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Hello everyone, a friend just showed me to this site and it seems pretty cool, so I'll probably be sticking around. So now about me. I'm an avid lover of anime and manga. I've been reading Naruto and watching Death Note right now. I've already seen a good portion of Naruto already, but I decided to read the manga when I heard about "Kakashi Gaiden", Kakashi is my favorite character and I simply couldn't miss that (for some odd reason they didn't put this in the Naruto anime). Death Note is very interesting, I suggest you pick it up sometime. I'm also one for MMOs. For some odd reason, I've been in the mood to play Runescape all of them sudden. Very good game, but some say it's bad because it doesn't have high graphics and it's main gameplay isn't combat. I've also recently play a game that's in closed beta called Kwonho, it's is alright... they have a slight problem with lag right now, but it's only been out for two days, so I'm still giving it a chance. I'm really into drawing and game development. I'd really like to do one of those for a living. I think that's enough for now. ^^' Hello again everyone.

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Welcome, Mago! Nice to see you have come to Xisto for hosting! There are a lot of RuneScapers on this forum, I would say you might want to meet up with Ridwan sameer, a fellow RuneScaper. Please take time to Read the Rules, Xisto Readme, and FAQ located inside the readme. Hope you enjoy your stay at the Xisto forums! And if you may need any assistance, feel free to PM me! Thanks for joining, and welcome!

Edited by Imtay22 (see edit history)

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Welcome :( It is indeed a very cool site :o If you need any questions answered, or just general queries! Either ask on the forum, or PM (Message) a member (Such as myself ;)) or someone with high post counts (such as myself :unsure: kidding :P) and they'll/we'll/i'll get back as soon as we can and help you with it :D I'm not really into Anime, but I played Runescape (started off at Runescape 1 about 4 years ago or something :() and I prefered RS1 to RS2, even though the graphics are alot worse. I don't know why, but it was just cooler I think. The reason I stopped playing though is because it got too popular, and I got too many people annoying me and saying/asking random crap >.<Anyways! Welcome :(

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Hello MagoPosted Image and welcome to Trap 17 from Mich, in Michigan, USA. Very nice intro, but you didn't tell us where you are. Make sure you read all the Forum Rules about posts and the Trap 17 Read Me file. This way you will know all about Trap 17 and how it operates. I see you are heavy into games, which I am not. I am into graphic design. Keep up the good posts and you will have credits enough for hosting in no time if that is why you are here. Your friend did right by you referring, it is a great place. :unsure:

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Hey Mago, it's good to have you here. I'm still somewhat new around here too but am really enjoying it already. This is a great community and the hosting is awesome :( I'm not really into anime and manga, but I've got a couple of friends who run a site on it. Oh well, maybe one day I will let them talk me into joining and try it out :unsure:

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Welcome to the site mago and most likely I will assume you have read all the rules and stuff so I won't beat a dead horse about it, so enjoy your stay, enjoying your hosting when you get it and have some fun.

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Welcome here at trap 17 it is awesome project and great utility community is really nice and helpful also. I would like to say that it is always nice to see newcomers coming:)If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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Welcome Mago! Now that's a good, detailed introduction. Personally I'm not into anime or runescape, but maybe we have something else in common. Nice to have you here at Xisto, and, like everyone else said, read the rules!

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Welcome aboard, Mago!I think you've found a great social network with an excellent hosting package to boot. I'm one of the "veteran" members of the community and over time both the forums and hosting packages are getting better. It was great reading your detailed introduction. Too bad that anime is a declining interest for me. (Maybe it's something to do with my age, other priorities in life, etc.). Anyway, I hope you enjoy your stay here and I look forward to seeing more of you on the boards!

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