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What Makes The Web So Great? What is it?

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I was sitting around one night and was looking for something to do and then it got me thinking what is possible on the iternet. I mean the internet is seen more of an acheivment than landing on the moon.People from all around the world find news, music, games, freinds and many more things on the web, but why is it so popular? Is it the fact you could spend your entire life on the net and learn something new everyday? or that most of your life is controlled through the internet in some shape or form, be it bank accounts or shopping.My theory on why the internet is so great is that everyone is linked. You can literaly chat real time to people anywhere in the world where there is the net. Name one other invention that is in almost all houses in the developed world?

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It is great now because of about 40 years of hard work from literally millions of programmers across the world to make sureit would function correctly. To think the internet was design by military for it's defense computer in case of World War III. However, the internet does has it's short comings; millions of people have join the criminal underground from the simple script kiddie to professional hackers who can ipe out whole business operations with a simple few clicks of a buttons and some code.I do agree that you something every day by just searching a website of course the fun part is trying to figure out if the website that's displaying that info is legit or not. The internet is great but not landing on the moon great, maybe it could achieve that status if we sent our first internet signal to the moon and then back to earth.

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Interenet in the sense we know it today was developed actually in the labaratories in the CERN in Europe and no in the united states as many refer to it. This was ARPA net and it is different approach it is or at least was and had for similar objective as the current US army networks or whatever they call it. And I wanted to tell you a bit more like the first site on the internet do you know what it was?Well it was list of CERN names and scientist and other people who were there working at that time and their telephone numbers. This was first ever internet site.I think in my personal opinion that interent is geat because of interconnectivity it made world smaller place although real emotions suffer because of this. Internet is like Alexandria Library of the XXI century I hope you agree. And the point here is that it enables everyone to work together and makes really many good projects with it.

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Also there is alot of customization *sorry if that is miss spelled* anyway, people can now a days basicly do anything, and customize anything. For example, Myspace your own mark on the world wide web. people like to have something all to them selfs and that they make or see what they can turn it into. My personal opinion would be pure gaming I love gaming, WoW, CSS mostly and I use the web to play with a bunch of different people. Now I ask you, has the moon landing done more for us then the web? Honestly, don't think so :) the web is great because of its never ending information as well.

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This is a very simple question. The reason the internet is so great is that it has anything and everyone one could ever want to learn / do. With the internet you can find out any fact that has ever existed because someone knows it and someone has already posted it. You also can spend as much time as you want playing random games, downloading software, etc. The internet gives you infinite possibilities of things to do which is why it is so great.

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To answer your question, I decided that I would imagine myself in a world without the Internet.My result was this: I would be stupid. I would be so stupid that even I would laugh at myself.The Internet is a massive source of knowledge in the form of chatrooms, forums, articles, search engines, blogs, etc. The Internet can empower too. Any person can create a website and get rich and famous.I'm actually working on that right now with my own website.There really isn't a whole lot to explain since most of the previous posters nailed it. I thinkthat anybody that has ever used the Internet to get news or obscure information knowsexactly why it is awesome.

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The internet is great for many reasons. Firstly, and probably most importantly, is that it allows people to communicate with each other, and gives us the ability to meet new people. I know people from all over the world because of the internet, and also have met many people that live near me. It also allows us to communicate rapidly, which is quite nice. People being able to communicate faster than ever has been able to increase productivity between companies, and makes it easier for people to build relationships faster.The second reason I think the internet is great is because of all the knowledge and information. It is so easy to look up exactly what you need, even with some complex topics. It brings specialists in certain fields together, and allows all people to share their ideas with one and another. My third and final reason is that from the economic standpoint, it has created thousands of new jobs, and billions of dollars that would not be spent, without the internet. It also allows us to purchase and sell products to a greater amount of people.The internet really is a great thing :)

