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The Price Range For A Typical Hosting

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Today i will be getting a domain and start to look into paid hosts. how much would this plan typically go for, and how much traffic can it hold. 2gb of storage 20gb of monthly transfer

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I stopped researching for other hosting options once I arrived to Xisto - Web Hosting. So forgive me for I am biased ;)Xisto - Web Hosting offers something similar to yours: 2.1GB storage with 33.3GB bandwidth for $3.33 per month. As far as how much traffic it can hold that is up to your visitor numbers. How is your hosting with Xisto and have you been running out of bandwidth monthly? If you are going to transfer over your current Xisto account to something like your paid hosting account, I'm very sure you'll never run out anything. If you are going to divide your account and set up something like a reseller's account then you'll need to think about how to divide accordingly.Either way, one business account or one personal account, 2GB with 20GB bandwidth is more than enough these days. You can utilize various tools, such as off-site image hosting, GZIP or ZEND to minimize your bandwidth usage, so that you don't have to store all at your hosting if you are running out of space ;)

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Thanks BF for that informationNo i am not running out of space or anything it is just i want to host multiple domains under one hosting account, so i am afraid that i will run out bandwidth if i host lets say 3-4 sites getting a fair number of hits per day. I have been looking to Xisto - Web Hosting, the only thing is I am one those people who like comparison shopping, so even though Xisto - Web Hosting is extremely good hosting provider since they are ran by xisto, I still like to keep my eyes open :<)

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If you want a comparison, you can get 1.5GB of space, 20GB bandwidth for ?4.40 per month, but that does not include a MySQL database, and features such as email accounts and subdomains are limited. If you want databases, that'll cost you ?7.92 per month (4GB space, 40GB bandwidth). Another comparison: 500MB of space, 5GB bandwidth with no PHP, MySQL, cPanel or anything like that, plus a limit of 35 email accounts for the price of ?4.69 per month (plus a ?10 setup fee).


Considering US$3.33 is only ?1.69, thats a very good deal. Like you, I like to check out everyone when I buy anything, regardless of who I usually shop with or know. Recently, a good friend of mine was looking to buy some web hosting and I instantly recommended Xisto - Web Hosting as they are the cheapest I have ever seen. He may never use all of the features, but they are still cheapest, even providing all the features they do.

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The problem is ultimately, I am not the one who will decide which hosting I will get. My brother will decide that, so no matter how much sites I give him and how much I tell him how a site is trustworthy, he is the one with the paypal account, not me. Anyway, 3.99 is a good deal. I can easily make that much in my job where I am working on the weekends and afterschool on minimum wage. So I could pay 2 bucks a month and him 2 bucks for hosting. But I heard the 2gb and 30gb tranfer comes with Mysql databases and all of those, similar to trap, if i am correct. But like I said, ulimately the decision isn't in mh hand ;)

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I'm getting into hosting many websites, so I use much space and BW. I chose Acidhost.net when I was looking for a webhost.They provide 5GB of disk space and 50gb of BW(5/50) for 6 dollars a month. It's fairly cheap and they are reliable. Last year they had 100% uptime, this year just a big lower. You can also go for the 3/20 plan, for 3 dollars a month. Check it out.

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