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Albus Dumbledore

Computers And Their Future In Our Future

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Computers and their Future in Our FutureWhat kind of role do you think computers will play in the future of the world?I know that computers are already implemented in allot of today?s technologies like our cars, airplanes, school databases and more.But what else do you think computers will be involved in?I think that in the future, computers will be implemented allot more into the daily lives of everybody. I mean this because the information highway is growing in great numbers! And since the information super highway is growing, I think that the use of the devices you need to access the information super highway {computers} will be used allot more. We are already seeing changes in the way that people learn and how people are taught aren?t we?. Generally today in college, 3 out of every 5 people that attend a college have a laptop that they use to type up notes on what the professor is saying instead of writing them down.We are seeing allot of people starting to implement the use of the internet into their classroom curriculum, for example my social studies teacher has a weekly blog question that we have to answer on her website, also information there too.We are also seeing most every teacher has a website where they can put a bunch of information about their class.We are also seeing that allot of teachers are changing their methods of teaching from using the whiteboard, to overhead transparency?s, to a projector hooked right up to a computer.I think that this is just a step forward in the use of computers in the future.I think that some day we will completely eliminate files and printed documents to keep for records and switch to digital storing documents and files. For example, all schools have something called a CUM file for each student in the school. I think that someday in the future, instead of having the CUM file in filing cabnets, the documents that are kept in the filing cabnits will be kept in a private folder on a server or something for each individual student.One advantage to getting rid of the use of filing for records and switching to digitally doing it is less tree?s to kill.I think that sometime in the future all schools will have the teachers post the homework on their website so the kids can look it up at home. This of course presents a problem, not everyone may have a computer and maybe then the schools can check out a laptop to the students or something.The reason I think that is because I have a friend who attends school in Idaho and he is only is 5th grade and everyone in his school is checked out a laptop at the beginning of the year because their teachers only put homework up on the internet and the students turn it in on the internet. LolSo what do you think about all this?

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theres a documentary on this about computers and how our life will be in the future on sbsi duno man it looks intrestingm but on the other hand it looks like our lifes will be more controlled or confirmedhmm will it make our lives easier? dont think so

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i think that it will make our lives a little bit easier.for example, if a student leaves their homework at school todays day in age they will just fail the assignment. But if they have to look it up on the computer, there will be no real excuse for not being able to do the assignment. instead of having to search through endless file folders for a certain document we can create a query on the computer to find the documents cutting down on time.Filing things will not be as hard either because you can simply have a script that looks for a certain field in the document that specifies a name. Or in the case of schools when they send out truancy letters, instead of just running a query to print off the people who you need to send the letters out to, you can also tell it in the query to put it in the corresponding folders.So over all i think it will make life allot easier.

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Yes computers really are a big part of our lives and will continue to be. They are used for entertainment but also have a lot of jobs like selling things online and having a website to expand your business. There are all the make money online sites as well. My school already got rid of grade books and they enter their grades online which also allows parents to keep track of their childrens grades (which for some is needed but for me I'm against because it's more pressure). The only problem is that sometimes you enter things, throwout the papers but it malfunctioned and the grades aren't really in htere. That'd be the only problem with digital storage because if something goes wrong and the data is lost they'll be in trouble but of course there are always backups. Schools would have to backup their data constantly. Computers will elminate the need to driving once they perfect the system and eliminate potential malfunctioning parts. I'm sure they will be implimented into houses more as well connecting your television online for more channels of internet TV (I think Google said something about their own TV stations) They can be used for better security. I think they'll be able to be used more also in automating everyday chores like that little Roomba vacumn. Possiblities are endless really on what computers will be able to do once they perfect the code telling them what to do. People will probably lose jobs though as they already have when factories started automating things but there are plenty of things you can learn to do online.