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I think your right. Many inventions of the 20th and 21st century were just as great as the web, but only a few or none had this impact on people's lives. The concept of the web was great, but it was also something that could be easily implemented. Everybody had a telephone line and you only needed a computer to visit the web. It would have been a totally different story if the infrastructure that supports the web wouldn't have been already built and would have required years and years to develop not to mention countless billions of dollars in investments.So basically by the time they started working on the project they had an infrastructure. When they ended the research the market was fully ready to accept the new discovery. Internet was only on the wire back then, but now you can connect to the internet from even the most remote corner of the world.What made the Internet concept so great was the fact that it would connect the entire humanity. I would even say that the internet is the engine of globalisation. Then it comes to the internet I would say the sky is the limit. Maybe someday we could even connect all the minds of the world together and share experiences and thoughts. The Internet will reach it's maximum potential when humanity will be like one. Imagine all the knowledge of the world in one place. A wikipedia 10 million times larger on the tip of your finger. On the web you have no skin color or you can have any faith you want; nobody cares your a Christian or a Muslim. This is why internet is great, because people so distant both on land and in faith, culture, society etc. can talk and find out they really have a lot in common. I think the internet is just as important as the nuclear bomb. The web we see today is only the tip of the iceberg, only imagine the possibilities that our children will have...Unfortunately, just as nuclear power the internet can also serve to evil. But for the first time in history someone a million miles away can be just like in the next room. If used properly the Internet has the potential to unite the world in a way that we can't even imagine now.

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I think it's kind of a cyclical process. THe internet boomed because of the increasing globalization of the international framework, and the internet boom accelerates globilization. Plus, there's the freedom of the thing. You can do almost anything out here. Sure, governments try to censor, watchdog organizations try to shutdown, and certain crackers (malicious code writers, I'm not using slang) wil go around trying to obliviate others' control for nefarious or entertainment purposes, but if one is persistent enough, one can put and retrieve almost anything from this gigantic network.


I've heard before that the internet was cited as one of the reasons why the Soviet Union fell. While the claim is a bit exaggerated, it does have a bit of truth. The rise of the internet as an economic market and its great potential for scientific exchange left the USSR out of the boom that came in Western Europe and the USA. Realizing that the rise of the net changed the economic face of the planet shows how great it really is.


The internet became a revolutionary phenomenon a long time ago and it changed the way people think about others and people in general. Holistically, I say that's why it's so great: it changed and defined our worldview and made it the defining start of our age: the Information Age.

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The internet is the best invention of all time. It beats out the Car some of the other great inventions. What I love about the internet is the amount of Freedom that you have. You can do anything you want. One of the best things is the wealth and knowledge that you can learn. You can do searches and find anything you want, from Cars/Trucks to Realestate. You can make money online, create a business and market to the world. It has take Business and the Economy to another level. Companies have come online and people can shop and have things delivered to their door with a click of a button. It has made the new definition of the "Lazy Boy" Recliner. Shop Drop and Roll! The best thing since sliced bread! It doesn't get any better than that!

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hi friends,i totally agree with you that internet is one of the biggest inventions till date....but i would beg to differ on the fact that why is it so famous...i think that first of all a person interacts in this virtual environment for some sort of need like e mail or booking a ticket or for children just playing some game....so the first step is need ....but then i think that the reason for its popularity are many...of course versatality is definitely one reason...you can have internet for thaousands of work....then you can connect with your friends, family, relatives so easily with the help of internet...but i feel the reason for its ultimate popularity is that when you are sitting in front of your personal computer you are like king....you can do whatever you want on your personal computer...and manipulate the virtual world easily....and in a sense it feels like as you are not doing it in virtual world but in real world....i m not able to express myself clearly...the point is it gives you a sense of power and you feel as if you can do anything ....no matter its in virtual world...but at that time you feel like you are doing it in reality....i guess that is the reason for the popularity of "Second world" and games like that...for example while chatting and other stuff like that you just forget that you are sitting in front of personal computer and thousands of kilometers apart...you feel as if you are together...i think the reason for internet's popularity is this feeling ...the feeling of virtual reality...this is what i think....if someone has some other reason or reasons then please do write...ok bye folks ....have fun...

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