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Addicted To Adrenaline Cant get enough of it.

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Hi guy's, i keep getting called stupid, crazy, hilarious because i can never get enough adrenaline. I do many exetreme sport's including downhill mountainbiking, parkour, free climbing and many others. But even after as really bad fall or when something goes bad i love it. Im not usre if it is the adrenaline im addicted to or the chance to hurt myself. Does anyone else have this problem?

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I hear you loud and clear. I love getting scared, and I love extreme sports; though, I do take a little more care. I kneeboard, paintball, ATC ride/fly (yes, fly), and rockclimb (though, with ropes). I have been wishing for nightmares for 10 years. Yes, I love being scared/adreniline, your not alone out there :unsure:.

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I liked to take the easy route. Just the typical sports-baseball, basketball, football. It's good to take risks though. If you didn't, you're life would be boring! There's nothing wrong with having fun doing extreme sports! It's good that hurting yourself doesn't keep you down either, because that means you have a true passion for it. I say enjoy yourself and don't worry about your addiction, just let it be!

Husker's 500th post, YEAH!

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I've never heard of someone being addicted to adrenaline. Have you talked to a doctor or psychiatrist about it? Maybe you just like to be active.

Actually i have, and geuss what they told me? To stay in more :S and there trying to telle veryone to be active :unsure:.

Im glad to hear i am not the only adrenaline junkie out there. I would have been worried if i was.

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I like adrenaline, but I wouldn't call it an addiction. I do one extreme sport which is Aggressive Inline. It was pretty fun and got some adrenaline off it, but I haven't even scratched the surface because I'm too poor to maintain my skates. However, you don't have to do an extreme sport to experience adrenaline. I'm a 100m sprinter in track team and believe me, there's a lot of adrenaline every time I stand on the starting line, especially when I'm at the down start position.I find your "addiction" pretty interesting. I'm usually a laid back person but once in a while I'd like to get a taste of adrenaline. I'm not holding you back from your hobbies just don't kill yourself (lol). BTW, what's ATC? I wanna fly.

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I find your "addiction" pretty interesting.

Wow i feel like a lab experiment.

I think there is a different sort of adrenaline when doing exetreme sports to other thing's. I think the adrenaline you get when not doing something that could seriously injure yourself, even kill you is nerves or your body readying itself. When doing exetreme sport's your life is on the line so the adrenaline is there to make you worried and tell your brain it's not a good idea.

The biggest question i have to ask, is it safe or healthy to want so much adrenaline, and be close to possible death so often?

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I'd say don't get yourself killed or seriously injured - putting your life on the line for kicks is d**ned dangerous. Even if you break your neck and are 'only' paralysed, you'll have to spend the rest of your life being turned over by your nurse to prevent bedsores, and trying to bear with the sympathetic looks of the people around you.My brother was an adrenalin junkie of sorts - he passed away recently. Violently. At high speed. You get the picture.

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Addicted to adrenaline? Well, nothin' bad in that as long as you don't go too far and kill yourself, you know. I hope you are not addicted to HURTING yourself though. The chance to hurt yourself is ok....I think.

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I like the occasional adrenaline rush, but I don't often go out of my way for one :lol:One thing that I want to mention, though, is the future. I have a bad knee courtesy of various sports, military service, et cetera. I walk fine, most of the time anyway, but I'm getting a bit older now and have to really think before I do too many things. If I tweak it the wrong way, well, I get to go in for another surgery.My point is just that, if you're an active person - which is good because our bodies need exercise and adrenaline is not a bad thing in itself - that you all try to take care of yourselves as best you can. Wear protective gear, warm up and cool down...you know...the boring stuff that isn't fun at all. It sounds lame, I know, but you'll appreciate it ten years from now. :D

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Believe it or not, adrenaline is a hormone that's produced by your adrenal glands and gives you a rush or a feeling of elation. Some people call it the "fight or flight" instict, the rush of energy and burst of strength that you get from situations of perceived danger. There are drugs out there try to simulate or trigger the release of this hormone to give you that feeling, like speed and other uppers.

Though it's naturally produced in the body, some people get addicted because they want to have that feeling again. The problem is that the more you do things, like sky diving or base jumping, and survive, your perception of the danger involved decreases. These activities become "safe" in your mind, so your body doesn't release the same amount of adrenaline that it did before. So you try something more dangerous and more daring. And then that becomes "safe." So you're constantly searching for the next thrill which your mind has to perceive as more dangerous than the last thrill.

To be honest, drugs are only poor imitations of the real thing, and it's a slower, more painful death unless you OD. Being an adrenaline junkie by doing extreme sports is a lot more exciting. You might end up slightly injured, a paraplegic, even dead, but you could also live a long and happy life.

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I hear you loud and clear. I love getting scared, and I love extreme sports; though, I do take a little more care. I kneeboard, paintball, ATC ride/fly (yes, fly), and rockclimb (though, with ropes). I have been wishing for nightmares for 10 years. Yes, I love being scared/adreniline, your not alone out there smile.gif.

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Replying 2 someone who knows wot it really feels like

Addicted To Adrenaline


Replying to t3jem I was born with adrenaline rushing through me everyday. I didnt know what it was an said I had epilepsy. As I got older it was the best feeling in the world but I though I was normal no one could hurt my feelings, never wanted 2 get married coz I was happy & no one made me happier. Believe me l went out with a quite a few. THEN they gave me brain sugery. After I wanted 2 kill myself but I had a son 2 bring up. That was 13yrs ago. I'D WOULD GO BACK 2MORO IF I COULD HAVE THAT FEELING OF ADRENALINE BACK. I now have bad fits. But would do anything 2 get that scared feeling back Julie


-reply by Julie

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