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Your Thoughts On Free Domain Offer! Is this good or bad move?

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You have probably heard that Xisto has new offer for their members. For a small amount of credits they will give you FREE Domain. How much credits? You need to have 280 but domain will cost you 250 credits! Wow, this is 250 days of inactivity on T17.

Well now we are facing possible problem and I don`t know how is this going to be.


The first and probably the only problem: SPAMMERS!


Like every other community T17 has problems with spammers and spam. Spammers are trying to get-hosted-quick by copying content from other sites and pasting it to this forum. Of course this isn`t that much of a problem because we have spam patrol and loyal members who will report spammers.

My opinion; on 50 members you get around 2 who will spam.


People are spamming this board because of few reasons:

1. They want to get hosted here quick!

2. They want to get more credits quick!

3. They want to promote referral program so they are copy-pasting program info.


Like I said this wasn`t big problem until now! I am afraid that we will face a lots of SPAM and nonsense topics like: Which software is better for creating websites!

I bet we have around 200 topics similar to that!

But i think we ll get dozens of members who will try to get their free domain by spamming this boards. as a result we wont be able to track our topics normally without subscription because boards will be full of junk topics.


From big and quite place to bigger and louder place? Will this be good for others who dont need or want domain? will we lose some of the members? i hope not!


I want you to know that i am not against this great offer and i can only say thanks for everything you did for me and for other members. As we have seen this place just keeps getting better and better. I am also entering this contest and i will try to get my domain, but i wont be spamming boards. Quality, not quantity!


What can we do to stop spammers but still keep this offer running?

Report spammers to mods! only possible solution!


Spammers be aware!


Your turn now!

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Well i learn something new every day! i never knew of this offer but considering i think i have around 25O/26O credits already...

I can see where youre coming from about the spammers but its a massive amount of spamming to get that many credits, still i like your advice

What can we do to stop spammers but still keep this offer running?Report spammers to mods! only possible solution!

And what i usually do is if i see a member with only a few posts to their name and they write a long post about quantum physics or something i take a line or two and search that exact line in google, then maybe another line and if i get what seems like a good result i check it out and see if they copied it, that way i know if it really is copied and can report it. I guess i just like to irritate those who irritate me by spamming! And it keeps the forums a better place for all of the good posters.

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well like you said all we can do is report report and report...... spammers will soon learn if you wana get hosting do it fairly.SURE it takes a month or two but who cares? post QUALITY posts and it wont take that long mayb a month or two.

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I've heard about the offer and I too think that this could cause alot of spam on Xisto. There are alot of spammers on Xisto anyway at the moment and they are being reported and delt with quickly because our members and staff of the forum are so efficient. I believe that alot of members on Xisto do not know how the credit system works, that your post count has nothing to do with how many credits you have - it's about the quality of the posts you make and that before you hosting/domain hosting is approved your posts are checked, so spammers are wasting their time anyway.


I like your point about how quality posts might be lost within all of the spam, but we have spam posts at the moment and it's not that much of an issue but I can see the point you have raised.


Anyway I think it's a great move by Xisto and Trap's services are getting better and better by the day. I also think that a free domain is a great selling point for people to sign up and start adding to the community. This means that the more popular Trap becomes more features will be added making it a win - win situation for everyone! :lol:

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People don't seem to know that as soon as their hosting is approved they will start losing credits whereas if they are not yet using hosting they will not lose credits. So I like to take my time before I apply for hosting. So when I DO apply, I'll not only have enough credits to support my hosting for a longer period, but I'll also have contributed more to Xisto before leeching off them :lol: So if spammers continue to desperately post in order to maintain their hosting, they'll lose it sooner or later, either through running out of credits or through getting banned.Oh, and on a side note, how do you get to be part of the Spam Patrol?

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This is a great offer, come on spammers will always be at Xisto no matter what. Xisto took another step with this program, so please do not try and take it down. People who cannot either afford hosting and a domain need trap, and people who are not old enough to get a paypal or credit card can now get a domain, so please guys do not try and ruin this......

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From what I have seen last 6-8 months we have a seen a large decrease in spam posts and topics here in the forums. Or more like a large descrease in obvious spam posts and topics that most everyone remembers about, I would agree we get the random copy and paste and it gets reported. BUt I would think that very old topics in the forums will start to show up so people can get the credits. Although it's not hard to get credits, getting the required credits will take some time even by the most experience poster in the forums.

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People don't seem to know that as soon as their hosting is approved they will start losing credits whereas if they are not yet using hosting they will not lose credits. So I like to take my time before I apply for hosting. So when I DO apply, I'll not only have enough credits to support my hosting for a longer period, but I'll also have contributed more to Xisto before leeching off them :lol:
So if spammers continue to desperately post in order to maintain their hosting, they'll lose it sooner or later, either through running out of credits or through getting banned.

Oh, and on a side note, how do you get to be part of the Spam Patrol?

Smart idea. If you gained say, one credit a day [not likely, just an example], if you went and applied as soon as you had 30 credits, you'd still have the same amount [well, less, actually, from the initial credits taken out for hosting] after a month, whereas if you wait an extra month before applying, you'll have 30 more credits than before, in the same amount of time. I never thought about it that way...that's smart. Now I wish I could do that. =/

About the Spam Patrol - Just find spam posts, copied material from other websites, offensive posts, etc etc, and use the report button to report it to all staff members. If we notice you're really good at finding and reporting spam, we'll consider you for SP. Or in some cases, moderatorship. <3

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If you ask me it's a great idea. but they are going to have some problems with people spaming the board to get hosting credits. I still think that it is to many credits. but thats just my oppion.

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