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Why Change Youre beautiful the way you are

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now for the people that only wanna loose weight because they wanna look pretty bla bla bla

whats the point god didnt bring you on this earth to change because someone dont like how you look

or how act.just be yourself do what you like doing be happy live life as it comes


p.s no offence to people that like to work out


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I agree and disagree. SOME people lose weight because they want to look pretty, but I don't think most people fit under that category. I would say that most people do it because they want to live longer, avoid illnesses, and be overall healthier. The people that do it to look pretty, they have the wrong view on it. It's good that they are losing weight, but if they are doing it for looks, then they have the wrong mindset. But yes, people like other people for who they are.

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I agree and disagree. SOME people lose weight because they want to look pretty, but I don't think most people fit under that category. I would say that most people do it because they want to live longer, avoid illnesses, and be overall healthier. The people that do it to look pretty, they have the wrong view on it. It's good that they are losing weight, but if they are doing it for looks, then they have the wrong mindset. But yes, people like other people for who they are.

I pretty much agree here with husker. I think that's what you were pointing at though as well but I think people lose weight so they are healthier not only for them but for their friends and family and people that depend on them. What I have to say to the people that want to look pretty, go for it if you really think you need to look pretty. As long as you don't hurt your body or yourself in anyway like being anerexic or whatever. To me, it's their life, their body so I'm not gonna interfere unless it harms them.

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now for the people that only wanna loose weight because they wanna look pretty bla bla blawhats the point god didnt bring you on this earth to change because someone dont like how you look
or how act.just be yourself do what you like doing be happy live life as it comes

p.s no offence to people that like to work out

looking good is just a derivative of what people want to achieve when they try to lose weight. there are some that want to impress others, but that's just a part of the gratification that they want to get, probably as a result of their efforts in losing weight. who doesn't want to be acknowledged for the things they've done?

the main goal of those who try to lose weight is, like what the two people before me had said, simply for health reasons. it's only natural for someone who wants to live longer and stay more healthy to be conscious about their weight and how they look. not only that it changes the way they feel deep inside, but also it changes the way people look at them. it's ignorant to say that people should just accept themselves the way they are and don't try to lose weight anymore. basically you're just saying that they shouldn't try to improve for the better.

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yup good points but there are some people out there that take weight loose out of hand and go to extreem lengths to loose yes weight loss it good for you health if you a are a big personbut if you nice and good and healthy why loose more like i lost weight because people use to bully me and i took extreem measures to loose it and now i look back i think why change im me and i shouldnt of changed for nobody

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Although we all should be happy with the way we look but nonetheless, I don't agree with this point of view. A lot of us just want to gain/lose weight to look attractive, its not just because of what others think but this is an opinion of ours. Sometimes we look in the mirror, we feel that we do not have the body size or weight that we desire to look attractive to others. There comes our will to gain/lose weight. Which human does not want to look attractive to the other, it is what we all want, and some of us will go to great heights to achieve this effect, others will not. I have never had the torture of going through huge weight loss because I am not very plump, just acceptable but I keep trying to eat more to gain weight, so that I would look attractive, it is more of something for myself and not for anyone else who doesn't like the way I look.

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While agree on the part that working out to prove to others that you could slim down , might not be the best possible thing one could do,.. I think it might not be the only issue to care about. I think fitness comes first rather than people who could comment on overweight people. So it is a matter of personal fitness , which would make a person work out or not.

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i think that the right to look however you want is an unalienable right of human existance. It is up to you to change anything about your life or in your life that you do not like and this is a right that is universal that nobody can change or take away. You are who you are in your soul, and nothing can change that. You came to the physical world to espress who you are, and that's all. are you someone who is skinny, or fat, or are you someone who dosen't care what they look like on the outside, for they are getting to know the rich treasure that resides within? Or are you someone who rails against society and goes against what soceity tells you it wants? Do you have a chip on your shoulder? Do you listen to what the whole world says and not to what You say? Who do You want to be?

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I want to lose weight for many reasons:1. So my fiance wont leave me for a skinnier girl. Its bad enough that my hair appears to be kinky, and that I have so many stretch marks all over the place! I've even got cellulite (sp?) even though I'm only 18 years old and I weigh 120. He says that I'm beautiful no matter what, but there's always the part of the subconscious that wants a girl as skinny as a pornography star.2. When I weighed 10 pounds less, it was easier for me to go shopping. I went, recently, to get a pink dress since I don't have one and my fiance likes how I look in pink. I took 7 dresses of sizes from 4 to 10 and tried them on. I either looked like a cheap hooker or an overstuffed burrito in them. I wanted to leave after that since I was ashamed of my size. I'm only 5' 2" and I weigh 120, but I'm guessing that's too much. The worst part is, my clothes are getting small (mostly pants) and some are getting holes in them! I refuse to go clothes shopping until I'm size 6 or less. (even my fat pants are tight!)3. I want to be healthy! Sometimes I see with disabilities that were worsened by their weight. The most common problem was knee problems because of weight. I don't want that to be me in 20 years! I want to be able to outrun the neighborhood kids when I'm 90 years old.

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