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A List Of Great Movies!

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leave a list of your favorite movies and anyone and everyone can criticize you choise. on of my favorite things to do is talk about movies, about how bad or good they are and why.

a list of my favorites:


lucky # slevinsnatch
a scanner darkly
lock stack and two smoking barrels
the prestige

we will start with this. we can't have too many descusions about movies going on at once. if you have a crappy taste in movies prepare to be called an idiot. that is if any of this takes off.

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Ok, here's mine. I hope nobody called me idiot :lol: I don't care, in fact.Eraserhead (Lynch)El Angel Exterminador (Bu?uel)Snatch (Ritchie)Pi (Aronofsky)Lost Highway (Lynch)Memento (Nolan)Pulp Fiction (Tarantino)24 Hour Party People (Winterbottom)Blue Velvet (Lynch)Requiem For a Dream (Aronofsky)Fight Club (Fincher)Kill Bill I & II (Tarantino)Cube (Natali)Donnie Darko (Don't remember xD)Magnolia (same thing)Mulholand Drive (Lynch)

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donny darco is a great movie i have been meaning to download itsnatchpulpfiction kill bill 1 and 2fight club ........are also good they are in fact on my list of favorites. but i haven't heard of most of the others though

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Here's mine in no particular order:AmelieAbout a boyThe Royal TenenbaumsBridget Jones's DiaryReality BitesIn good companyLove ActuallyLost in TranslationSome of these movies have similar look and feel. The first ones have someone narrating them. :lol:

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BRUCE ALMIGHTY!?!?!?!?!?!? what a turd of a movie.... i love jim carry but damn that movie suckedspeaking of sucking...... stuck on you was stupidthis list is for good movies not retarded ones.i told you i would critisize

Edited by arza1 (see edit history)

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lucky # slevin is one of my all-time favorite movies.......it has a great story, great actors, great action, great dialogue, and its just freakin great.if you haven't seen this movie yet you need to.complete guy movie though..... prepare yourself to be amaized!

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My absolute favorite movie of all time it The Princess Bride. It's one of those movies that remains timeless for me, no matter how old I get. I think I love it because it's kinda my view on life: I'm cynical and believe that the worst is going to happen, but there's this tiny grain of optimism that persists and you just know that everything will be fine despite the fact that LIFE IS NOT FAIR. You just have to accept that and keep hoping and waiting for the good things that are worth living for.

Other than that, I pretty much love movies in general, so it's hard to list them all, but I'll just jot down some persistent classics that I love.

- anything by Hayao Miyazaki, but especially Sen to Chihiro no kamikakushi (Spirited Away), with Mononoke Hime (Princess Mononoke) as my second favorite from him

- Akira Kurosawa's Shinchinin no samurai (Seven Samurai)

- Pixar movies with a toss up among Bug's Life, Finding Nemo, and Monster's Inc, but they seem to be deteriorating in quality since the merge with Disney :)

- Disney classics are pretty good and they had that burst of creative renaissance, but they've just been disappointing the last decade or so.

- In the epics category, I'd have to say The 300, Last Samurai, and Braveheart in that order. The 300 was just spectacular to watch because of the art design and costuming... and all those hot bods. But it also had a great plot.

- Trilogies would be LOTR and the original, pre-digitized Star Wars.

- Anything Monty Python

- Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz, honestly anything that Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright do together is sexy to me

And now for the random list of uncategorized stuff: Goonies, Usual Suspects, Mirror Mask, Batman Begins, The Illusionist (much better than The Prestige, I thought), The Green Mile, and Shawshank Redemption

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Van WilderThat is my favorite movie ever! Funny stuff right there! Van Wilder is my hero, I wish I could be like him. Be naked on top of a building telling them not to kill themselves...now i wish i could do that

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Forgot to add a few and since no post count, I'll be lazy and not edit.Serenity is awesome!Labyrinth and Dark Crystal are great. Can't get enough of those evil muppets.

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