase your muscle mass, then you will need higher levels of protein than someone who is trying to maintain their weight.When they say Americans tend to get too much protein, keep in mind that this is because Americans tend to eat too many calories. Calories come from fat, carbs, and protein. I'd say though that the protein we eat is not as excessive as the fat and refined starch/sugar (bad carbs), so I'd be more worried about overall calorie intake than just protein-specific intake. As long as you're eating a reasonable diet, you probably won't be eating protein to the point where it begins to have significant harm.

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I eat a ton of protein, from meat, protein shakes, veggies (like beans...that have protein....ya know :) ) and wherever else. I think the amount of protein that we're told we're supposed to have is ridiculously small, but I guess you probably don't need much if you're older and not very active. I am very active however, and the amount of protein I eat STILL doesn't seem to be enough to put on sufficient muscle mass...so I guess how much protein you really need depends on how active you are, etc.Also, moutonoir is totally right (in my opinion) that Americans tend to eat way too much refined sugars and fats and stuff... protein is much healthier to eat a lot of than processed garbage...if you're really worried about being healthy and not gaining weight or getting strange diseases just make sure you're cooking your own meals and not eating extruded mystery-meat-covered-in-sugar-sauce from a can. Cooking your own meals and eating natural foods (and eating in moderation, and not binging) as well as getting regular exercise...is enough to keep you healthy.

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