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Well if we look in the sixties they had also imagined various things that might just happen to the people and how will human civilization dvelop till some time like 2000 or something similar we are also doing such research and imaginaning what will be and so on. They had wrong in most part and we will be wrong probably in the biggest part. And so on in the circle.However I think that influence on the common man by the computers is really significant and it cannot be forgoten just like that. And this influence is really extended and computers have so much integration in our lives that they want and will not be forgotten just like that. I think that in the future computer will integrate even more in our life and that person will not be able to live without one, also we might start experimenting wtih various sorts of body implants which will enable us to connect to interent and various other things. I could add that with computers sky is the limit although this is not quite true.

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Computers are huge is the world today. Everyone will have a computer soon because you simply won't be able to live without one! I think that computers may even be able to replace teachers at schools. We may even get the chance to vote from our computers at home one day. But there will always be hackers that will always create problems. Nothing will be perfected because someone will always find a way to foil the idea. Computer will grow in importance and popularity still. I just hope that they don't get so powerful that they could destroy us. It's scary to think about what computers will be able to do in the not to distant future.

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There is something which no one can disagree against and that is how computers have revolutionized our world, in many aspects, not just in the different fields but also the way we work and play. There is always this talk about how we are going to enter the new generation filled by this amazingly built processors. We can go on about how computers really help to conserve a lot of things, take for e.g. with more reliance on computers, we would not need to cut down as many trees, and we could help go a further step in saving our environment, saving the habitats of our animals in the world who needs these trees to survive. However, we have to go forward in a realistic point of view. Documents on a computer, they are all digitalized forms, there can be 1001 ways for anyone to gain access, delete or modify them. We honestly can't hope to have a 100% safe way of protecting them, because there isn't. Look at how many sites are hacked per day, that should really give you an idea. Soft copies may be the in-thing but hard copies in my opinion should not be disregarded no matter how far we progress in terms of building our information highway. Grades may be entered in the database or through some web portal of the school, teaching can be done wirelessly and through certain output devices but what I am trying to emphasize here is not to be over-reliant on a PC. Lets have 2 sides, one based on the raw materials and one based on technology. If ever a day comes whereby somehow our computer crashes and all servers are not functioning, what then? We will be thanking these raw materials.

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There is something which no one can disagree against and that is how computers have revolutionized our world, in many aspects, not just in the different fields but also the way we work and play. There is always this talk about how we are going to enter the new generation filled by this amazingly built processors. We can go on about how computers really help to conserve a lot of things, take for e.g. with more reliance on computers, we would not need to cut down as many trees, and we could help go a further step in saving our environment, saving the habitats of our animals in the world who needs these trees to survive.
However, we have to go forward in a realistic point of view. Documents on a computer, they are all digitalized forms, there can be 1001 ways for anyone to gain access, delete or modify them. We honestly can't hope to have a 100% safe way of protecting them, because there isn't. Look at how many sites are hacked per day, that should really give you an idea. Soft copies may be the in-thing but hard copies in my opinion should not be disregarded no matter how far we progress in terms of building our information highway. Grades may be entered in the database or through some web portal of the school, teaching can be done wirelessly and through certain output devices but what I am trying to emphasize here is not to be over-reliant on a PC. Lets have 2 sides, one based on the raw materials and one based on technology.

If ever a day comes whereby somehow our computer crashes and all servers are not functioning, what then? We will be thanking these raw materials.

true, anyway if it wasnt for computers bill gates wouldent be so rich. I actually dont support bill gates or steve jobbs. i use linux :) . also computers have really changed the world of gaming. i myselfe dont own any game systems. i find online games way funner wen u can talk to eachother. i think the new windows vista isnt all that great. its not worth neer all its credit that everyone gives it. if you havent seen it yet you should go to youtube and chech out the new Beryl for linux. i think linux will play a big roll in the future of computers. windows is goin down within a few years.

anyway is u think vista aero is neet check out beryl linux. its amasing and it is the future of computing.
:):(:P:( :( :) :)

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