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Should I Bother Learning Css?

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in my opinion everything is similar...... you could probably teach yourself css. i don't know much about it but i don't know why it would be a waste of time to learn.

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CSS is certainly not a waste of your time if you intend to be even a hobbyist web designer. CSS allows you to change the look of every page of your site in one file, and keeps your code looking cleaner with font tags and the like everywhere. Yes, there are a few quirks between browsers (especially IE) but it is well worth learning, and generally quite easy if you already know HTML and understand how it works.

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I would say a big yes, without CSS we web designers couldn't do half the stuff we did 10 years ago without the use of some sort of javascript or 10 more lines of html code. Of course for something that is used to make our lives easier sure got complicated in the last 5 years, but thats what you get when people striven for perfection for web designer. Is it necessary that would depend especially when you could also get a complete website for free or pay for one and then just edit the html files to the specs of your page, but if your building a design by scratch then you have to learn CSS or have your website labeled as a bad design by everyone.

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If you don't code in CSS you are really behind in web technologies - techniques not using CSS end up being more bloated than without, and plus you are unable to do many things without the knowlege of CSS, or you are able to do them but not at all efficiently. To make a decent design it CSS is pretty much required. Javascript isn't needed, however.

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  Shortyjtl00 said:

I know HTML, Javascript, PHP, and starting MySQL. Should I even bother with learning CSS? It seems like it may be a waste of time.

I don't think you need to bother learning CSS. If you know how to work in Corel Draw, or Photoshop than learning CSS is a good option. If you just want to program things and applications, then yes - CSS is a waste of your time. Most CSS is done by Web Designers, and not Web programmers. Web programmers don't need to know CSS. Maybe you should learn more of semantic HTML instead of CSS. And btw, CSS maybe looks simple, and it is at certain level but later it can be a real pain. For as programmer all you need to do is know how to arrange application in basic HTML tables. Web designers who know photoshop, corel and CSS will make the same thing with div's easily.

It's not bad to learn anything, it's up to you what you want to specialize in.

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Definitely learn CSS! If you want to be a web designer/developer or anything like that, you definitely should at the very least, understand how CSS works and a little bit about it. CSS is still gaining more and more popularity. I think in the future there will be more and more CSS on webpages and less HTML markup. If you HAVE the time to learn CSS, you should definitely do it.

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CSS looks to be boring and difficult but actually it is not ... i can gues that u have not learned php and html well so that u have no idea abt css... also review ur php and html with adition to css..

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Lol, you and I are the same. I once thought CSS Why Bother, Right? Wrong!!!!! As I have recently came to realize if you dont know css it is extremly hard to get a job as a web designer or make a nice looking website dont get me wrong you can do it with html, but it is so hard... and requires a lot of images to to so... however CSS it only take maybe 5-8 lines of code max and i am talking about stuff this simple

.main{position: relative;top: 15px;left: 0px;border-size: 3px;} 

Its' just to easy of course thats probally a quick bad example but It is worth the effort to learn something new... there are tons of possiblities and if you ever learn Adobe Photoshop it will come in real handy when you are trying to add your template to a html file. instead of having to crop images which you have to do anyways... it just makes it a lot more simple.Best of Luck!

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u should bother learning css..1. if you are already working into an organization and your job profile isnt anything similar to a web designer..2. if you are a web designer and you just wanna be a silly web designer.. (no offence intended)..and if u r not into an organization and juz working on some stuff yourself.. you will get to learn css urself.. dont allot a separate time for css.. juz start with w3cschools.com.. and keep refering internet wheneva u need new things to be added to your demo website.. i mean, thats the way i do things..

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Definately. I learned css through using macromedia Dreamweaver 8, if you know html and basic web design css is much easier to understand. I learned it for fun, but in the future, I intend to use my skills to make money, via web design, which I love to do. Once you know css, as with everything else, it's less mysterious and confusing, you will be able to actually create whatever vision you have and you will be able to earn more money should you choose to teach it to others. Learning a new skill is NEVER a watse of time:)

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